Revelation 22:13: “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.”

Jesus said he is the beginning. He didn’t just come into life on Christmas Day in Bethlehem.

One of the things about the tribulation is that most people will not understand or know that they are in the midst of a move of God, and that is why prophets are never popular.

Prophets speak to the actuality movements of God, and the average human mind does not comprehend that we’re in the midst of a movement of God.

Prophets are seldom appreciated.

When the children of Israel were out in the middle of the wilderness, and God was giving them manna from heaven, and water from a rock, cloud by day, and a pillar of fire by night, they did not realize they were in the midst of a mighty move of God.

It is only with hindsight that most humans can understand.

The Corona Virus is here because of the tribulation.

If you breathe the Corona Virus, you can get sick.

You can breathe and die.

There’s not one person on planet earth that has not heard about the Corona Virus.

It is, perhaps, the most pronounced disease on planet earth right now.

Every person has been advised of Corona Virus.

This will be one of the saddest, darkest Christmas seasons ever.

People are going to die per day unless measures are taken.

If there is a whole lot of getting together on Thanksgiving, you are going to see many people die.

If you look around the ministry scene, you’ll notice that the only person preaching that Matthew’s gospel chapter 16:28 is the vaccine for Covid.

“Verily I say unto you, there shall be some standing here which shall not taste of death until they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.”

Everyone else is preaching that your best day is coming tomorrow.

I am asking people to pray to God to ask him if I am the real deal.

While the whole world is observing death, I am preaching life.

Maybe Joel or Franklin is your favorite, so you are into religion, but you’re not into righteousness.

Ask God is he is using me? Ask God is I am the only one with a word in my mouth preaching the antibody of Matthew 16:28.

No matter where someone lives, they have heard about Covid19, but what they haven’t heard is that Matthew 16:28 is the vaccine for Covid19.

Remember that Moses had called for the death of every firstborn son, and they all died. It was a horror to live through. Even Pharaoh’s son died, so he sent his army to get Moses. That is when the Red Sea opened.

For anyone to say that they will go ahead and unite with ATLAH and pastor Manning on being the elect, this is the same as walking through the Red Sea on dry ground.

Death is coming waiting to take you down but make the commitment that you are going with ATLAH.

I’ve asked you to pray about this.

We are living in a serious time right now, and everyone knows about the Corona Virus, but they don’t know about Matthew 16:28.

Are you going to pray?

The question remains if we have been blinded by the tribulation to know that we are in the tribulation.

Is it true that God is using myself and the ATLAH people during this tribulation?

Don’t doubt like the people did during the days of Moses and during the days of Noah.

Noah kept telling people that God was going to kill them all, but no one would believe him.

If you look at me and say, “God is not using James David Manning”, then you would be in a popular group, but not a blessed group.

People could have been saved because there was room on that boat.

People are worrying about Corona Virus and are you going to die.

It is stressful and a great concern.

Then we have this joke of a presidential election coming up.

God has instructed me to tell you to stop worrying.

He also told me to give you some advice on how to keep your mind focused.

Isaiah 26:3: Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusted in thee.

My direction to you is to write the holy scriptures.

II Kings 1:1-18 is what I want you to write.

Write one chapter at a time per day.

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