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  • You wrote number 9 not eight. You skipped 8

    Secondly, you are merely repeating the same stuff over and over again each vid. Nothing new as it relates to the church age being over.

    So the fact is Manning. Either you are right or you are wrong! If the church age is over you better find a new way to fund helping Jesus vs a tithe. Or you are wrong. The church age is still on and you can ask people for your tithe.

    Now sit down with me a minute Manning as it appears you got yourself in a bit of a pickle. Either you will be blessed through the tithe as the administrator of a church in the Church age and you be wrong in your interpretation of scripture. Or you be right. And misguided as infact you are not going to get two million from tithe money. Which would you rather? Be right and no money. Or be wrong and your coffers overflow. Let you think of that for a second.

    I tell you that you can have both. Both be right in your doctrine regarding the church age be over and receive the funds needed to protect and guide Atlah.

    Call me and I will show solution.