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  • Another GREAT VIDEO…..Pastor Manning !!
    You know…..I have a ** great IDEA ** for YOU….
    And the ATLAH Church….
    Why not start your own daily 1 HOUR **TALK SHOW**.
    A national **call-in** TALK SHOW…..
    Broadcast direct from Harlem, USA…..
    Something like Rush Limbaugh.
    Or….like Shaun Hannity’s afternoon TALK SHOW.
    Start by doing maybe…. a *1 HOUR SHOW*.
    I’m serious…..Manning.
    You are a GREAT commentator.
    You remind me…..of the late great….Paul Harvey.
    I watch your VIDEOS….every day…..Pastor.
    You are a GREAT and WISE man.
    Think about starting your own….**CALL-IN TALK SHOW**.
    Best Wishes

  • The GOP has turned into the Party of Tribulation Trump and because of that they deserve to be out in the political Wilderness! Trumpism must end up on the ash heap of history. It didn’t have to be this way and the GOP has been led astray because they have rebuked social conservatism. Tribulation Trump endorsed, supported and went on the stump for child molester/pedophile Roy Moore. The RNC continued to fund Roy Moore after they found out he was a child molester/pedophile. Trump’s former Labor Secretary Alex Acosta resigned amid controversy over his role in a sweetheart plea deal for sex trafficker/child rapist Jeffrey Epstein. Knowing all of that Serial Sex Predator Tribulation Trump went out of his way and wished his fellow gal pal Serial Sex Predator Maxwell ‘well.’ Trump knew his boy Epstein and friend Maxwell were child rapists. Talk about lowest of the low. GOD has given Tribulation Trump over to a reprobate mind. The GOP should have rebuked Trump and kicked that pervert creep out of the party. There are real social conservatives that the GOP could have supported and they blew it and any moral high ground chasing after degenerate dunce Pussy Grabber Bozo the Clown Tribulation Trump. The current Trumpian GOP needs to be destroyed at the ballot box so real social conservatives can rebuild the GOP.

  • Great talk Preacher,
    I have been asking them which black lives that matters, the ones in Ambazonia, the ones in Biafra-Nigeria or the ones in Libya, the ones in Sudan or even in Dubai where hundreds of blacks are killed every day, where there are still human slavery and where blacks body organs are still been harvested daily, it is nothing but a hyjacked political game of the Democrats. We real and concerned Africans knows the Truth.