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  • Pastor Manning, Shemite, Marxist Merrick Garland will not indict Trump or Biden unless he’s instructed to by his illuminati handlers, you see he takes orders from the same satanic NWO cabal that Joe Biden, Bill and Hillary Clinton and the long-legged Mack daddy and Michelle the fist bumper do, they probably figure that Donald Trump has some goods on Joe and the Mack daddy that’s why they raided Mear-A Logo back in August of last year!

  • Hahahahahaha…..you’ve got me laughing my ASS off again…. Pastor Manning.
    I haven’t been on your site for a while….. but, you are still funny as hell.
    Whenever I need a good laugh….. I always check out your website.
    It’s nice to know you are still around….
    Considering all the problems you’ve had with the “gangsters” trying to steal your property.
    I hope you’ll make some comments about the SPY BALLOON that was just shot down.