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  • If the underdogs Democrats/Resistance manage to pull out a Big win and Sweep in the Nov 2020 elections lets see how fast Senator Harris and President Obama stab the actual Americans descended from enslaved Africans in the United States in the back over reparations. I don’t think that reparations should come in the form of a check. Instead, I would like to see reparations in the form of tax relief. For example, the Black Americans who are descended from the enslaved Africans in the United States America should not have to pay property tax on the land they own where their primary residence, or main residence is. I bet their excuse for shutting that talk down would be that it isn’t fair to those like them who aren’t descended from the enslaved Africans in America. If we ever even get to that point, lets see how that cookie crumbles. I don’t underestimate Tribulation Trump and his scam, scheming, plotting and dirty tricks to steal the election.

    • If I were a black person I’d be mad as hell to see the communist party pandering to ILLEGALS! promising all theses goodies to third world trash from south of the border. If I were black I’d resent the hell out of a Latino that’re getting a free ride.
      Be that as it may, I’m a middle aged, conervative white male from TX that supports some sort or ADOS package if the blacks would unite and demand the wall built and cut these beaners off, that money could be redirected for a people that actually BELONGS here. It really is a dirty rotten deal for the Hamites for the COMMUNIST party to encourage more illegals to come in for the vote instead of taking care of natural born Americans.