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  • Manning…..of course you know that Obama is a MUSLIM…. born in Kenya, Africa.
    Of course you know that…..Obama is GAY.
    Of course you know that…..Obama is a COMMUNIST….who was taught by his REAL father,
    Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist from Chicago – who moved to Hawaii to become the
    head of the Communist Party in Hawaii.
    Of course you know that Obama is not Black.
    His mamma was not Harriett Tubman….or Coretta Scott King….or… Barbara Jordan.
    His mamma was a 15 year old….. White *floosie*.
    Of course you know that….. Obama is married to a MAN ( a transsexual ).
    Michelle Obama’s REAL name is Michael Robinson.
    It was Barack Obama who had Joan Rivers killed…. for outing Michelle as a TRANNY.
    And…. of course you know that Barack Obama is the one running the country….. not Joe Biden.
    Biden gets his orders directly from Obama.
    The OPEN Southern Border is all Barack Obama’s idea….to bring in NEW Democrat voters.
    Put all the illegals on WELFARE…. and they all become DEMOCRAT VOTERS.
    Of course you know that….. all of Obama’s expensive homes were PAID for by his rich donors.
    Obama owns 3 expensive properties : Martha’s Vineyard…. Washington DC… and in Hawaii.
    ALL PAID FOR….. BY HIS RICH DEMOCRAT FRIENDS (They even pay his property taxes).
    So Pastor Manning…..when you tell your viewers about Obama….. tell the whole story.