The Book of Revelation has no history, because it is in the future. 

So, how do you interpret starting with chapter 4, then you get to chapter 20?

Imagine that you existed before the beginning of the world. 

That will twist your brains.

Because Jesus said, “In the beginning…”

But let’s say you existed before the beginning of the world.

Nobody can explain what it was before the beginning of the world.

Imagine you were before Jesus said, Let there be light.

You are now in existence before the existence of the omega of the future.

You now live in a presence before the presence of the new heaven and the new earth, and you are in existence before both of them.

We are now in the precipice that we exist before the new existence.

We are, at present, looking at what is going to happen with the new earth, the new heaven, and the new future, all found in the book of Revelation.

How do we discover what space is?

What is distance?

If you are going to build a house, you would plan it out, right?

But if you are going to build a new creation, how do you plan that?

Because it has never been created before.

When we look out through a telescope past our galaxies, 

Is space our imagination or is it actual existence?

Do we think that there is a distance because God programmed us that way?

God programmed us that way so that we are able to grasp eternity.

The Europeans thought that the world was flat. They really did. 

They thought that you could fall off the edge of it. 

That theory held for many years, so when Columbus went looking for a short route for Asia, people told him that he is going to fall off the edge of the earth.

The earth is not flat and there is not end to eternity, and there is no end to the universe. 

It is eternal, but that is not the point that God wants to make.

The point that God wants to make is eternal life.

Life is eternal.

Jesus came that you might have life, and you might have it eternal.

The point of the universe is the symmetry to let us know that life is eternal.

You now know that you have eternal life.

You are either going to spend eternity with Jesus, or you are going to spend it in the Lake of Fire.

Homosexuality is wrong and BLM is trying to re-scripting what God said, and that is blasphemy, and He has promised death to those who do that.

If you support BLM, who raise themselves in the face of God, your reward is to spend eternity in the Lake of Fire.

It will never end. 

You will have life. You will not die, but where are you going to spend it?

BLM and LGBTQ crowd will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire.

The consequences of supporting those two entities will be eternity in the Lake of Fire.

Both death and hell is going to be thrown into the Lake of Fire.

For eternity.

Your flesh is not you. You are a spirit.

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