Revelation 22:13: I am alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

Jesus says that He is the beginning.

John 1:1: In the beginning (alpha) was the Word (logos), and the Word (logos) was with God (Theos), and the Word (logos) was God (Theos).

Remember we are doing a systematic Bible study because we want to make sure we are ready to enter the 1000-year reign on peace.

We must get ready to be the inhabitants of planet earth during the 1000-year reign of peace after the Tribulation has run its course.

Jesus is the one that said, “Let there be light”.

Jesus is the spokesperson for God.

Let’s look back 2000 years and find ourselves in the life and time of Jesus.

This Saturday, during worship, I am going to be revealing who the barren woman is that gives birth.

We have been teaching now the “Women come help me complete this work”, the way that Jesus asked the woman at the well to give him a drink.

Jesus said in Matthew 10:40-42 that if you give a prophet a cup of water, you will receive a reward.

And the reward for coming to help me to build the vision of 50,000 righteous men will be to marry a righteous man with the same fire as a 16-year-old getting married.

We want to see Jesus in the Alpha Garden (The Garden of Eden) and the Omega Garden (The Garden of Gethsemane).

The Garden of Gethsemane is where Jesus prayed in Matthew 26:39: …O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt.

That’s also where Jesus was arrested.

So, the Alpha Garden is the Garden of Eden and the Omega Garden is the Garden of Gethsemane.

Let’s look back into our spiritual telescope to 32 ADS and we can track Jesus and watch the things He does.

So, let’s spend a few days with Jesus.

John 1:14: And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

In other words, God the Word became flesh, born of a virgin and dwelt among us.

So, Jesus is the word of God in the flesh.

Remember John said in the beginning was the word, and Jesus said He is the beginning and the end.

If Jesus is the word, then if we cut off part of the word, we cut off part of Jesus.

To have Jesus in totality we must have the whole word.

The next thing we want to look at, there is a central theme of the Bible, and most people are fascinated with miracles.

Miracles are the interruption of the natural order by a divine decree.

The Red Sea, the water naturally flows and occupies the bay of the Red sea, right? A miracle becomes an interruption of that natural flow, like when Moses lifted his rod and the natural flow of the water parted.

That was a miracle.

Moose of the miracles that Jesus performed were not so much a decree against a natural order, but they were more a divine decree against a curse.

For instance, the man with the withered hand. That’s not natural.

So, when Jesus told the man to stretch forth thy hand, that was a removal of an unnatural order which was caused by a curse or a sickness.

Jesus walking on the water was a miracle and more profoundly Peter walking on the water was a miracle over the natural order of things.

That was big time stuff because people cannot normally walk on water.

A lot of the powers that we find in terms of the interruption of the natural order will be bestowed on us in the 1000-year reign of peace.

And so, it is important that we study those things now as we get ready to go out into the world that will have no death in it.

We need to start thinking about eternal life and that death is a curse.

Death is just a curse because it cannot pro-create itself.

Death will not hold you, that’s why some people will go into the Lake of Fire to finally be destroyed.

And when we look at the little season in Revelation 20:3, where the devil shall be loosed for a little season, is the same thing for death, it has also been loosed for a little season.

Death must be thrown into the Lake of Fire.

Probably the greatest miracle is the Resurrection.

Remember we were discussing the hodge-podge of religion.

I’ve read and studied the Bible, and nowhere in the travels of Jesus, do we find him interacting with the established religious order.

We do find him in the temple at 12 years of age, but for the most part we never find Jesus agreeing with any of the religious leaders of His day.

We just don’t find it.

Micah, Hezekiah, Jeremiah, Isaiah, and all the rest of the prophets, also did not agree with any of the religious orders of their day.

That is why I rail against the religious order of our day.

Matthew 23, Jesus never hung out with them, never preached for them, and was never invited into one of their religious groups, but He called them liars, hypocrites, snakes, sons of snakes, blind, fools, etc.

We are talking about the big time religious leaders of Jesus day.

He said they were all blind and they were all fools.

Read Matthew 23.

And that’s how I feel about the religious leaders of my day.

Many of the Pharisees didn’t believe in the Resurrection but they believed in reincarnation.

Luke 20:27: Then came to him certain of the Sadducees, which deny that there is any resurrection…

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