Revelation 22:13: “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.”

Death is not part of the creation process but is a curse.

Matthew 16:28: Verily I say unto you, there be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.

We are now in the Corona Virus pandemic and it is reaching toward the 11th month, and I want you to know that it is time to become a disciple of the Matthew 16:28 prophecy.

Vladimir Putin has sealed himself in a dome because he does not want to die from this virus.

Is Matthew 16:28 a vaccine and a divine protection over death itself?

With all the talk we are hearing now about the Corona Virus deaths, there is one lone preacher, James David Manning, that is preaching that you will not die because of the prophecy of Matthew 16:28.

Did Almighty God in his infinite wisdom plan years ago to call me, James David Manning, to be the antidote to Corona Virus by teaching Matthew 16:28?

Is this coincidental and if it is it’s a major coincidence, or is it a planned prophecy of God?

With all this death talk, there is only one preacher, James David Manning, that’s me, that is talking about life.

If this was just a coincidence, it’s still powerful.

Forget about finding a vaccine. There’s an antibody for this Corona Virus in Matthew’s gospel chapter 16 verse 28.

This is for those that have been called for his purpose as the elect.

If it is a coincidence, then so be it.

Is this coincidental or is this prophetic?

Did God call me to be the messenger of this day during the day of the Corona Virus to spread the word about the antidote of the great prophecy of Matthew 16:28?

I’m asking a question.

I’m preaching life during a global pandemic of death.

The 5th of March, a Thursday, the number of deaths in America was only 2400.

Today the number of deaths in America is 225,000.

In just five months, Covid is growing.

What about the next five months?

We could have nearly a half a million people dead from Corona Virus.

Is this coincidental that God chose me and the great people of ATLAH ministry to reach the world with the antidote to Coronavirus?

We shall not taste of death.

Can I ask you to pray about this?  Ask God if he called me to preach life in the midst of death.

There may be 7000 other preachers preaching this same message.

If you are, I would like to interact with you.

Maybe as a senior pastor I can anoint you to make this journey with us to the 1000-year reign of peace.

God told Elijah that he had 7000 that have not bowed a knee.

There may not be 7000 preachers, and I doubt there are, but there may be 7000 people that have not bowed a knee to any of the nonsense that is going on today.

I want to connect with you. We need to get together.

Who else is out there preaching that you shall not taste of death during this Corona Virus pandemic?

It is God’s command that you and I unite.

Will you go and pray? Will you get down on your knees and ask Jesus if Pastor Manning was called to preach life during a pandemic of death?

Also, I preach righteousness the way Noah preached righteousness.

I believe God will answer your prayer.

Everybody is looking for a vaccine for the pandemic, but God has sent a word, Ye shall not taste of death.

It doesn’t mean that you are not going to get sick, but you are not going to die. You shall not taste death.

Please pray about that. That is very important.

If God didn’t do it, then he didn’t do it, but if it’s a coincidence, then it’s a blessed coincidence.

Even God would say amen.

Something of this magnitude, get down on your knees and ask God.

If you discover that God is using me to preach not tasting of death in one of the world’s great death marches, what else will God use me to do?

I believe that from the foundation of the world God called ATLAH.

I believe it!

I’ve been preaching righteousness for 29 years.

I have been teaching trust in the Lord for 14 years.

It’s time to start trusting the Lord. It doesn’t matter if things look bad.

Suppose the man at the pool of Bethesda had given up.

What about the woman with the issue of blood?

Do not give up, and do not worry, but let the Lord take charge.

Give Jesus room in your heart.

So, I am asking you to pray if James David Manning is preaching the antidote to the Corona Virus.

Is this a coincidence?

If there are other people out there that have not bowed their knees to any of the foolishness going around today, then we need to talk.

Is Matthew 16:28 the antidote?

Do not be afraid to allow your heart to see yourself as a disciple of Matthew 16:28, that you are going to live and not die.

Don’t be worried about people laughing at you at your funeral. That is just the devil trying to interfere with your belief.

God is the one that has told you that you are going to live. He has never told you that you are going to die.

This is a major leap of faith.

Tomorrow night I will have you write certain scriptures. This will keep your mind on the word of God and not on worrying.

Remember how I told you that the reason why young people don’t die of Corona Virus at the same rate of older people? It isn’t because the Corona Virus affects a young body differently than an older body, but the older person thinks that it is their time to die, and they are not planning to live.

Once you reach 60 years of age, most people start planning death.

They stop planning on living. They focus on dying.

That’s crazy!

Revelation of the Day:

If you believe that you are going to be a member of the 1000-year reign of peace, and that is what you are planning, and you are worshipping online with ATLAH, because you are planning on living a thousand years, then it is much less likely that you will die of anything.

That’s why young people don’t die as often with the Corona Virus, because they are not planning to die.

Spread the word.

I have a belief and a faith and a word in my mouth that every woman, Hamite, but all women, that every woman will have a righteous man.

Even women who do not like me. I am praying for them to have a righteous man. And they are going to have to submit to him.

I’m praying for women who are praying against me.

I want them to have a man who is a home owner, a business owner, a father, and a husband.

I am also praying to eradicate poverty.

Lazarus got sick in John 11, and Jesus didn’t run to him. Jesus said his sickness was not unto death, and your sickness is not unto death.

Death should not be anywhere in your plans if you are planning to live 1000 years.

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