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  • Obama, Tribulation Trump and Biden all opened the door to the reprobate sodomites. They are sick as hell. The fruits of the spirit of Ahab. Let’s be clear, the spirit of Jezebel truly is a monster, but the first who is to blame is Ahab. If Ahab would have used his authority in the right way, and if he really would have focused on God, then Jezebel never would have had a chance. Jezebel will get what she deserves, but God will hold the leaders responsible in the first place. The sickest of them all is Kamala. The fruits of the spirit of Jezebel! Seducing and blinding. In the first place, Jezebel is called a seducing spirit. She will come with sweet words, saying things that sound reasonable, even close to the truth. This can only be detected when we stay alert, focused on the Holy Spirit, while testing everything. Once she manages to make someone fall for her tricks, she will immediately make this person spiritual blind and deaf for the truth. In other words, even if this person wants to, he is no longer able to see or hear the truth.
    Appointing herself. Jezebel loves to appoint herself. She also loves to use a title in front of her name. Many “Jezebels” call their selves apostle, prophet, teacher, pastor, evangelist or another respectable title. They unrightfully demand acknowledgement of her in the role of that title, in many cases even demanding to be called by that title. However, fact is that only God appoints His servants. A true servant of the Lord will never exalt himself, but only the One Who appointed him. A true servant will not feel the need to use a title, in order to be respected (Gal 1:10).
    Unrightfully gaining authority. Jezebel doesn’t ask, she takes. Bit by bit, or everything at once. She will try to act in roles of authority. When the leaders don’t stop her, what they are supposed to do, then she will gain authority. Again, where she gains authority, she will cause spiritual blindness and deafness. By taking Gods life bit by bit, she brings spiritual death. The church is called to rule the world, not to be ruled by anything or anyone else then the by God appointed leaders of the church.
    Self promoting. Jezebel loves to hear herself talk. She will talk a whole lot, and after that talk a bit more. She feels that only what she says is important, and everyone should listen to her. She will promote herself and what she does. She will talk about what a great relationship she has with God. She will tell that God talks to her all the time. False prophecies are a very common thing. She will not tolerate anyone questioning what she says.
    Refusing to repent. The people who are being controlled by Jezebel, are convinced that they are doing the right thing and that they’re saying all the right words. They justify their deeds and words and therefore refuse to repent.
    Subjecting men. The women who are being controlled by Jezebel, will subject men to their selves. She has the irresistible desire to reign over men, although she might not realize it knowingly. Her acts will show that this is true.
    Worshiping idols. In the previous parts of this study, I mentioned that there are several ways of worship. Anything that takes the first place in your life, anything that takes the place of Jesus in your life, is an idol. So Jezebel simply makes something else the first priority. She doesn’t leave Jesus out, she just takes His rightful first place. A few examples of what can take the place of Jesus are signs, miracles, prayers, prophecies, religion, structures, rules etc. We need distinction to recognize this happening.
    Witchcraft. The sin of witchcraft is a combination of the sins of control, manipulation and intimidation, which are all fruits of pride. Those tools are use commonly by Jezebels. Those fruits are a few of the first fruits that become visible when Jezebel has infiltrated and gained authority.
    Hysterical reaction when exposed. When Jezebel is finally exposed, she will always react hysterical. She never wants to go away quietly. The good thing is, once she is exposed, something can be done. But at the moment she is exposed, and reacting hysterical, she will use all her tools to regain control again.
    Turning facts around. As soon as Jezebel is confronted with her evil works, she will turn everything around and tell you that she is not wrong, but you are. She is very convincing in doing that. In many cases, people around her will believe her. She is known for her behavior of twisting and turning.
    Openly and publicly accusing someone. She will openly and publicly accuse children and servant of God. Not with true accusations, but with her lies and twisted truth. She will make people believe that a person fell for some sort of sin, to justify her own acts. Also in this case she will direct all the attention to herself. However, this is not how the Holy Spirit works. The Holy Spirit convinces of sin. There is only one figure in the Bible who is called “the accuser”. Let me give you a hint: it isn’t God.
    False testimonies. Jezebel will also make others share false testimonies about children and servants of the Lord. First she makes them believe the lies that she made up, then she makes them share the false testimonies. At this moment in time, many servants of the Lord are testified against and falsely accused. Especially in The Netherlands.
    Destroying and killing. The aim of Jezebel is the same as the aim of her master, satan, which is to kill and destroy. Everywhere where she can do her work, she will leave a trail of destruction and death. You will see works in churches and ministries slowly fade, until the destruction is complete and the work is death, leaving behind a lot of hurt people.
    Religious spirit. Jezebel loves to work with her friend, the religious spirit. She will use religious motivations for her accusations, false testimonies and destruction. She will pretend that she did it all in the name of the Lord or that the Lord told her to do so. And yes, she knows the word of God as well and will use it in her own way. In the Bible we can also see that satan tried to use the word of God against Jesus, when He was in the desert.
    Turning people against each other. Not only will Jezebel make people spread her false testimonies, she will also turn people against each other. Now where did we hear that before? Read Matthew 10:21,22.
    The fruits of the spirit of Ahab