The Manning Report Mission Statement

“The pen is mightier than the sword,” and the pulpit that preaches the gospel is mightier than the collective twenty-four hour news media.

I have and will continue to oppose Mr. Obama for Judeo-Christian reasons. He is pure and unadulterated evil and has come to destroy the greatest Christian nation ever. Mr. Obama’s illegal election is far more final in destruction than nuclear weapons in the hands of Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

While I love all God’s people, it is clear and true that the so-called Black Man has got a problem that only God can and will heal. And when we hear the hallowed words of King Solomon in ll Chron. 7:14, we now know that our only help is in the Lord.

I was able to see clearly that Obama was unadulterated evil, and that he was not going to do anything to help Black people; not that he should be a President of Black people only, no one ever thought that, certainly I did not. But the reason why I was able to call out and give so many dead-on accurate prophecies regarding Obama, the Republican Party, the Tea Party, and Fox News is because of my spiritual view of what is happening with Black people. I understand clearly what’s happening, and I’ve spoken with honesty even though I and my speech have been treated as every messenger of God who brings a Word to a generation. It’s a Word which they are unable to receive in as much as they are unable to understand it. I want you to know, I love all God’s people, but Black people have a unique spiritual problem that God can and will solve.

Abraham Lincoln took off the chains, but only Jesus can set the Black man free. The Black man has a problem that neither money nor politicians can solve; now I don’t say this because I hate Black people. Immediately, people who are willing to defend Black people and deny the problems in the Black community will call me names such as the uncles. They do so in a failed attempt to ward off this painful truth that I speak about Black people and their leaders. Let’s be clear, no amount of money will heal Africa, and no Black politician or President in America will heal the African American or the Black man of his ills. We’ve got a problem that God is waiting to solve, and I as His messenger have delivered that Balm in Gilead Word of solution and salvation. We, Black people and all Americans, must repent, call upon our Lord, turn from our wicked ways, and desist from seeking the help of the government or blaming White people for our problems. If and when we do so, Almighty God will heal our land. (II Chron. 7:14)

It wasn’t any wonder that many called Obama “The Messiah” because in reality it will take a Messiah to set the Black man free. However, instead of The Messiah we got the “Son of Satan” in Obama.

America and American Christianity has burned The Old Testament and marinated The New Testament with sugar and spice, and a heaping helping of political correctness.

It is in the midst of these truths that I, James David Manning, have been called to preach. I am sent with love in my heart and fire on my tongue.

I say all of what I have just said that I might ask you to understand my reason for preaching and speaking as I do, and I seek your prayerful support.

Again, as Martin Luther, the German monk said as he stood before the Diet of Worms, after finding great fault in the then Catholic Church, its practices of indulgences, and the absence of spirituality in its’ Popes. Martin Luther said, “I must always be guided by scripture. That which I have said regarding The Church remains; here I stand. God help me; I can do no other.”

That which I, James David Manning, have said about the political structure here in America, that which I have said about the problems with the Black man in America, and the truth I have spoken about The Church, I have been guided by scripture and will always be guided by scripture.

I am not a Democrat, I am not a Republican, I am not an alleged so-called Black man or African American, I am a Christian and it is the scripture not the bribes of men, or the accolades of those in power that promotes and prompts my speaking or my actions. I must obey the Word of God.

Will you pray with me? Will you ask God to help you to understand? I can do no other than to speak on His behalf.

I am James David Manning and this is The Mission Statement of The Manning Report, The ATLAH World Mission Church, and all its auxiliaries.