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  • “LOST SHEEP”…… right.
    You are a JOKE.
    When BLM …and ANTIFA come knocking at your door…..
    Looking to take over Harlem…..
    And to destroy your church property….
    Call your *good buddy* Joe Biden.
    And see if he comes to your rescue.
    I cannot believe a man of your intelligence….
    Can be so STUPID.
    You’ll wish you had Trump back in the White House.

  • Pastor,

    It is unlikely the sheep that you speak of will return , or are as lost as you claim.

    Trump is no Angel for sure ,
    However , and by far , he is not the reason your church is experiencing abandonment.

    Most of what the left represents does not aline with the Bible.
    Abortion, sex changes , burning and pillaging … the list goes on and on .

    I’m not going to try to convince you further , I am confident however , that the next few years will shed light on the facts of the matter .

    Buckle up my friend- The Trump Train will seem like a walk in the park compared to the crazy train that has just left the station.

    God speed and bless you and your family.

    Respectfully ,
    Derryll Brudzinski
    Savant Solutions LLC