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  • Keep doing the good work of God, the truth will set us free. I may not agree with everything you say, but your words need to be heard!

  • Manning….like I’ve said for several YEARS now….
    You need to be packing a GUN….
    Pack some ** HEAT ** Pastor Manning.
    No damn way will the NYPD protect you.
    You take your life in your own hands….
    every time you leave the ATLAH Church…
    and go out in public.
    The other option….is to have a *private bodyguard* with you….
    Who also, by the way….needs to be carrying a GUN.
    If you are killed….Pastor….who will replace you ??
    Black Lives Matter…and LGBT…..would KILL you in a minute.
    If they could get away with it.
    Shawn Hannity has to carry a gun….
    I think you need to, as well.
    Best Wishes

  • I can only imagine the attacks you undergone because of the words you speak. If nothing else, you should be protected under freedom of speech. I am a Trump supporter, I am white. But I don’t understand your anger against president Trump. (I emailed you for some clarification on that.) I will pray for you and your safety.