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  • I can’t help but believe you miss the point of what trump was & is. Trump is an insider, has been an insider from the get go – just like the Clinton’s, the bush sr/jr, just like Obama. They all work together to enslave masses & line their own pockets – as does any criminal organization. Our government is an organized crime syndicate. Furthermore you do a disservice to people of the South – We are Black White, Asian, Hispanic, we inter-marry & could care less about what the package is, rather whats inside. I am a white man from Texas. I have never once resented my government for paying anybody’s “sex bill” as you call it. I do resent the fact that all of our politicians (who most, by text book definition are paid communist agents of an enemy of our country, our way of life) whether pretending to be Republican or Democrat are exactly the same. They are a fraud and an enemy of Our Republic. When you called out trump’s lies to you & the other pastors, I hoped it wasn’t a harbinger of things to come, but his treachery proved you right. I hope we the people will figure out there ain’t any political saviors interested in saving US, our country, our children’s future or anything else that doesn’t make a buck for Their own worthless a$$es. We can only take our homes, our cities, our counties and the hopefully our States back. God bless you pastor Manning