There is coming a time when everything on planet earth will be under the authority of God’s Word and His Law. To put it like John the Revelator put it, there will be no more tears, no more sorrow, no more sickness & no more death.

That time is coming, but it’s not now.

I’ve been trained in the Seminary, but this is a revelation I’ve never heard before.

What God is doing is He is working out the categories and getting people ready for their role during the 1000 year reign of peace where Satan will be bound in the bottomless pit.

And we will rule and reign with Christ as priests of the Lord God Almighty.

1. The Key Servant

2. The Chosen Few

3. The Elect

4. The First Resurrection

I would like for you to begin to appreciate this truth that Satan has hidden by his religious propaganda organization.

We wake up every morning in Satan’s kingdom, but Satan doesn’t want you to realize that. He has got the well-funded religious propaganda organizations making people believe that they are waking up in the kingdom of God every day. NO YOU’RE NOT!

But his religious propaganda organizations has placated the earth. Not just through Christianity by the way, but Buddhism, Islam, Jewish ideology, etc.

Satan does not want people to know that they are in his kingdom.

We are going to be able to speak healing into our own bodies in the name of Jesus & have more power to defeat the devil in every which way he comes at us. And here is how we are going to do it:

1. Every morning we need to wake up with the understanding that when we wake up, we wake up in Satan’s kingdom, not God’s kingdom. We are not in heaven on earth, in fact, we’re nowhere near it. We wake up in a snake pit every single day, no matter how fancy our house may be or how fat our bank account is. Everybody on this earth wakes up in a snake pit every single day.

2. We need to realize that not every Christian is equal. Even if we are born-again, we are not all equal before God. Remember in Matthew’s gospel chapter 17, Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up onto the Mount of Transfiguration and He leaves the 9 behind. And they meet with Moses and Elijah, and when they were coming down off of the mountain, Jesus told Peter, James, and John not to tell the other 9 what they just experienced. Not all of us are equal. They were able to go up higher than any man has ever been on planet earth.

So, not all Christian’s are equal, and we need to understand that and be clear about it. Many of us are called to a higher experience with God. And many of us are babes at our new assignments. And once you allow me to teach you, you won’t get so offended when I tell you that I have been brought into the presence of Elijah, Peter, and Jesus. Now listen to me very carefully, Jesus has brought me to the same level as He did the prophet Elijah. And when you hear me preach like Elijah preached on Mount Carmel, and you hear me calling out the politicians the same way Elijah called out Jezebel and Ahab, and you hear me calling out false prophets the way Elijah called them out and cut off their heads, then you will understand that I have been called to the same level as Elijah. You may not understand that now and that is OK, we will not fall out with one another, but the Lord has brought me to that level so that I can teach you.

And some of you may allow Sarah, the wife of Abraham, visit you.

And I believe that God may allow Samuel the mighty prophet of God to visit you as time goes on and as you get stronger in the Lord God Almighty and as you recognize that God has called you higher than the Baptist Church, higher than the Charismatics, higher than the Assembly of God, higher than the Catholic church, and higher than the tele-evangelists. Why would you be happy meeting Joel Osteen when you could meet the prophet Elijah? Why would you be happy meeting Joyce Meyer when you could meet Sara, the wife of Abraham, or Debra or Esther? You won’t want to hear anything Joyce Meyer has to say after Esther talks to you!

And that’s where I am at, so don’t get upset with me.

3. Not every Christian is saved. Just because someone calls themselves a Christian doesn’t mean they are saved, washed in the blood, fire baptized, and filled with the Holy Ghost. Just because you go to church doesn’t mean a thing. Many people go to church because they either want something from God, or they want people to see them go. Just because a person is a Christian doesn’t mean they are saved.

So, these are some guideposts.

If Samuel or Jeremiah ever comes and talks to you, I will guarantee you that you will never listen to Joel Osteen or T.D.Jakes again.

I’ve talked to Peter. So I am not interested in talking to Joel Osteen or T.D.Jakes. And I’ve talked to Jesus and Elijah too.

Some of you are going to have a visitation from the prophet Samuel or from Sarai. Watch your visions and watch for your visitation. It’s Bible. The Lord is going to send one of his mighty prophets or angels or the women of the Bible to talk to you. Those who have ears to hear, let them hear.

So not every Christian is saved. People shop churches. They don’t shop salvation or for the word of God, they shop churches. And many go to get something from God, and as soon as they get it, they’re gone.

This is pure revelation what I am telling you.

Everybody, except for the elect of God, will have to face a final judgment. If you are a member of the elect, you will not have to appear at the Great White Throne Judgment. I am going to do a full teaching on this but not now. In other words, everybody except the elect will be judged. Ever.

Since Almighty God has given me the keys through Peter, going back 3 years ago when we were in Rome, just outside the coliseum, that those who have access to the keeper of the keys, the key servant, will not have to be judged, because the key servant has already spoken on their life.

And right now though I may not know your name, but by way of the Holy Ghost, I am speaking over you and you will not have to be judged. I am going to do a teaching on this at another time. But the elect found in Matthew 24:22 will not have to be judged. And the very fact that you are associated with me, then you are already qualified for heaven and eternity because I have the key, if you are a member of the elect.

With the elect, there is not only salvation for their soul, but there is also salvation for their flesh. That means that their flesh will not die. Jesus said there are some standing here that shall not taste of death until you see the Son of man coming in His kingdom. Your flesh will be saved. Jesus said except for the elect, no flesh will be saved, but if you are the Elect, your flesh will be saved. Jesus said that the tribulation will be so horrendous that except for the elect, no flesh will be saved.

Not all flesh, most will go by the way of Genesis chapter 3 where it says dust to dust, but there is some flesh that will be saved and they are called the elect.

That’s a mighty word of God coming down today!

Rather than you being judged, you are going to become a judge and I’m going to show you that when we get to Revelation.

I’m talking about the elect.

I am just laying out the groundwork today but we are going to get to a more detailed teaching on all of these subjects.

If you will listen, I will teach, and the Holy Ghost will inspire and lead and guide.

When you get a visitation from one of the holy prophets of God, you will realize that not every Christian is equal.

There’s an old song that says, “How are you going to keep them down on the farm after they’ve seen Paris?” Once you have spoken with Sarai or Debra or a mighty angel or a mighty prophet of God, you will realize that all Christians are not equal.

Ladies, there isn’t anyway of planet earth you will ever want to listen to Joyce Meyer again if Sarai or Esther talks to you.

This is an extraordinary time because the closer God gets, then the more His Spirit is pushed into me, and the more His truth and revelation is pushed into me.

I am going to the Lord in prayer now as a Key Servant because the closer we get to God, the more the devil will try to kill us. Because he doesn’t like people getting close to God. The devil killed Peter and John the Baptist and Paul. The devil will try to kill you.

And just because you wake up in a nice house every morning does not mean that you are not living in a snake pit. God’s kingdom is not here yet. We are living in Satan’s kingdom.

Here is another revelation:

You have to know the Old Testament if you are going to be a judge for God. So don’t listen to people that run around saying to throw away the Old Testament. What kind of judge doesn’t know the law?

As I close today, I want to remind you not to forget your tithing and your offerings because if you don’t tithe, God gets angry with you and you rob God. There isn’t any place to run, but God sees and God knows.

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