I want to talk to you today about that special group called the Elect that will be chosen to live and reign with Christ Jesus for 4000 years.

I want you to listen to me very carefully today because I have two things I want to say to you.

The first thing is concerning the Elect, and most of you who listen to me knows where that verse comes from in Matthew’s gospel chapter 24, verse 22. You already know about that so we don’t need to cover that right now.

And many of you have taken the journey with me over the past few years; at least since 2018, and that is when we first started preaching about the Elelct in Matthew 16:28 where it says that some standing here shall not taste of death. You’ve already seen that verse and you already know about it and we’re good to go.

We already know that the Elect is a special called-out group.

Now we’re going to discover that Jesus chooses some people and that He did it systematically and dramatically and emphatically when He walked the sands of Israel in sandals.

We’re not all equal in terms of our spiritual destination or our spiritual calling, nor are we all equal in our blessings of spirituality.

Let’s get started with the Elect, then my second question will be “Why is it that you have been called as one of the Elect?”

It has become extraordinarily Biblically clear now that Jesus, while He is no respector of persons, chooses some people and does not choose others.

I suppose the most highly prized choice by God, His name is Jesus, is to be chosen as one of the Elect.

Because although you may want to be one of the Elect, Jesus chooses you.

Remember that in Matthew 16:13 Peter gets chosen of the 12 to get the keys to the kingdom. Now this is an extraordinary choice and the way Jesus makes this choice is that He asked them some questions.

And at the bottom of the list, Judas Iscariot gets chosen to be the betrayer.

While Jesus is no respector of persons, there are some that get called up to a higher calling; there are some that get called up to the Mount of Transfiguration and there are some that get called to Caesarea Philippi and then there are some that get called or chosen to be the Elect.

Not everybody gets chosen to be the Elect and not everyone gets the keys to the kingdom.

And then finally we want to ask God why is it that you got chosen?

Matthew 16:13: “When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, (that’s in the North country of Israel), and He asked His disciples saying, Who do men say that I the Son of man am?”

Notice that He identifies Himself a the “Son of man”.

Matthew 16:14: “And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist; some, Elias, and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets.”

There is a prophecy in Malachi 4:5 that Elijah will return and during Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah, the Biblical Jews set out a chair for Eliah.

Remember that we are trying to discover the reason that some people get chosen by the Lord Jesus Christ and those that do not get chosen, it does not mean that they are condemned, but there are some that just go up on a higher mountain.

Matthew 16:16: “And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

Now remember that Jesus identified Himself as the “Son of man”, but Peter said, “You are the Son of the living God.”

Matthew 16:17: “And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona, for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.”

We are going to teach a lesson for those that have been chosen and we are going to prefix their names with blessed. There will be scripture for this and it will be absolutely so Holy Ghost aligned that it will be Biblical.

Because Jesus said, “Blessed art thou Simon Barjona”, we are going to identify those that have been chosen by using the prefix to their name “Blessed”, such as “Blessed Simon Barjona.”

Matthew 16:18: “And I say also unto thee that thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”

Matthew 16:19: “And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven…”

So, Peter gets chosen and the other eleven disciples get nothing.

The next time we get together we will deal with Judas Iscariot who was chosen in Matthew 26 to betray Jesus. When we do that, we might discover that it may not have been clear from the beginning that it was going to be Judas Iscariot that betrays Him.

So in Matthew 24:22 we see that there are some that are called the Elect. Now that group gets their biblical foundation from Matthew 16:28 where it says that there are some standing here that shall not taste of death until they see the Son of man coming in His kingdom.

And in Mark 9:1: “And He said unto them, Verily I say unto you, that there be some of them that stand here which shall not taste of death til they have seen the kingdom of God come with power.”

Now remember Matthew put this in chapter 16:28.

What we are doing here today is we are going to look at a couple of things…how some people get blessed and chosen and that those that are not chosen are not condemned but those that are chosen go to a higher plane.

Mark 9:2: “And after six days Jesus taketh with Him Peter and James and John and leadeth them up into a high mountain apart by themselves and He was transfigured before them.”

Now Matthew takes two chapters to write about that, but Mark puts it all in one chapter because it is really all one event.

So far we are looking at people who are specially chosen. We have the Elect. And that means that there are some people that have not been chosen.

The Blessed Chosen Events:

1. the Elect were chosen
2. Philip was chosen to receive the key
3. 3 of the 12 disciples were chosen to go on the Mount of Transfiguration.

So we have 3 very special groups that are chosen out of the masses. Jesus said “Many are called but few are chosen.”

The next question we want to ask is, “Why is it that you have been chosen as one of the Elect?” And why were you chosen to go up? And why was I chosen to see Elijah meet Jesus and Peter?

Now I want you to ask yourself this question: Why did you choose to acknowledge the truth?

Because some of you have been listening to me a long time.
So why did you finally choose to submit yourself to this ministry?

Some of you were raised Southern Baptist and we all know what a mess that is.

I want to know why have you joined and now support the ministry.

Many of you were watching all of the T.V. preachers.

Why did you choose to tune into me and lock into this as the truth?

That’s the question that I want you to pray about.

So to those of you who have been called to be the Elect, why did you start believing God about the elect?

We are going to get to the point where we call ourselves Blessed.

So you have been chosen to go to the Mountain Top, but some of you listening to me may not be part of the Elect and you may be listening to me out of curiosity.

But I do want to ask everybody, why do you listen to me? Because I am not a conventional preacher.

I think it’s important that you understand, whether you believe it or not, that you have been separated from your family. James and John got separated from their father Zebedee. Andrew and Peter got separated from their family and Jesus got separated from his mother and siblings.

Whether you know it or not you cannot go back home. You may still be hanging out with your family, but when they find out you are listening to me, they will drop you.

You know that you have set up on Sunday in church for years and years but knew in your heart that Saturday was the Sabbath. So why all of the sudden did you say that just because the whole world worships on Sunday, that isn’t what the Bible says? And now you have the courage to stand up and say that Saturday is the Sabbath.

The Blessed Chosen:
1. The Elect
2. Keys
3. Jesus chose only 3 of the 12 disciples

I know why Jesus told them when they came down off of the mountain to not tell anybody, because if Peter, James and John had told the other disciples who they saw up on the mountain, they would have thrown them out of the group.

Why did you decide to listen to me and why did you decide to join this Church?

It’s not me, it’s the truth I speak. It’s the Word of God and there isn’t any error. I don’t preach any excuses. The Bible says the soul that sinneth shall die.

The last thing Mark wrote to us is in Mark 16:16: “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned.”

Why do you think the Lord called you as one of the elect? Why did you decide to join this church?

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