The subject matter of the Mount of Transfiguration.

I just can’t get passed this subject.

Now what we are discovering is kind of a Levitical structure that Jesus

is establishing distinguishable groups.

There was a group that went up to the Mount of Transfiguration in Matthew’s gospel chapter 17 verse 1 and following, and in Mark’s gospel chapter 9 verse 2 and following.

Those 3 were set aside out of the 12 disciples and they will be forever be memorialized for attending the conference of the greatest biblical, spiritual, and religious God-meeting ever on planet earth.

I am speaking of Peter, James, and John upon the Mount of Transfiguration and they met with Moses and Elijah. This is in Matthew’s gospel chapter 17 verses 1 and following.

And there has never been an event like this on planet earth. Never.

But Peter, James, and John were not the totality of the disciples or the church, but the 3 were selected to go up and then they were told by Jesus not to tell the other 9 what they witnessed while they were on the Mount of Transfiguration.

So not only was a distinguishable group established, but there was a secret society also established and I find it interesting that Peter, James or John does not speak a lot about the event until later after the resurrection of Christ which they were then at liberty to discuss.

But I find it interesting that Jesus does distinguish groups and in Matthew’s gospel chapter 13:15, He says to them regarding the parable of the wheat and the sower that it is not given to many people to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God.

Jesus does put together a group of people that are higher elevated than other people, so we have to know that this is a paradigm to the very day in which we now find ourselves.

Yesterday we put together 3 groups:

1. The Elect

2. The Key Keepers

3. The Chosen

and then we discovered another group:

4. The First Resurrection

And we are going to take a little bit closer look at this group today.

I went to the prayer closet this morning and I am not completely satisfied that I have fully exhausted the question with you regarding whether or not you have been chosen or not.

We went through two years of who’s the Elect and who’s not the Elect, and I approach that subject very cautiously. I don’t have the power to make you one of the Elect, but I went through my own concerns, and I have come to the conclusion now, after going through the scriptures, that those that understand what I am saying are validated as the Elect because you understand what I’m expressing and those that reject what I’m expressing, they reject because they are not the Elect.

That was the final way in which we concluded that most of those that listen to me are part of the Elect. But we spent two years on that since 2018.

What I want to do now of course, if you are part of the Elect, then obviously you are part of the Chosen, but you may not be chosen to be a part of the ones chosen to a higher calling or anointing. I don’t know, but I do want to look at what Jesus said in Matthew’s gospel Chapter 22:14, that many are called but few are chosen.

And we know that the disciples that went up on the Mountain were chosen and the ones that stayed in the valley were not chosen.

We know that the Apostle Paul in Acts chapter 9 was chosen to establish the churches as he did.

But I still want to pursue the issue about why have you been chosen?

I know that I have been chosen. I know that I have been chosen to be an Elder, in fact, I’ve been chosen to not only be in this kingdom, and we want to distinguish that this is not God’s kingdom. 

Where we are at right now, this is not God’s kingdom. This doesn’t belong to God but it belongs to the devil, except for what God has now established in ATLAH.

But He has chosen me to manifest in this kingdom and also in the kingdom to come, and we will get to that in Revelation chapter 22.

We will have a new heaven and a new earth, but I know I’ve been chosen and there isn’t any doubt about that. There is just no way I could exist were I not chosen. There is no way that I could exist with simple salvation meaning if I were just simply “saved”, and baptized.

I am not saying this because I want to be boastful, but I am saying it because I want you to discover for yourself.

I told you about my being back in the back forty at 9 years old with a 3000-pound mule hooked up to a plow by myself. And if anybody knows what it takes to hold a plow, I was barely tall enough to hold onto the handles of that bad boy and the plow goes down into the earth about 7 or 8 inches and it plows up the earth and though the mule is pulling it, you’ve got to keep the plow down into the earth. So I am 9 years old and I am plowing and the Lord speaks to me. I will never forget it.

But I want you to be specific and clear as to why the Lord has chosen you. I am convinced that many of the people that the world has rejected, God, His name is Jesus, has chosen.

If the world has rejected you, it’s not a sure fire thing that the Lord has chosen you, but it’s a pretty good start.

I was never rejected by the world. Never.

What are your qualifications to serve in this period and time?

John 18:36, this is not God’s kingdom because God’s kingdom is coming. He says in Matthew 16:28, Some standing here shall not taste of death until they see the Son of man coming in His kingdom.

But right now, New York, Paris, Berlin, this is not God’s kingdom. It just isn’t. But He said His kingdom is coming.

I am telling you right now that America or Russia or Paris or wherever, is not God’s kingdom. South America, North America, Europe, or Roe, this is not God’s kingdom. ALL OF THIS BELONGS TO THE DEVIL. Except a little part and that’s why God established Israel. And that’s why He has established ATLAH.

But this is not God’s kingdom. America is not God’s kingdom.

But what are your qualifications to serve now? And to serve in this kingdom and then to serve in the kingdom to come when there is a 1000-year reign of peace?

We shall be priests with Christ, and we shall rule and reign with Him for 1000 years.

What are your qualifications?

You’ve been chosen, but why? What is it about you that God saw that caused Him to choose you?

I teach the word of God. It’s not harsh. I’m going to teach a sermon on why I teach the Law, and yes, the Old Testament is the Book of Life. It explains life from the very beginning but there are people that are not going to hear what I have to say, they are not going to listen.

And they are religious people, by the way, but they have not been chosen. In fact, they are part of Satan’s kingdom.

And so the question remains, why have you been chosen and why do you listen? Why do you believe that it is utterly ridiculous not to worship on Saturday? Why would you worship on Sunday when the Bible very clearly says that the Sabbath is on Saturday? Why?

The Bible says blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake.

A few weeks back, the LGBTQ crown threw some rocks and broke some windows and they would walk by and say some nasty things about this church. We are persecuted, and they are people that are set to try and bring this church down, and had we not fed them, they’d be dead by now. But the devil put it in their hearts to persecute us and the Bible says that you are blessed when that happens.

We never even fixed the window. We are going to leave the holes in the windows until Jesus comes.

So have you been persecuted?

They tried to take our property from us in court. But Jesus said you are blessed when you are persecuted.

So I am trying to discover why you have been chosen, and then the big question, is why did God choose Harlem? I mean, ATLAH, that’s what God said.

This cannot be something that man put together. This is a God-thing.

ATLAH is still alive. So why, why did God choose Harlem? I am going to tell you why He chose Harlem. He chose Harlem because he loves the Hamite people and I’m going to tell you more about that.

I don’t want to get too far away from the fact of why were you chosen?

Why was pastor Stanley chosen to take me in because I was a convict that had just walked out of prison? So why did he take me in?

I had an offer to go to a Japheth church and be an assistant pastor, but I told Jesus that I would serve in places where people really needed me and God gave me the strength to walk away from that church and this man’s daughters were beautiful.

So why do you listen to me? Why have you allowed yourself to be a part of this ministry?

In Matthew’s gospel chapter 20:16: “So that last shall be first and the first last, for many be called but few are chosen.”

So the Hamite people are the last people on the planet and they are the last people of the inheritance of the planet.

Maybe the reason I haven’t been able to meet with Moses is because I would ask him some questions. All we know about creation, we got from Moses. He told us about day number one, day number two, etc. All that history about him and the Nile River and his mama and the Ten Plagues and all the deliverance crossing the Red Sea, establishment of the Law and Mount Sanai and the Ten Commandments. The only person that could verify that is Moses.

Were I able to speak with Moses I would ask him some questions, like, for instance, when you sent the Jews down into Egypt to be slaves for 400 years, my father Ham was already rising in big power and so was his son Canaan over in Canaan land. Ultimately God gave Abram my father Ham’s name. Abram was named Abram until God gave him my father’s name, Abraham. And Canaan, and Jericho and all of that over there in Jerusalem, was ran by Ham’s son Canaan, until God gave it to the Jew.

And since Moses is the only that knows about this, I would ask him about it.

So the Hamites are the last people on earth to really have a religious movement and ownership. They were the last people and they were cursed.

The Jews have had a major religious movement, and the Christians as well. The Hamites have had a movement with Islam, but that doesn’t count.

So the Hamite’s are the last on planet earth to have a major religious movement. So I would ask Moses about that.

But Jesus said that the last shall be first and the first shall be last.

So I’m a Hamite and my father Ham sat on the throne as a pharaoh.

But the Hamite people are the last people to be recognized by God. That much I am clear about. And so Jesus reverses things by saying that the last shall be first and the first shall be last, and that many are called but few are chosen.

So I think it’s important to discover why you have been called to this ministry.

I have baptized over a thousand people. Why aren’t they here today? It’s because they have not been chosen.

In John’s gospel chapter 6, Jesus had a group of people he was feeding out there in the wilderness and he fed them and then He told them that they have had the fish and the loaves but if they are going to follow Him, they are going to have to eat His flesh and drink His blood.

The Bible said they all walked away except for the 12.

The people that walked away were not chosen.

I want to explain to you how the first shall be last. It’s not just simply Hamite people, but also Japheth and Shemites.

Jesus wants to teach us something. No matter how good I am as a preacher, there is just no way the human brain can fully express the mind of God. I can say, There is no way that a human being can express what God has on His mind. So you do the best you can.

But here’s what Jesus does, He gives a parable in Matthew’s gospel chapter 20:1, “For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard. He agreed to pay them a denarius[a] for the day and sent them into his vineyard.

“About nine in the morning he went out and saw others standing in the marketplace doing nothing. He told them, ‘You also go and work in my vineyard, and I will pay you whatever is right.’ So they went. “He went out again about noon and about three in the afternoon and did the same thing. About five in the afternoon he went out and found still others standing around. He asked them, ‘Why have you been standing here all day long doing nothing?’ “‘Because no one has hired us,’ they answered. “He said to them, ‘You also go and work in my vineyard.’ “When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, ‘Call the workers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last ones hired and going on to the first.’ “The workers who were hired about five in the afternoon came and each received a denarius. So when those came who were hired first, they expected to receive more. But each one of them also received a denarius. When they received it, they began to grumble against the landowner. ‘These who were hired last worked only one hour,’ they said, ‘and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day.’ “But he answered one of them, ‘I am not being unfair to you, friend. Didn’t you agree to work for a denarius? Take your pay and go. I want to give the one who was hired last the same as I gave you. Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?’ “So the last will be first, and the first will be last.” “For many are called, but few are chosen.”

That’s what God is going to do to the Hamite people. God has chosen you to come out of all that craziness. You’ve been cursed and you’ve been working all day, and you’re going to get your pay. You are the last of the 3 sons of Noah and you are going to be blessed.

Why is it that God has chosen Harlem. There is an opposition to Harlem and it is the BLM.

Black people are looking for the political process of this kingdom to deliver them. They are using the political process and are moving further and further away from the Bible.

Yes, we are going to be victorious, but I want you think about why it is that you have been chosen.

There are some people that have been chosen to go up higher.

Let me ask you a question, because I am so high above Joel Osteen and Billy Graham and the rest of them, but there’s a prophet in the Bible named Elijah, the one I met, and the one that Peter, James, and John met. Elijah accused 850 Joel Osteen’s and Billy Graham’s of the world to be false, phonies, and hypocrites, and he even called out the president Ahab and his wife.

Elijah called them all out and said they are all phonies and that God is not with them, and you know what happened…

Do you think that Elijah that cut off the heads of 850 prophets would have anything to do with me if I wasn’t on his level? He killed 850 false prophets.

Think about it. Peter, James, and John were on the same level as Moses and Elijah. When Jesus called them up on the Mount of Transfiguration to meet with Moses and Elijah, they were on the same level, though they lived in different periods.

If you do not believe that I am so the same level as Elijah, then that may be some indication that you haven’t been chosen.

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