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  • Little mind,

    Your arrogance is insulting to pretend you can order God what to do. You can’t even negotiate with God Manning. Who are you to play God. Lol

    You want to play God. You want to tell Him what to do? You about to be in a world of hurt. To learn the most basic life lesson. You are not God and you had best try to just be on his way.

    Listen to you. If you give me God will give to you.
    I could understand if you said if you give to God. I will try to find away to uplift you if God can provide for me to do so. Lol

    But you in your huberis say you can speak for and order God around? Particularly when people do something for you as if God is your runner sacrifice slave.

    You got it all wrong Manning. No pearls to swine here anymore. Yo Judgement day is a coming.

    Tithe is over Manning. Stop your money grubbing. Cancel your luxery trip in the name of a few children who only would be thrown in at last minute if you got busted for extravagant expenses in the name of Jesus.