I think you need to become more precise as to who the elect are. Listen to Dake. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PCfuWTBdvI
At the 37 minute mark he breaks it down. You got the Old Testament saints, the church age saints, the tribulation saints, (that is us) and then the 144,000 Jews.
Also I think you need to rethink what it means to be in the will. There is no need for us to list the 613 nenants from the Jewish Torah as the voting ballot. As Jesus commandments basically repeat and or fulfill all of that for the voting ballot to elect the tribulation saints. You are correct in saying we need to focus on thrnikd Testament. I agree. But in your own words you have that is what Jesus spoke of. The commadments if Jesus is his will or the North Star directive. I have crossed correlated my list to Drake’s 1050 New Testament commandments and pulled out just what Jesus said from his list. Now I am in the process of comparing his list to mine to the only other known attempt. I found a guy recently released from prison to help me. Paying him money. To agree. He was not in the spirit but slowly is becoming so. Soon I will hire one to post one by one on youtube. To get people to explain each command. Then on the election app for the holy city citeznry or also known as the tribulation saints they can link to the YouTube vid to discover what people says the commandments of Jesus means as they look to edify others. We have no judgment or down votes in this phase. Only up votes. Manning you need to step your game up. So many questions to ponder while you wait upon a word from The Lord in prayer I have been about my fathers business. You want to be part of the will then start receiving my calls. You snooze you loose. The righteousness app is being fullfilled. Your mission of Allah is happening where men own businesses in his will. You want to be part of this or not. I got lots to offer beyond little pieces of silver. What I have is more valuable then gold for your offering plates. You ignored me last time and look at the trouble you got yourself into. My God at least you back up in the saddle man.
I think you need to become more precise as to who the elect are. Listen to Dake. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_PCfuWTBdvI
At the 37 minute mark he breaks it down. You got the Old Testament saints, the church age saints, the tribulation saints, (that is us) and then the 144,000 Jews.
Also I think you need to rethink what it means to be in the will. There is no need for us to list the 613 nenants from the Jewish Torah as the voting ballot. As Jesus commandments basically repeat and or fulfill all of that for the voting ballot to elect the tribulation saints. You are correct in saying we need to focus on thrnikd Testament. I agree. But in your own words you have that is what Jesus spoke of. The commadments if Jesus is his will or the North Star directive. I have crossed correlated my list to Drake’s 1050 New Testament commandments and pulled out just what Jesus said from his list. Now I am in the process of comparing his list to mine to the only other known attempt. I found a guy recently released from prison to help me. Paying him money. To agree. He was not in the spirit but slowly is becoming so. Soon I will hire one to post one by one on youtube. To get people to explain each command. Then on the election app for the holy city citeznry or also known as the tribulation saints they can link to the YouTube vid to discover what people says the commandments of Jesus means as they look to edify others. We have no judgment or down votes in this phase. Only up votes. Manning you need to step your game up. So many questions to ponder while you wait upon a word from The Lord in prayer
I have been about my fathers business. You want to be part of the will then start receiving my calls. You snooze you loose. The righteousness app is being fullfilled. Your mission of Allah is happening where men own businesses in his will. You want to be part of this or not. I got lots to offer beyond little pieces of silver. What I have is more valuable then gold for your offering plates. You ignored me last time and look at the trouble you got yourself into. My God at least you back up in the saddle man.