We are going to continue our teaching today as we have gone through several phases of Key Servant, the Chosen Few, The Elect, and the First Resurrected.

The title of today’s lesson is called, “A Little Season”, and I will tell you where I get that from as it is biblical.

I made it clear in our last teaching that the door of the elect is not closed. Revelation 3:8. “I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.”

Remember that the door was shut on the five virgins because they were foolish, and then there was the servant that was given one talent that was taken from him, and he was cast into outer darkness.

I am going to be more specific about this in my teaching’s going forward, but the door of the elect will remain open.

If the Lord will continue to let us teach, we are going to ask the question, “Are all of the elect yet alive?”

Elijah is still moving around. Moses is still moving around as well, and we are going to find both again in Revelation chapter 11.

We saw them show up in Matthew 17, and in Mark chapter 9 on the Mount of Transfiguration.

We know that John the Baptizer was beheaded. We know that Peter was crucified. We know that the apostle Paul was killed, but are there people alive that we don’t know about?

I am going to do a teaching on this, but today we are going to do the teaching called “A Little Season”, and once we have been able to digest, we will move forward.

The closer we get to the 1000-year reign of peace, the more we are going to be able to understand what we see.

It’s one thing for me to say it to you now, but you might not be able to see it. It’s another thing to be able to look across into the beautiful 1000-year reign of peace and actually see it.

Elder Ramos reminded me about a teaching we did several months ago about the salvation of the flesh for the elect, because principally, when Jesus said “Thou shalt not taste of death”, He was talking about the demise of the flesh.

So, we are going to be doing all kinds of teachings going forward, so if you don’t understand something, don’t run off, but wait, and maybe a few months from now we will be able to define it clearer for you.

I want to put this out there, so you can understand the Little Season that I am going to be talking about in a moment.

In the 1000-year reign of peace, the flesh will not die, plus, as the elect we will be chosen as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Will our bodies be like the body of Christ Jesus when He walked across planet earth?

When Jesus came, born of a virgin Mary, according to the Law of Moses, His body was subject to death, and He had to “allow” His body to die.

Will we have similar bodies?

Now he has a new kind of a body and he wouldn’t let the woman touch him, but he did allow Thomas to touch Him.

Once we cross over into the 1000-year reign of peace, will our bodies be similar to the body that Jesus lived in?

I’ll explain more about that later, so if you don’t understand it now, don’t run around saying I’ve been blaspheming, but our eye-balls and our hearts and all our organs will be good for a thousand years.

John writes about the new heaven, and the new earth in Revelation 21.

Is there a difference between the two because some people are going to be heaven-bound, and some people are going to be earth-bound?

So, let’s start on the teaching for today.

Revelation 20:1-3. And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand.

And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,

And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.

And there is my subject for today, “A Little Season”.

So, what is a little season?

Satan is going to be locked up for a thousand years, and for those thousand years, you and I are going to be able to live without the presence of Satan, without the presence of Black Lives Matter, without the presence of Obama.

You do know that Obama is the son of Satan, so he and that whole crowd is going with Satan for a thousand years.

Before the advent of Obama, we had it going on, but when the son of Satan came along, everything went to hell.

So, he is going to be gone, and we are going to be live without him for a thousand years, but the bible says he shall be loosed for a little season.

Seasons are usually about a quarter of a year. A little season might mean about 6 or 7 weeks.

There are several questions we have in mind.

1. If you bound the devil for a thousand years, why are you going to let him loose again? You are not offending Jesus by asking that question. You know Satan is not going to change. When he comes out, he will do the same things he did before he was put in there.

There was a time when I covered all the members of the ATLAH church with the open door and with the power of the word of God, and with the elect status, and I continue to say that we are the prophesied people of this modern era.

If Satan is bound for a thousand years, why would Jesus let him out?

There must be some reason Jesus let him out.

Here’s another question, “Will Satan be able to kill anybody?’

I’m not going to be able to answer all the questions here today, because we must look at the bible and study it.

So, let’s say Satan is loosed for 6 weeks, will he be able to kill people during that time? Yes. He is going to be able to do the things he’s already done.

If you look at Revelation chapter 21, you will see that John said he saw the new heaven, and the new earth.

That comes down after Satan is thrown into the bottomless pit, so we have to chronologically put the events in order.

First, we have the tribulation, then at the conclusion of the tribulation in Matthew 24 where the bible says, “Immediately after the tribulation”, the Son of man comes.

And at that point we go through what I am going to call, “the beautiful waterfall.”

And immediately after that the elect will be established, then an angel comes down and binds Satan with a chain and throws him into the bottomless pit.

After that, we will, as the elect, rule and reign with Christ for a thousand years.

Now there will be an interim period where the dead in Christ now that have not taken the mark of the beast or have worshiped the beast will be raised at that first resurrection.

We’re talking about people like John the Baptizer, Paul the apostle, Peter the apostle, Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Abraham, and all the rest of that crowd.

They are going to be raised, and this is not the final resurrection, but this is the first resurrection.

I think I might want to put this in a calendar, for instance, first the angel comes down, binds the devil, and throws him into the bottomless pit. Then Jesus comes down, we go through the beautiful waterfall, and then there is a brief period of a resurrection.

Those of us yet alive will then watch the resurrection of people like John the Baptizer, Paul the apostle, Peter, Moses, Mama Neil, Pastor Stanley, and so on.

We will watch the resurrection of those people.

Once that is all settled, these people will be given white robes, and we will know them distinctively as the white robe people.

And then we will rule and reign with Christ for a thousand years, and I believe that we who did not taste of death will be given a body like the body of the Lord Jesus Christ when He was born.

It’s going to be a joyous time to meet Peter.

Peter, James, and John met Moses and Elijah. That’s what the bible says.

Maybe the thousand years has to do with cleaning and getting ready for the new earth because even after we live on this earth for a thousand years that this earth is going to pass away, and the heaven which Satan was in will pass away, and then there will be a new heaven and a new earth.

Why is Jesus going to let the devil loose for a season, possibly six weeks?

First, we have to check as to what did John see?

John continually says, “I saw and I looked”.

The issue is to discover the order of the things that he saw.

Revelation 20 appears to be where chapter 4 is if you look at it chronologically.

There are a couple of things that you must understand about the bible.

The bible writers, and God is in charge, but there are people who leave certain things out, and they do so under the supervision of Almighty God.

We must understand that all 22 chapters are a vision.

If you’ve ever had a vision, they come quickly and leave quickly.

But out of the vision that I had in 1991, of ATLAH, it has sustained 29 years of teaching, and out of it has grown several ministries on a global scale.

Here in America, the LGBTQ Obama freaks and the Black Lives Matter people, but mainly the LGBTQ, they will not let me have access to humanity. They won’t let us have PayPal accounts, and one word I can be thrown off of Facebook or YouTube. It’s like I’m in China living as a Christian under a communist government.

They tried to take our property, they tried to minimize our voice, and they, the LGBTQ crowd, has spread propaganda against me and has given me the label of a hate preacher and a hate church.

That’s what the Christians in China go through, and that’s why they can relate to the things that I say, because they understand oppression.

What the LGBTQ people are doing to me is what the Communist government does to them, so they understand me clearly.

For me to be here every day is a miracle. It’s a miracle that I haven’t been hauled off to jail or killed.

So, John saw a vision in one day, because he said it was on the Lord’s day, and he wrote down the vision.

Our job now is put his vision into a chronological order.

Why is Satan loose for a little season?


1. Tribulation

2. Angel with the chain

3. The descent of the Lord Jesus Christ

4. We go through the beautiful waterfall into the land of the 1000-year reign of peace

5. The First Resurrection

Revelation 20:7-8: And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,

And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.

What John is now seeing is that after we have had a thousand years of having children, great food, great fellowship, thanking God for Moses and Elijah, beautiful sunsets, no sickness, no tears, and to be able to pet the mane of a lion, and then after that Satan returns.

I believe I will be an elder.

But Satan will be loosed for a little season and he will go out and deceive the nations again.

We will get to how he is ultimately defeated, but I want you to think on this for just a second.

Eternity and God’s word, which I love, you cannot imagine its scope, its depth, its breadth, and you cannot imagine the power of eternity.

Being bound for a thousand years really doesn’t bother Satan because he knows he has eternity. The only thing he fears is the Lake of Fire and he is going to go there for sure.

Eternity looms over everything, and we cannot even imagine.

When you look at eternity, there cannot be an end to creation. There’s got to be thousands upon millions of light years, and you still cannot find the end of our galaxies.

The universe is without end, and God created all of that for us.

There is not a wall that ends eternity, and there should not be a wall that ends life.

There should not be a wall to your potential or to your profession or ability. Your ability should be endless and boundless. Your love and power should have no end. That’s how God created us.

God has chosen some of us, and Satan will be loosed for a little season, and he will kill people, and sow discord.

At the front end of the Bible, we’ve got Moses, who wrote five books.

Then at the back of the Bible, we have John who writes 22 chapters.

Revelation 4:1: After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.

That’s as far as I can go today. If the Lord allows me to, I will pick this back up tomorrow. 

I have prayed for you, and I think you need to know that.

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