Revelation 22:13: “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.”

There are many deaths taking place in the world today.

The fact that the fires of California have burned the trees and they are no longer rooting water from the ground.

Then there is the beauty of the Sierra Mountains that runs down the east coast of California and there could be great earthquakes to come in the next couple of years, but we’ll get back to that.

The death march has been gripping everyone, even little children.

At the same time, God has been using me.

Death is in the air with the Corona Virus.

And it’s everywhere. It’s not in just one or two places.

In the midst of this death march, I have been preaching life, this unusual source and idea of life.

Matthew 16:28: Verily I say unto you, there shall be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.

Is it just a coincidence that I started teaching this back in 2018?

I am preaching the antidote for the Corona Virus.

Did you pray like I asked you to?

Praise God for those who prayed.

If the Lord has got me positioned prophetically to teach Matthew 16:28 in the midst of the Corona Virus, wouldn’t that be a major event and a glorious thing?

It would be an uplift of humanity to know that God planned this from the foundation of the world.

You may not believe that God chose me from the foundation of the world, then you think it is just a coincidence.

There are no coincidences with God.

Even if it is a coincidence, it does not take God by surprise.

There is a global pandemic and the vaccine is Matthew’s gospel, chapter 16, verse 28.

But not everyone will receive the vaccine.

God must’ve put it there to protect us, but not everyone will get the vaccine.

It’s important for us to spend some time in prayer with Almighty God and we need to ask him what’s up with pastor Manning and the teaching that Matthew 16:28 is the vaccine for the Corona Virus.

But this is just for the elect, but not everyone will receive it.

They don’t trust the vaccine. They do not trust the spiritual vaccine that Almighty God, and his name is Jesus, has provided for us.

People will reject the Matthew 16 vaccine.

How important it is to be connected to ATLAH if God has chosen us to be the dispensary of the Corona Virus vaccine.

Is it possible that God is using ATLAH in such a tremendous way to be preaching life in the midst of death?

You need to pray about that.

You don’t have to believe that God chose me from the foundation of the world.

I know you want to get on board with ATLAH, but you are afraid you will die, and people will laugh at you.

That is not uncommon to think that you will die because the devil still comes at us, but we must meet the devil with the trust in the Lord.

No one will be laughing at anything.

I’m giving you weapons to believe in the Matthew 16:28 vaccine, if God has called you.

If God has not called you then go on about your business.

Somebody is going to be in the 1000-year reign of peace, so it might as well be you.

While the news media is preaching death, I, James David Manning, am preaching life.

Everyone is talking about death, but I am talking about life.

Are there any other preachers on this planet that is preaching the tribulation and Matthew 16:28? If so, please contact me so that I can anoint you.

Also, I want to call the 7000 people that have not bowed their knee to the LGBTQ, or to the Republican Party, or the Democrat Party, or to BLM or the White Supremacy.

I am calling you. Let me anoint you.

Am I the only preacher that is preaching life?

Think about that.

I don’t know of any other preachers.

Millions of people are being affected by the Corona Virus but how many people are being affected by the vaccine?

Even if it is a coincidence, it is still a wonderful thing.

I am teaching life, and I am teaching that you shall not taste death.

James David Manning is preaching the vaccine to the Corona Virus.

Why isn’t Franklin Graham preaching it? Or Joel Osteen?

You ought to ask yourself those questions.

It is not coincidental, it is prophetic.

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