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  • God Bless YOU…..Pastor Manning.
    For everything you stand for….
    You are the Lord’s messenger….for sure.
    BUT….listen to me….NOW….
    The BEST chance you ( and the Atlah Ministry ) have….for your survival in Harlem….
    Is for Donald Trump to be ** re-elected ** in November.
    If Biden gets in….. Black Lives Matter will run wild….
    And….they will TEAR UP Harlem….
    While the Mayor….and the NYPD sit back….and let it happen.
    Your beautiful Historic building sits right on the CORNER….in Harlem.
    Your structure will be the first TARGET they attack.
    And…..the damn LGBT people will be right there with BLM.
    Already…..the Mayor is proposing to slash $1 Billion from the NYPD budget.
    Not good….not good.
    Manning….. just ” bite the bullet “…. and PRAY for Donald Trump.
    God help us…..if Biden gets into the White House.
    Black Lives Matter will be running the country.
    Best Wishes

  • Black people don’t matter to BLM, it’s all about money!! Where is Al Sharpton? All those money demons are through with him for now. What about the people of Chicago? White people should march with signs reading Black Lives don’t matter in Chicago to BLM!! Most recent, a 3 year old child, a little girl, horrible. Satan is having a field day with these young black people. So very sad. They are allowing themselves to be slaves to the demonrat party!!! And if they run you out of Harlem, you need to come close to home. SC will welcome you with open arms!!