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  • Rev. Manning the BLM movement and all the organizations associated with them are fronts for the Communist Party here in our great country. You are correct sir in saying we are at war. What you and Larry Elder say are what every black person in this country needs to here. I applaud you and every black person that stands up and tells the truth.
    God bless you in your ministry. As a fellow christian I will pray for all of you and all black
    people. Yes I am white, but I embrace all my christian brothers and sisters regardless of
    the color of their skin. Praise the Lord for His mercy on America, but His judgement on
    us as a nation is coming if we don’t turn back to Him!

  • I have heard Dr. Manning educate groups before and respect his wisdom greatly. Is there a transcript of his Chip on the Shoulders of Blacks video? I would have emailed this directly but could find no email address on your website. You should have one.

    Blessings dear Brothers in Christ.