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  • EXCELLENT commentary…..Pastor Manning.
    Remember…. Barack Obama is NOT Black.
    His mama was a young White girl…..a 15 year old young little *floozy*.
    Obama was sent here from Hell.
    Obama has done NOTHING to help Black people….
    And now…..he lives like a KING….off the American taxpayer.
    He has several private homes (estates)….
    In the most EXPENSIVE, exclusive neighborhoods in the country.
    All PAID FOR…..by his RICH Democrat Liberal donors.
    He is presently finishing construction of a new $15M compound in Hawaii.
    His homes never cost him one penny….NOT ONE PENNY.
    His DONORS probably also pay his *property taxes*….
    and for the *maintenance & upkeep*– which is very expensive.
    Bad part is…..Obama is the one who is running the country.
    NOT….Joe Biden.
    It’s also Obama’s Plan to OPEN the Southern Border…..
    Because he knows the illegals will vote DEMOCRAT.
    Obama’s Master Plan…..is to destroy America…..
    and convert it to COMMUNISM.