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  • just saw your video. people MUST KNOW, its NOT about the color, OR the race,, its about THE BEHAVIOR. hats off to your preacher, you have the balls to tell it like it is, and you are 110% right. keep up the good work, we ALL have to come to the table to fix america.

  • Remember when Tribulation Trump said, “We’re going to win so much that you’re going to be sick and tired. You’re going to say, ‘Please, please, Mr. President, we’re sick and tired of winning. Please let us have at least one loss. It’s no longer exciting to win.’ And I’m going to say, ‘No way, we’re going to keep winning, and I don’t care if you like it or not.’” Laura Ingraham and the rest of her White Supremacist friends had it better under President Obama. Under Trump the White Supremacists are enraged that the young White kids are a big part of the new phase of the Civil Rights movement. Under Trump the White Supremacists are upset that their favorite Confederate Monuments and Confederates statues are coming down. Under Trump they are mad that the Mississippians got rid of the Confederate emblem on their state flag. Under Trump they are mad that they can’t fly the rebel flag at their NASCAR races. They are mad that Karens and Kens are finally being prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. They are mad that schools and other things named after Confederates/slave owners are being renamed. If this is what winning looks like under Trump for White Supremacists then they probably rather go back to losing under President Obama. If the White Supremacists want to get rid of BLM and the movement then elect Vice President Biden (White Liberal). After two years of Biden in office, BLM and the “movement” will go the same way as the Tea Party did under Trump. White Liberals historically have been expert at putting the kibosh on Black folk coming together and solving their own problems. Just saying!