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  • Iam white & I feel these ‘flash mobs’ of black youth & back in November/December 2019 in cities & Louieville KY. is an example, 2000 black youths were ‘flash-mobbing’ shopping-malls & the police just rounded them up & put them on buses to take home!!!!! I feel this summer they will after the stores are open again, flash-mob & I feel now white folk are going to get their guns and!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Need this white man say anymore? The covid-19 virus & stores closing put a hamper(temporarly) on this flash mobbing but soon it will come back in masse & this could very well start a race war in America & it is not going to be pretty!!!!! BTW I have heard about law abiding/educated black folk tired of the section 8 ghettos will also take up arms and!!!!!! & this white man believes this as well. Could Hispanics/Asians/Orientals in America rise up against the ‘black problem?

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