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  • Your right. Thanks Pastor Manning. The Elect is not democracy as that crazy cracker told you.

    For the simulation I am working on it is a counter. Merely an upvote or an election when one witnesses a citizen behaving as Jesus. The first stage of this age city which I am now designing is one is only cleansing. Rightousness. Only observations of rightousness can be recorded in the rightous registure. Guests can not upvote. Only citizens. The second stage is not democracy either. But when one has reached the bench make to go through the east gate they pass by the halls of records in the gate. When they pass through to level two of the simulation they become the elect. They have the power to record down votes. Thus the counter has an up and a down. Judgment. As you call it. Level three of the simulation is mediation and forgetting by bathing in the river of joy in the Holy Spirit and receiving mediation to remove down votes. Level four is judges. Level five is the boom of life and partaking of the fruits. That crazy cracker telling you it is democracy. Crazy cracker. He needs to listen to Manning in his app design. Heck he needs to humble himself and ask Manning to be part of it. Don’t he? And if Manning don’t respond to him he needs to stay out of the gate in the burbs with the guests and be with the dogs. He needs to quit writing Manning as obvsiously he is a crazy cracker and not worthy of Atlah.