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  • I agree, President Trump’s daughter and Jared are the ones who turned on him. The daughter was very jealous of his wife, Marlene Trump. Jared has huge real estate deals with people all over the world. I don’t agree that President Donald J. Trump had illegal documents or done anything wrong. Ivanka and Jared are social climbers, greedy, and they turned on Donald Trump because they are promised she will be the first female president. Remember she was offered a job head of the World Bank. They were bought by the dirty elite people that have run the economy into the ground. Ivanka wants The first lady Marlenia and Donald Trump divorced. From the beginning, her body language is very narcissistic and fake like her husband, and she is now trying to destroy her father and stepmother life. When President Donald J. Trump was in office, the economy was the best it ever was and the country was on top. The country is now broke and unstable, this is why a lot of churches have gone up for sale because people don’t have the money to tithe anymore. They got to feed their families and keep the lights on, basic survival. I see a lot of churches up for sale daily, thank God we have God’s word the bible to see us through this storm that could last 40 years. You can’t blame the economy collapse on President Donald Trump if you dislike him, the numbers don’t like. Let’s pray we get the people out of office that do nothing but lie and line their pockets, throwing the people to the streets. God Bless, Dr. James Manning I hope the wolves don’t foreclose your church, but people are struggling financially right now even good Christians are homeless living in cars because they did not get their priorities straight. I see a lot of historic churches going up for sale and holding church online from home now. It’s heart braking, but it’s all changing now since Joe Biden got into office it’s collapsing. John 15:5