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  • Oh. Your finally getting it. At least by the heading of this video. Yes. Character doesn’t matter anymore. Thus is why Dr. Manning you refuse to contact me about the elect application I am building. Because if you had character or some level of intellectual honesty about yourself and what you speak of daily you would easily by now have replied to me about the Jesus reputation system I am working on. If anything but to encourage me on to finish the race. But so it is. It is all about you. You define part of my inspiration to create the Jesus app. Because of your vanity and yet at the same time there is a God and his sons name is Jesus who loves Dr. Manning. He also loves the children of Atlah. Yes Manning. Character doesn’t matter. Do you think God would preorder the church age and grace now or would he prefer grace plus some character now as to if people are following the law? Could this be the elect? Regardless of what you see! And who you wish to believe in. God had a plan for all of us. And I agree. Character doesn’t matter anymore Manning to the world. But it does to God. And in the elect application I will tell you if I see God in you or son Jesus. Do you want to help me finish building it. Can you remove yourself for a moment and put on the body of Jesus? Can you be? If so call me.