The ATLAH Family and Dr. Manning have always welcomed LGBTQ members to our love and church membership. We biblically require they “come and sin no more.”
We model our beliefs and love after the Words of Jesus when He lovingly forgave a woman caught in adultery about to be stoned according to the law. St. John 8:1-11 and Leviticus 20:8-13.
We realize many find the Bible antiquated and out of step with modern times. However, we humbly ask that all would respect our first amendment rights to cling to the only faith and hope we know.
We have honored and accepted many who have been LGBTQ as church leaders and have named our church courtyard after Deacon Williams, a loving member who has passed from among us.
LGBTQ: “Welcome To The Loving Arms of Jesus at The ATLAH Church.” “Come And Sin No More.”
Dr. James David Manning