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  • Pastor James David Righteous Rebel Manning (Howdy-Howdy),
    Plenty of indigenous peoples for thousands of years around the world have fought brutal wars with each other; they fought over land, resources etc. They sold their POW as slaves and they raped and pillaged. The Bible talks about some of that. Ain’t nothing new under the sun as far as the violence and violent lifestyle of indigenous peoples around the world. Look what happens when those indigenous people worship Satan, demons, false gods and idols. That is why a lot of places are a mess because they are into the Dark Arts and witchcraft. Why do you think Haiti was destroyed? A large portion of Haitians were into the Dark Arts and witchcraft.
    As far as reparations, I think it would be fair that the descendants of the enslaved in America who now own land shouldn’t have to pay property taxes on the land of their primary residence. Republicans have a point about cutting taxes and they should be the main ones talking about a property tax exemption for the descendants of the enslaved.

  • Black Africa is one of the most dangerous areas of the world! Not many folk of not just the white race, but all other non-black races as well do not go to black Africa! In 2010 40 million Americans went overseas, but only 327000 went to black Africa! BTW in Rawanda in1994 there was a factor called “heightism” because one group was tall & the other group was short and for 30 years from 1964 after independence from Great Britian the tall group was in power & harassing the short group all those years! Also in early 19th century South Africa the Zulus in the eastern part of the country by a combination of external & internal warfare & then fammine & disease, several million Zulus died & then the white Africaaners moved into the area! An English missionary to black Africa in 1904 wrote a book saying about how that modernization that was ongoing in black Africa then was going to cause a population explosion in black Africa & his words have come true today! BTW according to a professor Christopher Murray of Washington State University said that in the coming years & decades that the earth’s population is going to become increasingly & then “greatly black” by 2050-60!!