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  • Pastor Manning, A common strain of coronavirus has mutated to help it spread quickly and there is plenty more of that to come! The thought of the evil and wicked BLM Reprobate Cult surviving is sickening. I believe the evil BLM Cult is going to be silenced. Harris is coming for that number one spot and her voting record is to the left of Bernie Sanders. She is going to hightail it to the center and pretend to be a moderate. Don’t be surprised if Harris leads the 25th Amendment charge to get Biden out of her way so she can steal his center right base.
    Under Biden I think the Tribulation Trump Supporters might be presently surprised. Biden loved, understands and has fondness for the segregationists. Biden has lauded South Carolina Sen. Strom Thurmond — who Biden called “one of my closest friends” — and Sen. Jesse Helms of North Carolina, who Biden worked with on legislation to prevent court-ordered desegregation busing. He has also expressed admiration for Sens. John Stennis, James O. Eastland and Herman Talmadge. He has even praised George Wallace, an Alabama governor and segregationist presidential candidate. Those were the real deal Good ol’ Boys Club back in the day. Who else in the Senate or in politics today can say that they had those types of friendships and connections?

    The police couldn’t have a better friend than Biden.
    Tribulation Trump was trashing law enforcement talking bad about the ‘crooked’ cops, FBI, CIA, the military etc. America will never hear Biden say that kind of stuff about law enforcement. In fact Biden wants to make sure they have more money and possibly give them access to federal funds. All I am saying is that Biden is not a cop hating radical. Biden thinks the police are above reproach and will let them get away with anything and everything. The Good Ol’ Boys have a friend in the White House because Biden is not interested in actual police reform.

    The one the Trump Supporters have to worry about is Harris. Biden isn’t trying to go to war with Trump Supporters and I think he has a lot more in common with them than the Trump Supporters think. Harris on the other hand is an overzealous prosecutor that has the Trump Supporters in her sights. If elephants have long memories than women like Harris have Eidetic memory or more commonly known as “photographic” memory. She isn’t going to let any slight go. She is the one pushing harder than anyone else to make sure Trump and his enablers are prosecuted. Biden doesn’t want to go down that road, he might actually try to protect the Trump Supporters from her. She is a vicious snake in a pant suit. Harris is more than a fox in the hen house. Harris is a Cassowary that can transform into a Velociraptor in the hen house. Biden might be the only thing standing in the way of Harris raining down all types of hell on the Trump Supporter.

    If the Trump Supporter had any sense they would dump Tribulation Trump and REPENT! They got caught up in Diaper Don the Con (Trump wears Depends) fast talking New York two bit Con Artist Degenerate and now they are at the mercy of a woman (Harris) who is more spiteful and more vindictive than Trump could ever be. Don’t let the Devil ride because he might want to drive. The Trump Supporters let that chaos demon Trump possess them and now a legion of demons is going to jump all over them. Trump Supporters never should have fooled around with that Witch of Endor.