Revelation 22:13: “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.”

John 1:1: “In the beginning (Alpha) was the Word (Logos), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God (Theo).”

Planet Earth is on Death Row Part 3

When you’ve got God’s word, you’ve got more than enough.

Generally, we would not think about the Book of Revelation being a book that promotes healing if you’re sick and prosperity if you are wanting.

These are the two attractions of Christianity today.

The Book of Revelation does not have a lot of traffic from most preachers regarding healing and prosperity because it doesn’t satisfy their ends, but what we must remember is that it may not satisfy the desires of the preacher, but is that what God wants preached?

What does the Lord God Almighty want preach, and what is profitable for Jesus?

Understand that any word of God is profitable both for healing and for blessing you.

Also, we should want to serve God’s purpose, and not the purpose of a preacher, ministry, or denomination.

Remember that most prophets are not popular because they preach the things that God wants preached, and not what is popular among the masses of people.

This is the way it has always been.

If you become extraordinarily popular, that means that you cannot be preaching God’s word. I think we all need to think about that. Read the Bible and look at the lives of the prophets.

So, you can pretty much judge a church as to whether it is preaching in accordance to Almighty God, or whether it is preaching in accordance with Satan and his kingdom.

Planet earth is now on death row.

Death itself it a curse, not a creation.

So, is hell and death justified?

When God cursed Adam and Eve with death, was it justified?

Is a death sentence justified in the United States of America for anything a person might do?

Is capital punishment or is death justified?

Was death justified for Eve after eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?

Also, were the curse upon Eve with the child bearing pain justified?

Was the curse upon Adam that he was going to have to earn his living by the sweat of his brow justified?

Does the punishment fit the crime?

Is hell justified?

Some people on earth are sentenced to death for their crimes, then after their death they must go to hell. Is that justified?

Do you understand that if you are not a member of the elect that you are going to die?

What is important to you?

When we examine the Bible, we don’t find popular preachers like Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen, T.D. Jakes, Creflo Dollar, or any of the rest of them. There are no popular prophets of God, and you cannot find them in the Bible.

The devil told Eve if you’ll come to my church, I will give you the knowledge of good and evil. He asked her to eat of the bread he was serving in his church.

Nobody said that a person would not be edified in one of those churches, but that’s the same old trick that the devil used on Eve.

The devil will make you feel good when he plays the music, or the preacher preaches, but that is not God’s plan and it is satanic worship.

Remember when Jesus was in the wilderness, the devil used scripture to tempt him. The same with false prophets of our day. But everyone in the Bible preached messages that were unpopular with the masses.

The messages were so unpopular that the people wanted to kill them just to shut them up. Read your Bibles.

So, if a person is a true prophet of God, the masses will hate you, and people will not be trying to cuddle up to you.

Hebrews 4:12: For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Oprah Winfrey went to see T.D. Jakes, but things like that do not happen in any of the 66 of the Bible.

So, should God have pronounced death upon us, and was it justified?

Death is one thing, then some people will go to hell.

Is sickness and other curses justified?

If I am preaching God’s word, all of God’s word is good.

And when you’ve got God’s word, you’ve got healing and blessings.

John 18:36: Jesus answered, my kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.

Jesus tells us that earth is not his kingdom.

His kingdom is coming, but Paris, London, Seattle, Houston, Dallas, East Texas, Oklahoma, Washington D.C., etc., is not God’s kingdom, it is Satan’s kingdom.

We need to be clear about that.

We are not living in a place that is righteous or even where Jesus is glorified. We are not in heaven on earth.

This world belongs to the devil, and most of the people leading it serves the devil and not Jesus.

And most of the citizens in this kingdom are also serving the devil.

I know that many of you are very sensitive because you think that the church organization you go to represents the Lord, but this is not God’s kingdom.

The Pope has just issued some decree that same-sex marriages should be honored, and that the church has fully embraced it.

Well, Pope Francis, you are late because other churches have already performed same-sex marriages.

And they started under Barack Hussein Obama.

Can you imagine a same-sex couple getting married in the Vatican?

Well, you know that there will be no same-sex marriages performed in a true church of God because it goes against his word.

This is Satan’s kingdom.

Jesus controls eternity, but all this stuff in-between, that’s another story.

Jesus controls eternity, and Satan controls the now.

Jesus controls the spirit world, and Satan controls the flesh world.

These are obvious things; however, Satan doesn’t want this broken down.

God chose me because I’m a teacher and I can make it plain.

The devil doesn’t want you listening to me because I am a teacher.

Them Southern Baptists do not like me and it’s hard to leave, and most of you are not going to leave.

What do you know about the tribulation?

You know that God is going to kill off most people, but is that justified?

If you are very sensitive, you feel you owe allegiance to your own sense of weakness to your flesh.

And you will be judged and thrown into the lake of fire.

Remember the parable about the talents.

The one with one talent, didn’t do anything with his. And if you are hearing me, but not adhering to the word I preach, then Jesus will judge you and throw you into the lake of fire.

What about the ten virgins who waited on the Bridegroom?

Five of those virgins sat around listened to Joyce Meyer, but the other five filled their lamps with the truth.

Then here comes the groom, and the five who weren’t tithing and were listening to Joyce Meyer were not let in to be with Jesus.

Jesus told them that he does not know them.

You know you are getting closer to your death and you need to decide for eternity.

Your decisions ought to be about eternity, not temporal, but that’s another teaching for another time.

Jesus said that there is a bunch of false prophets coming.

Matthew 24:5: For many will come in My name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.

I’m going to be your judge in eternity.

Revelation 20:4: Then I saw the thrones, and those seated on them had been given authority to judge.

Yes, I believe I am a member of the elect, but those that worship the devil don’t believe that.

But you need to start planning to live for eternity and not for now.

There is a hell, a judgment, and a lake of fire, and there is only one pattern in this Bible where people go.

They either go temporarily to hell, then to the lake of fire, or they go to the Bosom of Abraham, and then to heaven.

Satan controls America, and every other city on the planet.

God set up the nation of Israel because he wanted a people that would worship him and not have anything to do with anybody else, and they were Jews.

We are getting ready to go into the 1000-year reign of peace, and there will be no sickness, or death for a thousand years, and the Lord has me teaching this to people.

You may get ready to go to church on Sunday morning, but I’m trying to get you ready for eternity and for the 1000-year reign of peace.

Imagine all the people whose baby suffered for their sins during Noah’s Ark.

Yes, absolutely God is justified in everything he does.

He is justified in killing people and in sending people to hell.

Get right with God now. Tithe now. Listen to Dr. Manning now.

Everyone will be killed except for the elect, this includes babies and the elderly.

Babies didn’t commit any sins, but they will pay with their lives for the sins of their parents.

Don’t judge God. He is justified in everything he does.

You may get ready to listen to Joel Osteen, but I’m getting people ready for something different, the 1000-year reign of peace.

And I know that most of you will not change.

After people hear this message, but still get ready to go to church on Sunday because you want to dance and sing and feel good, then when God sends them to hell, yes, it will be justified.

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