Mitch McConnell is a brilliant political strategist and tactician. McConnell is the real Tribulation figure and is the one running the show. Tribulation Trump is a pion that McConnell used like a dirty rag that McConnell threw away once McConnell got the agenda items on McConnell’s wish list. McConnell remade the judiciary much more in the GOP’s image, got his tax cut and he has taken complete control over Trump’s base. McConnell has essentially put a leash and muzzle on Trump. McConnell has proved that Trump is the problem. There were millions of principled Conservatives/Independents that lean Right in the places that determined the election who came out for down ballot Conservative candidates and who gave a clear REBUKE/REJECTION of Trump and Trumpism. It isn’t Trump’s base anymore. Trump’s base is not enough to win at the top of the ticket. The electorate kicked Trump out of office and made sure McConnell kept his job. McConnell played the long game like he always does and he beat Trump. The base belongs to whoever McConnell decides to give it to.
McConnell is a smooth diabolical operator. McConnell torpedoed the 2nd Coronavirus stimulus bill that would have pumped $4 trillion into the struggling economy which was being negotiated by Trump and the Democrats right before the election. The reason why a majority of Swing voters in Swing states broke Biden’s way is because of Tribulation Trump’s failed Coronavirus Response and McConnell knew that. Trump has bragged about the economy throughout his presidency and McConnell made sure going into Election Day that the economy was in bad shape. Trump desperately need that 2nd Coronavirus Response to juice the economy and McConnell shut him down cold and turned around to push the Supreme Court Justice through quickly which ensured that the GOP had a super-majority on SCOTUS. That SCOTUS pick was what the GOP Senate needed to push themselves across the finish line in regards to the election because of the way that the Senate is set up. McConnell knows that The U.S. Senate was designed to over-represent small population states. During the past half-century, as a result of the GOP’s dominance of small states and loss of big states, the party has consistently held a higher share of Senate seats than the share of American citizens who vote for its candidates. Because conservatives and Republicans are ideologically predisposed to blocking changes or accretions in governmental policy, the victory of nothing is often a victory for the GOP. Delivering zero policy results isn’t a failure of Republican rule but quite often the objective. Republicans repeatedly emphasize that government is the problem and not the solution to most problems, the GOP tends to be rewarded when government fails. After all, they predicted exactly that!
Tribulation Trump is a two bit con artist whose main objective is to make MONEY! The GOP/RNC will find a way to pay Trump off so he can go away and not attack the new GOP standard bearer. That new GOP standard bearer is someone who the GOP could actually be proud of like Tom Cotton or Adam Kinzinger or Liz Cheney.
McConnell and his Asian wife are indebted to the communist Chinese just like the Biden crime family.
HOWEVER, watch Trump: He passed an EO in 2018 that will undo the fraudulent voting. Remember, the elections in 2008 and 2012 were rigged. Obama was never elected president since the machines automatically flopped to his name when a voter left the machine. It was demonstrated on the news.
If I were a police officer, my job is paid that I ma to die if necessary to protect one person from another persons violent to injure them.
Trump is no different then any other man who works for Facebook Twitter, Google, Amazon…. these individuals running the companies and other companies are in control of the country and in some cases the world.
Donald Trump is a successful businessman who people would have wanted to have Donald Trump as president for two terms 35 years ago. He does a good job at running a business, he would do a good job at running the country, and he isn’t beholden to third party corporation and special interest groups. He cares about people. That is why so many people like him and follow him.
The man was being blackmailed, framed and persecuted by the federal government to get him out of office after he won in 2016. The media guaranteed that Hillary was going to win the 2016 election with all three polls. Hillary Clinton was going to be the woman riding the beast. Now it’s going to be Kamala Harris riding the beast.
People were so tired of the trash of the United States government and the insanity of having the government do nothing to better the lives of the people. Instead presidents came in saying they were going to do this, this, this, and this…. if they were elected. They get elected and did nothing the people wanted. One group of people decries, “oh Trump doesn’t have experience in government”. I’m sorry, many people work in government and do great things and have no previous experience in government. One doesn’t have to be a career politician to be a good president. In fact, a president who is a career politician has been bought into so much corruption he is easily controlled by outside influence from within the government. Donald Trump with the “flaws” or shall we call a spade a spade? Sins is no better than any of us and we are no better than he is. The man negotiates business deals, he stays away from corruption, except for the fact that as president he was attacked by the most corrupt people in our government who are supposed to represent and protect us.
When Jim Comey met with Donald Trump, he showed him the fake Steele dossier and tried to black mail him. He told Trump do what we say or we will ruin your life, the lives of your children and your friends.
Trump knowing the information was FAKE told Comey, do your best! Trump is’t a quitter and isn’t a loser. He doesn’t go in to start wars, he got us out of endless physical wars. He opened the eyes of many who were blind to the truth of theMatrix we have lived in an a desperate power struggle to control people’s lives because some certain people just love money and power. Money means nothing to Trump, he doesn’t need any. He is self sufficient. He built his own fortune from good work and working with people and employees.
The man couldn’t be bribed for a million dollars a year or anything. He didn’t even take the presidential salary of 400,000 a year which he was due. He donated it to parts of the government and to charities. People wonder how he only paid $75 in taxes one year.
People are tired of the insanity of the bureaucrats in the United States government. And actually it’s on both sides of the isle. Our liberal universities that were originally founded as seminaries to train young men to preach the Gospel have all been invaded as the denominations of the church have been slowly invaded with leaders who have come out of the closet and are haters of God and men, they have raised they youth of our country to turn away from their parents, to reject God, and to reject Truth!
Donald Trump is the man that God used to prepare people for what is to come. The people will either accept the world as it is shoved down their throat and accept the Mark of the beast, or they will fight against it.
Some people might “worship” Donald Trump because they don’t know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. They will find an emptiness in their heart when Trump is gone. In fact many will find an emptiness in their heart when Trump is gone. One group is the one who wants to dominate the rest of us. They see Donald Trump as the last opposition they face before they are in complete control. They are correct. They have fed lies to their followers after lie after lie and their followers believed the lies and fed off of those lies. The News media was every morning attacking Donald Trump for three years they did everything they could do to ruin him. Many of us citizens who don’t subscribe to the lies of the media and the bureaucrats encouraged Donald Trump to fight for us. If you see anywhere Donald Trump benefitted from being president of the United States for his own life let me know. One of my friends said oh he’s going to make the Trump name great! Yeah for the lost maybe they will get that impression. He will be very popular! The only president that was maligned for doing what was good for the lives of the citizens of the United States of America.
Some have as you have said in some way related to what you call him Tribulation Trump! Well he is certainly around the time when the tribulation may come. In 1996 I told some friends in Sunday School class that I could see this country being a communist socialist country one day. They laughed at me and at the idea “Oh that will never happen!”
I’m sorry, but people in other countries know that the election was stolen from Donald Trump in 2020. Thousands in Japan did a March for Trump fortunately they are able to do that in Japan. They were crying Stop the Steal in Japanese and were carrying American flags and Trump flags. The whole world saw what was happening from the democrats who had perfected their election fraud techniques. There was such a number of people who turned out to vote core president Trump in 2016 that the cheating efforts of the democrats was over run. They couldn’t manipulate the vote of the people fast enough. This time the prepared for it. Gosh a county in Pensylvania had a 320% voter turn out. There was 220% more people who voted in that county then registered voters.
Now, you might think that since Joe Biden got into office and all the ANTIFA BLM anarchists who have been destroying peoples lives across the country in democrat run cities and states would be over now. The bureaucrats never decried them, they all wanted to defund the police over the media hyped up rage of a black man that was killed and they called it systemic racism. Only, that one black man is not the only man that has died that way. There have been white men that have died that way as well. More than black men. This was all a distraction used by the enemy to take control of people. They had people like Nancy Pelosi bowing down with the special cloth worn by black people.
Now that Joe Biden is in office, yore right! He isn’t going to stay there! They are going to do one of two things! They will impeach Biden like that have now twice done to Trump with the second time not giving him a hearing in the house. They up and blamed him for something that there is no evidence that he was involved in. There obviously wasn’t any evidence of fraud in the election. But there is plenty of evidence that Biden can be impeached on. They are going to either impeach him or they will knock him out with the 25th amendment. When that happens Kamala Harris becomes Acting Vice President and I wouldn’t put it past Harris appointing Hillary as Acting VP, then come how Harris disappears from ClintonCide and Hillary becomes Acting VP and she appoints Pelosi as VP, Pelosi steps down and a member of the Squad such as AOC or Ilhan Omar becomes speaker of the house..
And you want to call Trump Tribulation Trump!
We are now a one party controlled government unless something else changes. I would support Trump to help our country either as a second term as president or as a leader who forms a real opposition party to the destruction that is being unleashed by the current one party rule system that is going to put us back into endless wars. Wars that Trump took us out of. I’m sorry, I don’t want boys and girls being called the same and then having pervert teachers in the bathroom with these children. I don’t want perverts teaching my kids in Sunday school or preaching against the Bible in Church. This is the destruction of Christianity in America.
We will be under persecution like they are in China. They must meet in secret places in China like in barns, caves, places in the country away from the big cities. Many don’t own Bibles. A Christian Publisher in Hong Kong was arrested recently when China took Hong Kongs independence away from them.
Plenty of people will support Trump as long as he is not against them!
I believe Trump is a Zionist, he supports the restoration of Israel as a state. He supports them because by putting our strength there, he forces peace in the Middle East because the Middle East is afraid of the strength of the US. All of those things will be destroyed and we will be attacked by the Muslim countries. We are in our weakest position with Pansy Biden playing around sniffing little girls and letting them play with the hair on his legs.
We have just been thrown into the hands of the enemy.
Jesus said only God is good. When Adam and Eve fell in the Garden of Eden, it’s because the learned of and Trusted in the words of Evil. Satan. Hence the meaning of the tree the knowledge of “Good and Evil” that which brought to them by faith in the words of the evil one Satan.
They had the knowledge of Good! They were created with that knowledge in their heart. Well many people say God is evil since he knowingly let them eat of the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. He put it there to show they had free choice. They weren’t robots commanded and controlled by him.
I’ll leave you to listen to your own message when you said “the black man doesn’t understand the world, he hasn’t built anything……” now we’re gonna have a half black woman as Acting VP in the White House. Maybe she will appoint Michelle Obama as Acting VP. HRC and Pelosi will be skipped over again.
Mitch McConnell is a brilliant political strategist and tactician. McConnell is the real Tribulation figure and is the one running the show. Tribulation Trump is a pion that McConnell used like a dirty rag that McConnell threw away once McConnell got the agenda items on McConnell’s wish list. McConnell remade the judiciary much more in the GOP’s image, got his tax cut and he has taken complete control over Trump’s base. McConnell has essentially put a leash and muzzle on Trump. McConnell has proved that Trump is the problem. There were millions of principled Conservatives/Independents that lean Right in the places that determined the election who came out for down ballot Conservative candidates and who gave a clear REBUKE/REJECTION of Trump and Trumpism. It isn’t Trump’s base anymore. Trump’s base is not enough to win at the top of the ticket. The electorate kicked Trump out of office and made sure McConnell kept his job. McConnell played the long game like he always does and he beat Trump. The base belongs to whoever McConnell decides to give it to.
McConnell is a smooth diabolical operator. McConnell torpedoed the 2nd Coronavirus stimulus bill that would have pumped $4 trillion into the struggling economy which was being negotiated by Trump and the Democrats right before the election. The reason why a majority of Swing voters in Swing states broke Biden’s way is because of Tribulation Trump’s failed Coronavirus Response and McConnell knew that. Trump has bragged about the economy throughout his presidency and McConnell made sure going into Election Day that the economy was in bad shape. Trump desperately need that 2nd Coronavirus Response to juice the economy and McConnell shut him down cold and turned around to push the Supreme Court Justice through quickly which ensured that the GOP had a super-majority on SCOTUS. That SCOTUS pick was what the GOP Senate needed to push themselves across the finish line in regards to the election because of the way that the Senate is set up. McConnell knows that The U.S. Senate was designed to over-represent small population states. During the past half-century, as a result of the GOP’s dominance of small states and loss of big states, the party has consistently held a higher share of Senate seats than the share of American citizens who vote for its candidates. Because conservatives and Republicans are ideologically predisposed to blocking changes or accretions in governmental policy, the victory of nothing is often a victory for the GOP. Delivering zero policy results isn’t a failure of Republican rule but quite often the objective. Republicans repeatedly emphasize that government is the problem and not the solution to most problems, the GOP tends to be rewarded when government fails. After all, they predicted exactly that!
Tribulation Trump is a two bit con artist whose main objective is to make MONEY! The GOP/RNC will find a way to pay Trump off so he can go away and not attack the new GOP standard bearer. That new GOP standard bearer is someone who the GOP could actually be proud of like Tom Cotton or Adam Kinzinger or Liz Cheney.
McConnell and his Asian wife are indebted to the communist Chinese just like the Biden crime family.
HOWEVER, watch Trump: He passed an EO in 2018 that will undo the fraudulent voting. Remember, the elections in 2008 and 2012 were rigged. Obama was never elected president since the machines automatically flopped to his name when a voter left the machine. It was demonstrated on the news.
January 6

patriots…. Trump/Pence 2020!
its the news that we should be attacking.they are responable
antic the press
joe biden is a fucking fucking fucking loser he cant speak well
Well, neither could Moses in Genesis! But that’s a different person and a real Truth!
Biden is a dementia patient!
Dr Manning,
If I were a police officer, my job is paid that I ma to die if necessary to protect one person from another persons violent to injure them.
Trump is no different then any other man who works for Facebook Twitter, Google, Amazon…. these individuals running the companies and other companies are in control of the country and in some cases the world.
Donald Trump is a successful businessman who people would have wanted to have Donald Trump as president for two terms 35 years ago. He does a good job at running a business, he would do a good job at running the country, and he isn’t beholden to third party corporation and special interest groups. He cares about people. That is why so many people like him and follow him.
The man was being blackmailed, framed and persecuted by the federal government to get him out of office after he won in 2016. The media guaranteed that Hillary was going to win the 2016 election with all three polls. Hillary Clinton was going to be the woman riding the beast. Now it’s going to be Kamala Harris riding the beast.
People were so tired of the trash of the United States government and the insanity of having the government do nothing to better the lives of the people. Instead presidents came in saying they were going to do this, this, this, and this…. if they were elected. They get elected and did nothing the people wanted. One group of people decries, “oh Trump doesn’t have experience in government”. I’m sorry, many people work in government and do great things and have no previous experience in government. One doesn’t have to be a career politician to be a good president. In fact, a president who is a career politician has been bought into so much corruption he is easily controlled by outside influence from within the government. Donald Trump with the “flaws” or shall we call a spade a spade? Sins is no better than any of us and we are no better than he is. The man negotiates business deals, he stays away from corruption, except for the fact that as president he was attacked by the most corrupt people in our government who are supposed to represent and protect us.
When Jim Comey met with Donald Trump, he showed him the fake Steele dossier and tried to black mail him. He told Trump do what we say or we will ruin your life, the lives of your children and your friends.
Trump knowing the information was FAKE told Comey, do your best! Trump is’t a quitter and isn’t a loser. He doesn’t go in to start wars, he got us out of endless physical wars. He opened the eyes of many who were blind to the truth of theMatrix we have lived in an a desperate power struggle to control people’s lives because some certain people just love money and power. Money means nothing to Trump, he doesn’t need any. He is self sufficient. He built his own fortune from good work and working with people and employees.
The man couldn’t be bribed for a million dollars a year or anything. He didn’t even take the presidential salary of 400,000 a year which he was due. He donated it to parts of the government and to charities. People wonder how he only paid $75 in taxes one year.
People are tired of the insanity of the bureaucrats in the United States government. And actually it’s on both sides of the isle. Our liberal universities that were originally founded as seminaries to train young men to preach the Gospel have all been invaded as the denominations of the church have been slowly invaded with leaders who have come out of the closet and are haters of God and men, they have raised they youth of our country to turn away from their parents, to reject God, and to reject Truth!
Donald Trump is the man that God used to prepare people for what is to come. The people will either accept the world as it is shoved down their throat and accept the Mark of the beast, or they will fight against it.
Some people might “worship” Donald Trump because they don’t know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. They will find an emptiness in their heart when Trump is gone. In fact many will find an emptiness in their heart when Trump is gone. One group is the one who wants to dominate the rest of us. They see Donald Trump as the last opposition they face before they are in complete control. They are correct. They have fed lies to their followers after lie after lie and their followers believed the lies and fed off of those lies. The News media was every morning attacking Donald Trump for three years they did everything they could do to ruin him. Many of us citizens who don’t subscribe to the lies of the media and the bureaucrats encouraged Donald Trump to fight for us. If you see anywhere Donald Trump benefitted from being president of the United States for his own life let me know. One of my friends said oh he’s going to make the Trump name great! Yeah for the lost maybe they will get that impression. He will be very popular! The only president that was maligned for doing what was good for the lives of the citizens of the United States of America.
Some have as you have said in some way related to what you call him Tribulation Trump! Well he is certainly around the time when the tribulation may come. In 1996 I told some friends in Sunday School class that I could see this country being a communist socialist country one day. They laughed at me and at the idea “Oh that will never happen!”
I’m sorry, but people in other countries know that the election was stolen from Donald Trump in 2020. Thousands in Japan did a March for Trump fortunately they are able to do that in Japan. They were crying Stop the Steal in Japanese and were carrying American flags and Trump flags. The whole world saw what was happening from the democrats who had perfected their election fraud techniques. There was such a number of people who turned out to vote core president Trump in 2016 that the cheating efforts of the democrats was over run. They couldn’t manipulate the vote of the people fast enough. This time the prepared for it. Gosh a county in Pensylvania had a 320% voter turn out. There was 220% more people who voted in that county then registered voters.
Now, you might think that since Joe Biden got into office and all the ANTIFA BLM anarchists who have been destroying peoples lives across the country in democrat run cities and states would be over now. The bureaucrats never decried them, they all wanted to defund the police over the media hyped up rage of a black man that was killed and they called it systemic racism. Only, that one black man is not the only man that has died that way. There have been white men that have died that way as well. More than black men. This was all a distraction used by the enemy to take control of people. They had people like Nancy Pelosi bowing down with the special cloth worn by black people.
Now that Joe Biden is in office, yore right! He isn’t going to stay there! They are going to do one of two things! They will impeach Biden like that have now twice done to Trump with the second time not giving him a hearing in the house. They up and blamed him for something that there is no evidence that he was involved in. There obviously wasn’t any evidence of fraud in the election. But there is plenty of evidence that Biden can be impeached on. They are going to either impeach him or they will knock him out with the 25th amendment. When that happens Kamala Harris becomes Acting Vice President and I wouldn’t put it past Harris appointing Hillary as Acting VP, then come how Harris disappears from ClintonCide and Hillary becomes Acting VP and she appoints Pelosi as VP, Pelosi steps down and a member of the Squad such as AOC or Ilhan Omar becomes speaker of the house..
And you want to call Trump Tribulation Trump!
We are now a one party controlled government unless something else changes. I would support Trump to help our country either as a second term as president or as a leader who forms a real opposition party to the destruction that is being unleashed by the current one party rule system that is going to put us back into endless wars. Wars that Trump took us out of. I’m sorry, I don’t want boys and girls being called the same and then having pervert teachers in the bathroom with these children. I don’t want perverts teaching my kids in Sunday school or preaching against the Bible in Church. This is the destruction of Christianity in America.
We will be under persecution like they are in China. They must meet in secret places in China like in barns, caves, places in the country away from the big cities. Many don’t own Bibles. A Christian Publisher in Hong Kong was arrested recently when China took Hong Kongs independence away from them.
Plenty of people will support Trump as long as he is not against them!
I believe Trump is a Zionist, he supports the restoration of Israel as a state. He supports them because by putting our strength there, he forces peace in the Middle East because the Middle East is afraid of the strength of the US. All of those things will be destroyed and we will be attacked by the Muslim countries. We are in our weakest position with Pansy Biden playing around sniffing little girls and letting them play with the hair on his legs.
We have just been thrown into the hands of the enemy.
Jesus said only God is good. When Adam and Eve fell in the Garden of Eden, it’s because the learned of and Trusted in the words of Evil. Satan. Hence the meaning of the tree the knowledge of “Good and Evil” that which brought to them by faith in the words of the evil one Satan.
They had the knowledge of Good! They were created with that knowledge in their heart. Well many people say God is evil since he knowingly let them eat of the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. He put it there to show they had free choice. They weren’t robots commanded and controlled by him.
I’ll leave you to listen to your own message when you said “the black man doesn’t understand the world, he hasn’t built anything……” now we’re gonna have a half black woman as Acting VP in the White House. Maybe she will appoint Michelle Obama as Acting VP. HRC and Pelosi will be skipped over again.