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  • You need to get acquainted with the new Gangsta Rap extolling shooting at random….It primarily
    by Blacks…It is what it is…

  • 100% RIGHT….. Pastor Manning.
    Floyd was a *drug addict*….and…. a *drug dealer*.
    BLM and ANTIFA are crazy.
    Encouraged by the Democrats and Joe Biden…who, by the way….
    gets his marching ORDERS directly from Barack Obama.
    Biden is on the phone every day….talking with Obama.
    ( Barack Obama 2.0 )
    It’s really Barack Obama who is running the country.
    Not Joe Biden.

  • If Almighty God thought George Floyd did not deserve to die the way he died, he would have been alive. After years of being a career criminal and committing crimes as horrendous as holding a gun to a pregnant woman’s belly while invading her home under false pretenses, why did George Floy not deserve to die the way he did? What humans make those decisions.