Sunday, 4 April 2021
I give because I have: I have because I give. Which came first: the receiving or the giving? Giving is first: if you have not received, give! Give your tithes before you ask for healing, help or victory. LK 6:38
Sunday, 7 June 2020
Do it today, for any opportunity not lived today, dies at nightfall. Give birth to your dreams today, for the night cometh with nightmares to abort your unborn future. Be courageous and fear not; for you are the only one that can or will be you!
Friday, 22 May 2020
Try convincing the “Jesus Loves Everybody Christian” that Jesus said, in (The Tribulation Mt. 24:1-22) He would kill everyone on earth except the Elect, (Mt. 24:1-22). They will not believe you, Jesus 0r Noah, until Jesus kills them, and He will!
Monday, 20 April 2020
Choose your battles prayerfully. First rule: what is the cost if you lose; or the prize if you win? Second, never give attention to people who win by knowing you are at arms. Third, you always win when you keep fools out of your life! Selah
Monday, 6 April 2020
HOW BLESSED AM I? The Lord opened the windows of heaven to pour out my daily blessings. He then got busy healing, loving, and giving wisdom to the people of ATLAH and didn’t come back to close the window. My blessings bucket runneth over! Selah.
Monday, 24 February 2020
Always keep the possible in view. If you always believe in the possible, then the mighty divine possible will always serve you. Keep possible; and nothing will be impossible to you. Now rise up and make it possible; then make it happen!
Thursday, 7 November 2019
Trust in The Lord with all thine heart, then there will be no heart to lust for the world. Trust His Word with all thine heart and there will be no heart to fear the world. Believe every Word He has said, you will see the success of what you believe!
Thursday, 3 October 2019
When your burden is so heavy you can only tell Jesus. Tell Jesus, then get off your knees, step away from the throne and fight Satan, turning every pain you ever had into a weapon, knowing he don’t know what you told Jesus or what Jesus told you.
Sunday, 29 September 2019
What percentage of the Bible is instruction (The Law)? What percent is correction? What percent is praise of you? Answer: The far greater is instruction, next is correction, where love is truly found. Last and least is praise of you. Keep the law.
Friday, 19 September 2019
Truth spoken should never be afraid. Truth told in love or war will never be defeated. Truth exposed can never be covered. Truth can only get stronger as lies cannot hide Truth. Never worry, Truth to the rescue. Truth will empty every liar’s prison.
Friday, 13 September 2019
Life asks three questions at the close of each day. What truth did you learn to live today? What did you give, as you have learned giving is receiving? Of your days that are closed and cannot reopen, what did you learn about disobedience to truth?
Wednesday, 11 September 2019
Three things I should pray. Help me, Lord! Thank You, Jesus! Help Me Help My Neighbor! A fourth I cannot resist. Forgive me, Lord! First, I should weep daily for forgiveness, sacrifice all, that I may help others, thusly thanking Him, I help myself.
Sunday, 8 September 2019
If you got it; you can give it, but can’t nobody take it. Blessed is the man that got it. When you use it; you increase it, but you can’t ever lose it: your gifts and callings, anointed with righteousness! Selah
Sunday, 1 September 2019
Never teach your heart to lie. Never deny your heart the truth. Never disown the truth your heart knows. Always be a man after your own heart. Do not be like them who are heart attackers; for gain or pride. Love your heart; for truth is love.
Friday, 30 August 2019
Be thankful for enemies, they are useful in many ways. They can be trusted to reveal Satan’s hate of you, opposite of God’s love for you. They are fluent in what they don’t know, simply watch what they don’t say. Keep them close for your success.
Tuesday, 6 August 2019
Don’t let them take you off the stage twice! Jesus has perfected you to succeed. When life gives a second chance; make fear afraid, sadness laugh, failure ashamed, and despair walk in hope. You will succeed if you believe, the power of His Word.
Sunday, 4 August 2019
How big must the blanket be to cover all your sins? Answer: just one drop of Jesus’ blood used sparingly! How great is the sin if you are forgiven by His Blood, but still live as if you are guilty? Jesus has made you clean; go and live.
Monday, 22 July 2019
What lesson must I learn, that I never sin again? If I gave my life to serve the poor, is that enough? If I gave my body to be burned, would that remove the pain of sin? The only lesson to learn; that never fails to defeat sin; Is Jesus Saves!
Thursday, 18 July 2019
1). Remember there’s two sides to every story, and then there is truth. 2). Tell yourself the truth, you will never be defeated by their lies. 3). Faithful correction equals consistent perfection. 4). Learn the difference between truth and hate!
Wednesday, 17 July 2019
Some say opportunities knock but once. Jesus said, opportunities to serve, to give, to be the true you; never quit knocking! From these three flows all the joy or mistakes of life. Let truth sho you how to be the real you. You are not a mistake.
Sunday, 7 July 2019
There is no lie in my mouth. Of all the sins that I have done, lying is not one. For the liar who lies prays that Satan will cover the Truth. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be righteous. I got God’s Word in my mouth!
Wednesday, 3 July 2019
Ask Jesus to pray for you. Turn your fears, needs, and sicknesses over to Him. Then be instant to pray for someone you can help; as Jesus helps you. Do unto others; what you need Jesus to do for you. Even troubled you have prayer power, use it now!
Monday, 24 June 2019
This day, be it sunny or gray; is a treasure Jesus has given unto me. I shall rejoice by giving my perfect God, perfect praise. I shall serve my Honorable God, by honoring His Word. I shall please my worthy Savior by giving to those who mourn.
Tuesday, 11 June 2019
You can make it if you pray. Prayer turns the impossible to the possible and from the possible to the accomplished and from the hardest to the defeated. For every question in your life; prayer has the answer. Nothing is too hard for prayer. PRAY!
Monday, 10 June 2019
Hold onto your faith. If Satan steals your health, don’t let him steal your faith. If he robs your money, don’t lose your faith. If you are now afraid, FEAR NOT. Whatever you do: KEEP YOUR FAITH! Don’t quit: healing and victory is in YOUR FAITH.
Friday, 7 June 2019
If you are troubled, say “Peace is Mine” seven times. If you have sinned, confess “I will trust in the Lord, and forgive my enemies” seven times. If you desire to be strong in every way, ask the Lord for His Fire Baptism with The Gift of Healing.
Wednesday, 22 May 2019
Don’t throw this day away. Three things to do. Don’t spend time being angry, but be creative and productive. Be sure to serve someone. Shun hatred, jealousy, and at all cost don’t lie. This is the day The Lord has given and served you with truth.
Monday, 20 May 2019
When praying know 3 things. There is a prayer to heal every sickness, no matter what; just pray! Your entire abundant life fortune of wealth is already given, just ask. Most answers only come to those who never quit, just declare victory now!
Sunday, 19 May 2019
Don’t worry; for it is high praise of failure. Don’t be impatient; for it is surrender to defeat: instead wait. Don’t panic in your storm, if you want calm: be calm. If you don’t know the answers: Jesus gives answers at The House of David: ATLAH.
Friday, 10 May 2019
Satan had sex with Eve in the garden, thus was born the cursed womb. Lot had sex with his daughters in the cave, thus was born the Bastard Of Generations. The Five Foolish Virgins had sex with themselves, thus was born Same-Sex Marriage.
Friday, 10 May 2019
I am The Lord’s Servant. I am stronger than poverty. I am stronger than sickness. I and stronger than hate. I am stronger than sin. I am stronger than legions of demons. I am stronger than death. I AM THE LORD’S SERVANT! GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY!
Friday, 3 May 2019
My three sons wrote a song , “Sunshine And Rain.” God ordered life to be 90% Sunshine and 10% Rain. Sunshine brings light; Rain brings life. Did you ever try to drink Sunshine? You can bathe in it, but you can only drink when it rains in your life!
Friday, 19 April 2019
The son of The Great King stood before the throne. He cried; my father you have given me all that I have, all that I need, your prayers and your will. My Lord, I will never fail Thee, I will always serve Thee; I will forever and ever Trust Thee.
Sunday, 14 April 2019
It feels good to be a man, who loves, nurtures and protects his family. When a man bows at the feet of Jesus he becomes taller and stronger than any mountain of opposition. It feels good to be a man who loves a woman more than being a man. Selah
Thursday, 11 April 2019
The King’s son asked his father this question. My father, I want to give all that I have to those in need; I want to carry every burden of those overburdened. Is it wrong that I believe and ask great things from you; to be given to me?
Wednesday, 10 April 2019
King Solomon cried out. I can make you exceedingly healthy, wealthy, and wise. These words never fail! Trust The Lord with all thine heart, lean not to human understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Jesus and He shall direct your success.
Sunday, 7 April 2019
Jesus is this love or no? My Prayer. Let those who walk in ignorance of truth, blind to their acts that hurt others, who wear the crown of a fool: feel the deepest pain, know the worst shame as I did, until pain and shame, not love, healed me.
Sunday, 31 March 2019
Thus Saith The Righteous Hamite Warrior. To feed my village when all resources are gone; I would choose to steal from Japheth or Shem than beg him for food. Moral: God can forgive a thief, but there is no mercy for the hapless beggar. Selah.
Sunday, 24 March 2019
Three things guide the wise man. He will lay down his life to defend his name, his word, and Jesus. He will never desert a friend when he is down. Great is the sinner, forgiven by Jesus; for he defeats sin and death when honored with forgiveness.
Tuesday, 19 March 2019
The wise man lamented; a broken heart is more painful than a heart attack. He said, running from your worst nightmare is more painful than dying in your quest for victory. He said defeat and pain never show its face if you believe in yourself.
Sunday, 17 March 2019
Thus Saith The Preacher. Should I hide the truth about sin and unrighteousness, knowing Satan will pay me handsomely if I do? Should I find only the sweetest things about Jesus to never expose wickedness? Then I shall die, a rich condemned fool!
Sunday, 17 March 2019
The wages of Truth are blessings, divine health, love, peace, and wisdom. The wages of Lies are confusion, fear, ignorance, and death. Truth is natural and never fails. Lies are unnatural and need more lies to live. Truth gives: Lies steal!
Wednesday, 13 March 2019
If you don’t pray, you will lie. If you don’t pray, you will hurt people. If you don’t pray, you will disobey God. If you don’t pray, you give birth to sickness. If you don’t take time to pray, lies, hurt, and sickness will take time from you.
Friday, 8 March 2019
Shut Up and Pray. Stop Worrying and Pray. Stop Hurting and Pray. Don’t Just Stand There: Kneel and Pray. It Ain’t Over; If You Ain’t Prayed. Don’t Git Up Till You Are Prayed Up. Just Pray. Selah
Friday, 8 March 2019
I never met a man I could not believe in until I met a man who married another man. Selah
Friday, 8 March 2019
A great life consists of learning to live a long life; living what you learned. A life learning to give and forgive; then receiving as you give. Yet the greatest life of all is learning to die to self and live for others learning to live. Selah
Wednesday, 6 March 2019
You can never be successful if you run from the person who corrects you. You will ever suffer mistakes if you fail to listen to your mistakes of the past. You will never be happy by seeking to have fun. These three teach success, power, and peace.
Wednesday, 6 March 2019
Just Pray!
Sunday, 3 March 2019
Once a rude woman disrespected me; out of ignorance. I was tempted to be ignorant and “dis” her. Then I thought, others must be base like her to whom I can market truth and make millions. Don’t go ignorant for ignorant, buy a Mercedes Benz instead.
Saturday, 2 March 2019
Trust In The Lord is an eye that is found in the heart that cannot see until it hears The Word of God. How can you hear without a preacher? Trust The Lord with all thine heart, lean not to the eyes of the mind and you will see victory and truth!
Friday, 1 March 2019
Desperate, I asked Jesus to help me. He permanently closed every door I used to sin. In despair I asked Jesus to never leave me; He said that required I follow Him. In love I asked Jesus to help me help others who are afraid in despair: He wept!
Saturday, 23 February 2019
God’s anger with humanity is lighting hot. Too angry to be consoled or accept repentance. His anger at idolatry, abortion, sodomy has boiled for 2000 years. He has spoken death to the wicked; yet, I and ATLAH have found grace in His Judgment!
Monday, 18 February 2019
Protect yourself. We are living in the generation of lies and liars. Defend yourself against this demonic spirit; TELL YOURSELF THE TRUTH! Remember lies are the children of Satan: however lies are preceded by evil motives to gain money or power.
Sunday, 17 February 2019
There was once a preacher, yes or no. Who went into his closet to curse sickness. He cursed and cursed cancer, demons, and diabetes. He stood behind a White Rock (Numbers 20:8) in his Pulpit called Jesus where his wife said rivers of waters flow.
Sunday, 17 February 2019
Pray this prayer now! Help me Lord, please help me, Jesus. Forgive me and give me another chance. Please forget my mistakes, and remember I love you. Heal me, Lord. If you answer none of my prayers; yet will I ask: will you still let me serve you?
Friday, 15 February 2019
Once I sat as a boy among my peers afraid and ashamed. Shame was the garment I wore and fear my only thought. One day Jesus came by and ask me to follow Him. He gave me a suit of strength and a song of salvation, place me on a stage and said sing.
Thursday, 14 February 2019
Pray Again Now! Say these words. Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord, my soul, to keep. Jesus, I am but a child, I need you to take me thru this dark place in my life. Teach me how to pray victory in my life and blessings for those I love.
Wednesday, 13 February 2019
Find the prayer David prayed when his son Absalom came to kill him. Find the prayer John The Baptist prayed when they clutched his hands to behead him. If you find those prayers; then you will know the prayers I have prayed for my people ATLAH.
Sunday, 11 February 2019
Don’t forget, always remember to pray. Jesus will help and strengthen you; pray now! If you need forgiveness, He is ready. If you need understanding, wisdom or love; just pray! Don’t forget to pray for others; pray that others would learn to pray.
Sunday, 10 February 2019
If God loves everybody and love gets everyone into heaven; then God needs to be put on trial for killing every first born in Egypt, Goliath, king Agag and millions in the flood of Noah. Is God guilty of murder or fake churches guilty of lying?
Saturday, 9 February 2019
It takes a long time to grow young. It takes even longer to become young enough to never die. When I was young, I lived foolishly as young; when I became old I prayed to be young again. For only old people know how to live and use youth.
Saturday, 9 February 2019
Jesus Is Mine. When I was truly alone, Jesus became my friend. When I was wounded by my sins, He healed me. When I finally hated my life of lies, then I knew truth; how much Jesus Loves me. I now live to be His friend, to love you as I love Him.
Friday, 1 February 2019
God’s Love is a warm blanket in a world where the only season is winter. God’s Word is a light burning brightly in a day where it’s always night. God, (His Name Is Jesus) power is your peace when you face your greatest trial. God Is your victory!
Friday, 1 February 2019
When I count my blessings, do I count just the blessings; or do I count waiting which got me the blessings also. For if I had not waited I could not be blessed. To wait is blessed. I am waiting on ATLAH: so I am blessed! Wait I say on The Lord!
Wednesday, 30 January 2019
Jesus took all my sickness to the cross and bound them in prison a thousand years. He prayed my protection before I was born before Satan could attack me. He is His Word, He gifted me with divine speech for success. I Am Healed, Loved, Blessed.
Wednesday, 23 January 2019
If I live my life over, I would be twice old and once wise. I know now; what I will know then. I found my life in the garbage bin of my days. Jesus gave us eternal life on a garbage heap called Golgotha. Look thru your garbage to find your life.
Monday, 21 January 2018
Jesus is a prayer answering God. He even answered the devil’s prayer, Mk. 5:12-13; He sent them into the swine, then choked them to death. I answered Jesus prayer; He asks me to choke demons and liars. You should’ve been in ATLAH Church last Sabbath.
Friday, 18 January 2019
Love is kind, but righteousness always wins. Love can fade, but righteousness shines eternally as the noonday. Love is tender, righteousness is strong. Love adorns women, but a righteous man gives glory to God. Righteousness: The Sceptre of God
Tuesday, 15 January 2019
God, The Almighty! Angels: All Males assist God. Man, a little lower than angels, with power, and dominion. Adam lost that power. God replaced Adam with a righteous man; Noah. A righteous man protects, speaks, and delights in God’s Law/Word. ATLAH
Monday, 14 January 2019
When Truth collides with our sins and pleasures, the first result is pain. When pleasures dig into our spirit to fight truth; ultimately they lose, but we feel the pain. When truth persists to victory, the final result is freedom. But Truth Hurts!
Friday, 11 January 2019
Obedience to the Laws of Moses brings one thousand sweet memories of blessings, stops all acts of hurting others, makes your calling creative and joyous and fills your life with gold, silver, and treasures of pleasures. ATLAH promotes this law!
Tuesday, 8 January 2019
These are Words from Jesus in the Prayer Closet of 8 Jan. 2019. “ALL IS WELL.” The ATLAH pastor and people, the health, blessings, and prosperity cannot be reversed. The anointing on Pastor Manning is destroying all yokes. All IS WELL, Be at Peace.
Sunday, 6 January 2019
When I sought the world’s greatness, I became a sinner before God. When I sought power in the eyes of men, I became weak in my own. When I sought self-pleasure, I became cold to others. When I sought Jesus forgiveness, I found great strength and joy.
Thursday, 27 December 2018
To all who accused me; Jesus has praised me. To all who attacked me; Jesus has defended, exalted and loved me. To all who deserted me; Jesus has never forsaken me. To 42 years of days; Jesus has never failed me. I Am The Blessed Lord’s Servant!
Friday, 21 December 2018
Do not lust for sins you did not do. Only Know there are many sins you do not know they did against you. Give thanks unto Jesus when they sin against you, it sets you free of sin they make you do. “They” are people who get or are born close to you.
Wednesday, 19 December 2018
The greatest assignment is to preach righteousness. The greatest blessing is to hear and believe God’s Word. The greatest power is the power to fear not, worry not and doubt not Jesus. Trust In The Lord and use that Fear Not and Worry Not Power.
Saturday, 8 December 2018
The power to wait on Jesus is the same as the power to be blessed. The power to trust His Word is the same as never being forsaken. The power of being righteous is to call blessings into existence. When you got all three, you got all blessings
I am James David Manning; The Lord’s Servant. Anointed to cry out against sin, to call for Fifty Thousand Righteous Men in ATLAH and to demand judgment upon this generation. To speak Peace, to the poor, sick, homeless, prisoner (John 16:7-14).
Thursday, 6 December 2018
Many prayers have gone out. Be still, listen to the answers pouring in. Answer: your faith will not fail you. Your trust in His Word will defend and promote you. Be strong, Jesus has spoken your healing victory reward. Peace, be still and wait.
Three things as faithful as the sunrise. God helps you; The Righteous with the right hand of His Righteousness. Remember, if you don’t worry; you won’t fail. Say Peace and righteousness and God’s power will be in your mouth. Justice cometh soon!
Tuesday, 4 December 2018
Three things to remember, a fourth, never forget. Miracles do happen if you need one. A healing miracle is available now. Tell yourself the truth. Say Peace, Be Still only after the storm has cleansed your life. Never forget, The devil is a liar.
Monday, 3 December 2018
“Peace, Be Still.”Don’t worry. Don’t give Satan’s demons your attention or time. Say to all your storms, enemies, sickness and fears; “Peace, Be Still.” When you Speak Peace, even the wind and waves will obey. PEACE, now enjoy your life of Power.
Sunday, 2 December 2018
Sarah was barren, gave birth to a nation. Joseph accused of sexual assault, married a priest’s daughter. Moses a murderer was chosen to lead God’s people. David stole a man’s wife, but God gave him Solomon. Maybe life isn’t bad enough for you yet?
Saturday, 1 December 2018
Now my life’s journey brings me to the House Of The Righteous, The People of Peace; All Truth Give Witness, The Lord Is My Shepherd! After all my bitter trials and mistakes; I am now on the path of the righteous. ATLAH, That’s What God Said, Amen
Friday, 30 November 2018
Write your blessings every day. The reason for doing so: Satan reminds you daily of unfulfilled dreams (blessing that will surely come) and frames each one as failure; knowing you are tempted to read his writing. Write and Read Your Blessing Now!
Thursday, 29 November 2018
God (His Name is Jesus) proves you successful with your birth. At life’s greatness, you cannot fail if you are born. You can quit and call it failure; but you cannot fail unless you quit. Try again: it’s too soon to quit. It’s time to succeed.
Wednesday, 28 November 2018
That you become perfect, without fault or hurt; you must make every life you touch perfect first. The tool of forgiving other makes them perfect. When they forgive you, they make you perfect. To be forgiven by God make us all saints. Be forgiven.
Tuesday, 27 November 2018
If you are sitting in the waiting room of God’s Time Office; know He will see you soon. Fill out the righteousness application, check the yes box for blessings, sign the app with peace and truth. Submit your form of payment as Trust In The Lord!
Monday, 26 November 2018
There is a Time For Everything under the sun. A Time for love, a Time for hate. One cannot stop Time. Time comes and Time goes. Your Time cannot be stopped; it will not fail, it is coming. A Time of all blessing, all the Time. Wait is Time’s wife.
Sunday, 25 November 2018
The strongest power you possess is “Will Power.” The greatest power in the universe is “God’s Will.” Speak now, touch and agree with “The Will Of God.” PS. Jesus never agrees with your enemies will. Let Thy Will be done, as you walk in His Will.
Saturday, 24 November 2018
When your health is in peril, death or disability the report; doctors will attempt a repair, oh, but for a price. When misfortune has stalked you and poisoned all your dreams: to have a Pastor with a heart for you is beyond healing; and priceless!
Friday, 23 November 2018
Thru all the storms your ship has sailed, tho you were tempted many times, often you failed. When legions of evil have been your enemy when all your plans were pure. Yet you are now victorious! Imagine where you would be today without Jesus love.
Thursday, 22 November 2018
Three roads to never travel. One. Impatience: not helping those who struggle with drugs. Two.Impatience: not having ears to hear scared people cry. Three. Impatience: when not spending time with one will cause eternal regret and pain. Be Patient!
Wednesday, 21 November 2018
God designs you before you are born. He commands every blessing and gift to anoint you before He names you. He then shapes you in your mother’s womb. Once born, Satan attacks with fear and ungodliness. Then Jesus comes to save you. Are you saved?
Tuesday, 20 November 2018
I did not know. I heard but did not comprehend. I was present but did not express my presence. I did not ask; I did not know how. I did Not know how great is He and blessed am I, for my gifts and blessings, are from His greatness and love for me.
Monday, 19 November 2018
Faith is when you pray and Jesus answers. Trust in the Lord is when Jesus prays and you answer His prayer. Jesus asked The Rich Young Ruler to give to the poor, but he would not, Mt.19:16-22. Every law of Moses is a prayer of Jesus. Trust and obey!
Sunday, 18 November 2018
It’s too soon to quit. Try again, there must be a way to win! Look deeper into your soul; there must be some strength left. You can defeat the enemy, find his weakness; look one more time. It can only be over: when you say it’s over, but not now.
Saturday, 17 November 2018
Remember: if you increase your being, talents, and presence in the world by ten percent: you can accomplish one hundred percent of your dreams. Key lesson, first dream, then wake up and chant, confess and shout your dream until your full possession.
Friday, 16 November 2018
Your future should hold a day when you can begin to live your life without painful mistakes. To live without regrets of selfish and foolish decisions. You can choose to start today. Just remember it’s a day to day prayer goal: one day at a time.
Thursday, 15 November 2018
Worry is a movie many people watch all day long. Haughtiness is a leaky boat that surely will let you drown. Pride is a praise of self and Satan that will surely bring you down. Humble yourself before it’s too late, for now, will become never.
Wednesday, 14 November 2018
Jesus gives me wisdom to judge my memories. For some are wonderful and bring joy that I love and need. While others are painful, reminding me of dark and blind behavior. Help me to produce many great joyful memories and never any more painful ones.
Tuesday, 13 November 2018
Once you Trust in Jesus and are willing to forsake all to trust in him. When your trust has brought you comfort as pain knocks on your door. Your trust washed away your sins, your weakness, and folly: then never, never doubt Jesus for any reason.
Monday, 12 November 2018
When you have done the best you can: if you knew better, you would surely do better. When you tell all the truth you know; if you knew more you would tell more. You will receive Jesus highest grade: “well done, thy good and faithful servant.”
Sunday, 11 November 2018
Learn to use two words more powerful than sickness, poverty, fear or death. Those two words are “Yes” to Jesus and “No” to Satan. Say “No” to sickness, and “Yes” I will be healed. Say “Yes” to Jesus: to your will, your way and your word: Yes Lord!
Saturday, 10 November 2018
Seek only for those things when you find will first praise Jesus, uplift and bless others and finally heal you. Remember; destruction, pain, and poverty are looking for you; but they never look where praise of Jesus and blessing of others exist.
Friday, 9 November 2018
God has designed your heart to defeat every spiritual attack against His prized creation, you. He has designed your mind to create things to praise Him and to win every battle you engage. You are wonderfully made, go celebrate your maker, Jesus!
Thursday, 8 November 2018
If I was dying of thirst and Satan offered water, if I would serve him, I would die! If I was dying of hunger and Satan offered bread, again I would die! For I now live, because man does not live by bread alone, and all my help comes from Jesus.
Wednesday, 7 November 2018
Dear Lord, I who lived on the left side of righteousness, on the pathetic side of foolishness, on the dis side of honor know that your forgiveness is the best blessing. For it heals all pain with justice and answers all prayers for peace.
Tuesday, 6 November 2018
Life is as a high wire walk across the great river. You must keep your focus on the destiny; your mind and body controlled; take one step at a time and never look back. Ignore the threats, believe Jesus will not let you fall, you will succeed.
Monday, 5 November 2018
Mercy Is! When Satan attacks you; Jesus will defend you! When your enemies refuse to forgive you, Jesus will forgive, bless and exalt you! When one hates you; Jesus will send hundreds to love you! Do you have enemies, then be at peace with Jesus.
Sunday, 4 November 2018
Goodness and Mercy are more precious than silver or gold. They are God’s laws that shouts your innocence. They give life blessing power to cover your countenance with beauty and demands endless praise from all your enemies. Mercy suits my case!
Saturday, 3 November 2018
How to find the truth? It cannot be purchased; for the keeper of Truth is never for sale. You must lose everything, to prepare a place to receive Truth. Truth Can’t be seen till you close your eyes. When you find your heart: you will find Truth.
Friday, 2 November 2018
Never be quick making decisions that can destroy or prosper you. If you can’t reach a wise father, or pastor for counsel, Jesus is available by prayer. Cut to the chase and pray about everything. Pray then wait, affirms all is well, or not. Pray!
Thursday, 1 November 2018
Satan has drawn a picture of a Red Dwarf with horns and a tail. It’s a master deception to the eyes that the world has believed. His true portrait is quite appealing, leaving all feeling safe if they don’t see red or horns; masterful I tell you!
Wednesday, 31 October 2018
Jesus, I have two prayers and one supplication. First, thank you for not destroying me in the days of my folly. Next, bless all who were made less by my folly and sins, seven times more than me. Third, I am nothing without you, oh how I love you!
Tuesday, 30 October 2018
Is it too late to live your life? Did you allow the years to live your life? Did you stand in fear, shame and having no teacher fail to live? Do you not know mistakes are treasures of living also! It’s never too late to live! Life is always now.
Monday, 29 October 2018
Be faithful to your dream, don’t let them die and you will always live. Your anointed assignment will defeat every enemy. Trials and suffering are not dream killers, but steps to success. Many can dream a dream, but only you can kill your dream.
Sunday, 28 October 2018
If you prayed for a safe, warm and prosperous home; I speak peace upon your house. If you have prayed for victory over your enemies, celebrate now, you will never be defeated. Remember, Jesus speaks healing now to your body and joy to your life.
Saturday, 27 October 2018
When Jesus stops the rain in your life; He seals the fountain with a beautiful bow. The harder the rain the higher the bow. The darker your rain the brighter the bow. You cannot have a personal portrait of life colors without rain, no Rainbow
Friday, 26 October 2018
This is the testimony you will shout when you obey The Word Of God. How wonderful are the blessings of renewed youth with seasoned wisdom, divine health, and treasures of blessings wealth, endless peace and joy, joy, joy.
Thursday, 25 October 2018
How do you know you are blessed in righteousness? 1) When you are more thankful for being forgiven than what you have been given. 2) When you are truly stronger than your temptations. 3) When Jesus gives you another day to succeed after failure.
Wednesday, 24 October 2018
Never fight people already in Hell. Choose your enemies wisely, like the biggest one that will fight you. The sound of victory is greater when they fall. Never be afraid of winning, its look real good on you. Win one for Jesus! Selah.
Tuesday, 23 October 2018
Don’t beg, demand; speak truth to power. Don’t fear, advance with courage with truth over pity. When cursed; curse back with truth and wisdom. When deserted, sing praises for the birth of your new friends. Hallelujah!
Monday, 22 October 2018
I will never beg bread,(Jesus is the bread of life without price or money) to give to me is to give to Jesus. I will never worry, for my peace is of Jesus. I will never fail, for my purpose is to serve the Perfect One. Jesus loves me this I know.
Sunday, 21 October 2018
Give yourself to a cause that is righteous, and you will succeed. Know fear makes you compromise truth. He who feeds the hungry gives to the poor, visit the prisons and sick will always succeed. If you wait on Jesus, you will never make a mistake.
Saturday, 20 October 2018
Satan inflicts pain in the body and mind. He condemns you as wrong and worthless. He sells fear for a price you can pay. He promotes failure and vengeance only after you have done your very best. My friend; Satan lies to hide your victories.
Friday, 19 October 2018
The difference between sunshine and rain? Sunshine is silent, the rain sounds as a symphony. Many bathe in the sunshine and run from the rain bath. Every life is promised sunshine and rain. The perfect mix of both is God’s plan for your growth.
Thursday, 18 October 2018
Remember always and never forget when praying to call the name of Jesus. For there are many demons and spirits who wait, hear and can answer prayer. Many souls have been destroyed by familiar spirits and churches. Don’t forget, His Name Is Jesus!
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
The power to forgive is a god-like power. The power to give is a create your own world. The power to love is for the loved and the lover. The power to obey is the power to command. The power to pray let’s Jesus forgive, create, love and bless.
Tuesday, 16 October 2018
Don’t let your mistakes own you, or clothe you. If your mistake was a first offense then you are innocent before Jesus, go and sin no more. If your mistake is a second offense, the same mistake then you must suffer a life sentence of the penalty.
Monday, 15 October 2018
What’s the worse pain felt by Jesus for man? Was it betrayal by Judas, child’s play. Desertion by disciples, not even close. It was being forsaken by God. There is no pain like being alone without God. The name of that pain is HELL. ATLAH, Emanuel.
Sunday, 14 October 2018
When you are loved by The Jealous God; His Name Is Jesus. His blessings on you are curses to your enemies. You are forever innocent even if you fail when tempted. He alone wants to heal, feed, supply, and defend you. Be jealous for Him too!
Saturday, 13 October 2018
It is said if you don’t have health, you have nothing. I beg to differ; if you don’t have peace you not only don’t have a healthy body; you don’t have a healthy soul. A soul at peace, Jesus is health and wealth that passes understanding.
Friday, 12 October 2018
I am healed of shame of being who I am even when I had done no wrong. It seems I was born ashamed and all my life been afraid. The day I determined to stand up to my enemies and my fears I was delivered. I now know great power and sweet victory.
Thursday, 11 October 2018
When your choice is to lie or fail, accept failure. When you make a mistake, treasure the pain you suffer for it is the balm of perfection. If you tell yourself the truth, Jesus will always trust you. If you hate liars, Jesus will love you.
Wednesday, 10 October 2018
The man who makes mistakes is a man with an opportunity to learn. The man who humbles himself disarms all his enemies. The man who always gives always have more to give.The man who always ask Jesus first never disobey His Word. Lord help me be The Man.
Tuesday, 9 October 2018
Neither not or because truth hurts does not make telling it a mistake. When living righteously offends others does not make righteousness wrong. When Satan attacks your witness: makes you doubt yourself; hold your head up high and wait on The Lord.
Monday, 8 October 2018
I am the second coming of King David: The Lord’s Anointed in the Bklyn Jail. I bear the sword and the hands drenched in the blood of the enemies of Jesus and The Righteous Of Atlah. When I stand up demons run; when I speak Jesus gives the AMEN!
Sunday, 7 October 2018
The day will come you will reap only the harvest of your good seed. Tho the days of bitter harvest have left deep scars and pain. Now find those to whom you can sow laughter and all manner of blessings; for you shall reap 100 fold what you sow.
Saturday, 6 October 2018
If you have ought against The Lord’s Servant, wisely do not make public noise. For if My God hears your attack and His anger is kindled; not even the nation’s president, nor you nor your children’s children can hide from God’s curses, and wrath.
Friday, 5 October 2018
I publish my love for The Atlah Church Worldwide. I found my gift; when I gave my love to you. My most treasured blessing came; when I purposed to serve you. I shall live in eternal joy as long as you need me. Being true to you; has made me free
Thursday, 4 October 2018
When God Loves a man, the way God loved David, God gives him the anointing of anointing. God said of The Man Jesus: “this is my beloved son.” I, James David Manning say: Jesus loves me this I know. I am His Servant and messenger of The Tribulation.
Wednesday, 3 October 2018
I am hungry for you Jesus. I want to sit at your table of patience, understanding, and thanksgiving. I am thirsty for your truth about me: to set me free. I desire no table but your table; no house but your house. Fill me, I may never want again!
Tuesday, 2 October 2018
Lord teach me how to learn not to, make the same mistake over again, to refuse demonic temptations til they flee from me. To leave vengeance to you. Give me the strength to not walk in the counsel of the ungodly and cursed. Please Jesus, help me!
Monday, 1 October 2018
A popular, soulful singer wrote an endearing song entitled “When A Man Loves A Woman.” Yes, only one thing more praiseworthy “ when a man loves Jesus and His Church,” nothing can separate them, not even death. I love Jesus and The ATLAH Church!
Sunday, 30 September 2018
When you lie to save you, your savior is Satan. When you lie as a defense, you confess you are not worthy of Jesus and the truth. When you lie on others, it’s because they are righteous and you are wicked. So, the above is true: you are a liar!
Saturday, 29 September 2018
When your days of victory and joy come; they will be one hundred times longer than your days of tragedy and suffering. The days of life are sunshine and rain. Don’t worry if it is raining now, the sun will come out tomorrow; with a great harvest.
Friday, 28 September 2018
Are you presently in training to be a Victory Witness for Jesus? Here are some painful clues. Are your battles nigh impossible to win? Are you in pain longer than you thought? If the answer is yes to all questions; then it’s time for your miracle.
Thursday, 27 September 2018
Your body is a robe of flesh designed to host your soul. Nurture, feed and clean your robe with the Word of God. Do not profane your robe with dirty garments of your neighbor. Sanctify your robe to bring joy to your soul and your Savior.
Wednesday, 26 September 2018
Every person who gives to you do so by Obedience to God. Every person who steals from you does so by Worship of Satan. When you refuse to give; you chose to steal! When you chose to steal; you chose to worship Satan. Give, and give glory to God!
Tuesday, 25 September 2018
Good health, a sound mind, and someone who loves you is divine. When you are in the will of God, that He wrote for your life; to defeat Satan is righteous! Don’t let obstacles steal your joy. When the above is true; God laughs at your enemies!
Monday, 24 September 2018
Truth is the only real freedom. When you know it, you are righteous with freedom. Those who lie build prisons with bars made of demons and walls of curses and sickness. Truth makes you free; every lie imprisons you with darkness and demons.
Sunday, 23 September 2018
To control anger require the awakening of untapped spiritual strengths Of wisdom, courage, peace, divine or miracle attracting power. Remember the opposite: anger is temporary insanity that can become permanent. Don’t let the sun go down on anger.
Saturday, 22 September 2018
To Believe: is to have the thing considered good or bad live inside you. As it be-living inside you it gives life good or bad to you. I believe God. I believe Jesus loves me. I believe I will see the second coming of Jesus. I believe ATLAH.
Friday, 21 September 2018
The Blessed One Healing Stream. Oh, how wonderful to wake up to an assignment from Jesus. Preach His Word to the poor and bring his wrath to the wicked. He has commanded His anointing and power to flow through my mouth and hands. I love you Jesus.
Thursday, 20 September 2018
I remember the day that I was not afraid anymore. No more running nor painful thoughts. Likewise, I am not ashamed anymore, my color, nor my hair, and now I am not alone. If you are afraid, ashamed or alone, I want to be your shepherd and friend.
Wednesday,19 September 2018
The Lord has prepared your blessings, and He has set the “just in time” time of release. He has sent His Word to teach you how to wait on His time of release. Now is the season (time) of gifts and talents blessings release.
Tuesday, 18 September 2018
I have struggled all my life. The Lord cursed the womb of my mother as I struggled to be born. There are so many struggles behind me, so many that know me; but none have defeated me. It’s because of struggles I know the joy of lifetime victory.
Monday, 17 September 2018
If you need a Blessing, find someone less than you who also needs and bless them with what you have. Then Jesus will bless you as you have blessed others. Do unto others what you want done unto you. It always works; it always will.
Sunday, 16 September 2018
Find your dark secret faults that you learned to use years ago to hide your fear or weakness. Then treat it as a cancer by exposing it to light and morning and evening prayers. Then you shall be healed and filled with power over once weakness.
Saturday, 15 September 2018
This is my prayer for you; that Jesus commands His angels and Holy Spirit to give you joy, peace, and strength for your journey. Also, I am praying an already answered prayer for you to be of great cheer to expect and receive a miracle today.
Friday, 14 September 2018
Don’t expect Jesus to fill your barrel if it is not empty. Don’t expect Jesus to answer you if you have not obeyed Him. Don’t expect Jesus to forgive you if you have not forgiven others. Give The Tithe To The ATLAH Ministry. Jesus will bless you.
Thursday, 13 September 2018
How to find success: answer, lose your life. How to find happiness: answer, lose your life. How to find joy and peace: lose your life. Then how do I lose my life? Answer: giv e it to the poor,sick, homeless, or you can become as a little child.
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
If you need mercy, find someone who needs it more than you and give it to them. The treasure box of mercy can never be emptied. If you need Justice, make Seven Confessions of Truth. If you need supply, empty your barns to make room for increase.
Tuesday, 11 September 2018
When Truth comes to a summation of your thoughts and words, you will not able to take the cover of a lie. Truth will crown all your righteousness. Yet, Truth will strip you of every hideous and hidden hate. Truth is coming to bless or to curse you!
Monday, 10 September 2018
Jesus is with me. He has increased my blessings in the face of my enemies. All that I need, He has increased my supply. He has showered me with love and truth. My home and my hands are blessed. I will never beg bread, I will never be defeated!
Sunday, 9 September 2018
Understanding is the womb of which wisdom is born. It’s a place above the heavens where the secret of creation is kept. It is the rarest of all treasured spirits. Without it there is no righteousness, and only the selfless person can possess it.
Saturday, 8 September 2018
I just can’t remember tho’ I wish I could. If I could remember when I was innocent, for they have never forgiven me, never. My memories are innocent, beautiful, tho’ they never forgave me, Jesus did. I don’t remember how all the pain or love began.
Friday, 7 September 2018
Forgiveness of others is most pleasing when it is seasoned with remembrance that you too have sinned. When Jesus, who has no sin forgives us, it is because we have forgiven others and ourselves. Forgiveness is never kept but always given.
Thursday, 6 September 2018
Don’t worry, don’t guess, don’t be afraid. Accept all your trials with calmness. Victory does not fit the life of the anxious and the angels of success and power never share their gifts with the unstable or untested.
Wednesday, 5 September 2018
I wish I had every moment I have spent in anger, fear, coveting, hate and lies. How foolish to give that which is holy to the dogs. If I could possess them again, I would give them to the poor, hungry, homeless, fatherless children, and the truth!
Tuesday, 4 September 2018
Most people are just miserable sinners, liars, thieves, adulterers, even murderers. However, only Satan who lives on your sin singularly picks a fight with God. The righteous Job example is clear. Now we know when a person is a sinner or Satanic.
Monday, 3 September 2018
All things are possible with God but not with man and God. It is impossible to be as wise, truthful and giving as God. His steps are so deep, when I follow in His Steps, He has to turn and lift me out of each one, deep. Being God is impossible.
Sunday, 2 September 2018
Do you know who are? Do you know why God made you? You will know when you cease breaking the 10th command of God not to covet. For the command not to covet is the most frequently broken. To covet is the thief of blessings, peace, joy, and power.
Saturday, 1 September 2018
The eyes of the sun have seen everything and secret, from the creation of man to the rest of God. The prophet of God has seen equal to the sun and do outshine the sun when he prophesies, The Tribulation, and The Elect, for these even the sun cannot see.
Friday, 31 August 2018
Who gave the eagle it’s beautiful flight, who gave the tiger, those dazzling stripes, the amazing colors of the rainbow, the setting sun; it’s canvas ready glow? Jesus did and He is not out of ideas yet. He made you, as beautiful too, He Made You!
Thursday, 30 August 2018
Love is when you still have to tie your 50-year-old autistic son’s shoes. When you complete that he says; dad could you take me to Dairy Queen for my birthday day. LOVE IS! Yes, I’m in love. I AmThe Lord’s Servant!
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
On your life’s destination path; there are many evil detours and no righteous shortcuts, yet your destiny is faithful to wait on your successful arrival. Your destiny cannot die or be destroyed. What Jesus has written for you, cannot be erased.
Tuesday, 28 August 2018
Do not open each day expecting destruction, don’t look out the window for your next tragedy. For surely if you seek; you will find! Rather look for blessings you have overlooked from your good deeds. There are many blessings in your patience.
Monday, 27 August 2018
The job of the prayer warriors is to defeat Satan (Satan is weakened by the unity of the church). In his angered state, Satan’s victim is given time to escape. When two or three touch and agree Satan is defeated. ATLAH Church Is A Prayer Warrior!
Sunday, 26 August 2018
I pray that Jesus is your ever-present help, that He is always with you. That He is your high tower and shelter. It is painfully dangerous if He is not your shepherd! If He is not and you feel alone; join The Atlah Church. I’m The Lord’s Servant!
Saturday, 25 August 2018
Find a good woman and make her great and virtuous. Find poor people with nothing to give you and give all your gifts to them. Pray Jesus will call you to His work of sacrifice and abundance because you Trust In Him. I am The Lord’s Servant!
Friday, 24 August 2018
Watch my step Lord, lest I stumble. Hold my hand Lord, lest I fall. Guide my tongue, that I may not lie to you. Watch my back Lord, for mine enemies are your enemies too.
Thursday, 23 August 2018
Satan cannot tell the truth, Jesus called him a liar. Satan can’t wait on God, Jesus comes to destroy him. When you wait on God, you possess Him in your soul, you never grow old. He renews your strength, and can hear you cry. Wait, don’t worry.
Wednesday, 22 August 2018
If you had 24 hours could you undo all your mistakes and sins done thus far? Jesus gives you a new day today, to never again do what needs to be undone. Yet, if you pray today, (Lord bless all those I have injured); it takes less than 24 seconds.
Tuesday, 21 August 2018
When the Tribulation (the destruction of creation, starting from 7th day to the 1st day) is fully ended. The sun that was first in creation will go dark, then Jesus: The Light of The World will descend. Get Right With The Son Of God Now!
Monday, 20 August 2018
Fear is the first and most powerful spirit we encounter when we leave our mother’s arms. It is the cause of every sickness, mistake, and life failure. King David: The Lord’s Servant said: though I walk through the valley of death; FEAR NO EVIL!
Sunday, 19 August 2018
When you relentlessly control your three most evil thoughts, you will never again have fear. You can tread on serpents and they cannot harm you. Jesus will always be with you and anything you ask He will answer yes!
Saturday, 18 August 2018
God gives us all a seed of what we want and what we are. Give the seed that Jesus has given to you to others and you will have abundance. We are what God gives us. Giving what God gives us is divine. Do unto others as you want them to do to you.
Friday, 17 August 2018
When things don’t work out right; you should work them out! Things should never be trusted to do what is right, just or good.
Thursday, 16 August 2018
When your sins are so abominable, your deeds so foolish and wicked. When and after full forgiveness by loved ones and friends, you are still burdened as an outcast. Ask Jesus for restoration and forgiveness plus.
Wednesday, 15 August 2018
What is the one thing God, Man, and Satan cannot do? God cannot lie, Man cannot hide the truth, and Satan cannot tell the truth!
Tuesday, 14 August 2018
Teach every good thing you have learned, to every person possible; especially the poor: and Jesus will multiply your blessings, knowledge, and wisdom by a factor of (7) Seven!