Revelation 22:13: “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.”

That is the declaration of the Almighty.

When you can say I am the beginning and I am the end, that is something else!

Imagine being able to declare that.

We are now looking at the 1000-year reign of peace.

We are in the tribulation whether you agree with that or not.

230,000 people dead from the Corona Virus.

The Corona Virus is real and it’s not from China, it’s from heaven.

The world is being bombarded with it, but I want to steer you away from thinking about death.

You still need to protect yourself from the Corona Virus, but Job said, “the very thing that I feared has come upon me.”

I want you to stop thinking about death.

All we hear on television is about death and then we also hear about the confusing political state we are in.

I want you to start planning to live and stop planning to die because in many ways, thinking is planning.

Everywhere you look now people are talking about death.

The news is filled about reports about death and they are watching the death toll.

Here comes a preacher during the Corona Virus and he’s talking about living to see the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I am not dismissing it, but here I am offering a counter-argument that is more powerful than the Corona Virus.

I am preaching life without death to see the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Once the Corona virus has passed, this same preacher will be preaching about life.

Even in the famines and the plagues, I will still be preaching life.

The devil wants you to focus on death and not life.

All I am doing is going along with the Holy Ghost.

People can laugh at me, but it is well with my soul.

You must trust me.

All this talk about death, somebody needs to be talking about life.

When you have life, you are a bad mamma jamma.

Recently I’ve been having people write long chapters out of the Bible.

When I assign you write scriptures, then you are occupied with the word of God.

I am going to start telling you to write again on Wednesday nights, so come to the prayer meetings on Wednesday nights.

Write the scriptures down on a piece of paper and keep your focus on the Lord.

And start planning on living rather than dying.

Do you know why young people are not catching the Corona Virus as often as older people? Because they are not sitting around thinking about dying. They are thinking about living.

All the talk about death needs a counter-response from Jesus, and he has asserted Matthew’s gospel chapter 16:28:

Verily I say unto you, there be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.

I have been preaching that I am going to see the Lord Jesus Christ and I shall not taste of death.

I want you to focus on living and not death, to live and never taste of death to see his return.

Everywhere we look there are people with a mask on.

I am not refuting the mask, but God has given me a message of life and not death.

Write the scriptures and let your mind be tied up with God.

If you are sick, let your confession be that you are healed that you might go into the 1000-year reign of peace.

Your faith will heal your body.

Have strong faith and don’t be afraid.

Nourish your body and your mind with the word of God.

Apply for discipleship with the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Some people need to just start trusting God.

I don’t care the doctor says, your faith can heal you.

Start thinking about being healed.

I will see the Lord Jesus Christ and I will not see death.

I have been saying to trust in the Lord for 14 years now on this program.

I could say a lot of things, but that is what I have been saying.

Jesus made the greatest declaration ever when he said, “I am the first and the last.”

You need to believe God to heal every ounce of your body.

You need to believe that you are going to be alive to see the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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