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  • Hahahahaha….HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!
    Manning….I gotta tell you…..
    You had me laughing my ASS off.
    YEAH….you are right about Harris.
    She’s one scary…. ANGRY woman.
    Let me just throw this up at you.
    Harris did poorly in the debates…..
    And….poorly in California.
    Compared to the other Democrat candidates.
    Word on the street….and from Dick Morris is…..
    Biden was shopping the VP position FIRST…..
    To two other Black women.
    (who turned him down)
    Harris was NOT his first…or…..second choice.
    But….YES….she is one ANGRY woman.
    Who happens to be married to a White man.
    No need to tell you…..
    Who wears the PANTS in *her* family.
    Like I have been telling you….Pastor…..
    Pray that Donald Trump WINS in November.
    If Biden and Kamala get into the White House….
    BLM….ANTIFA…and….LGBT will be coming after **YOU**.
    They will TEAR Harlem apart.
    And….Mayor de Blasio and Governor Cuomo….
    Will sit back and let it happen.
    The Mayor wants you *OUT OF TOWN* anyway.
    You may end up having to move BACK……to N. Carolina.
    God help us…..if Biden WINS.