Luke 15:4-10

I want to make an appeal to all of the lost sheep who were once members of the ATLAH house, church & ministry & to those that I was once your pastor.

New beginnings are the way in which we should look at this message, though the message itself is timeless.

We are not out of step with God by acknowledging a beginning because there was a beginning in Genesis regarding creation, and there was an ending.

This call to the lost sheep of the house is especially for those who are lost sheep because of the presidential elections over the past 12 years.

We lost more than 600 sheep during the Trump years. Sheep began to leave the foal of the ATLAH church, and they are now lost.

We lost 150 members during the Obama administration, and a couple of hundred associates.

Beyond that, we have lost millions of people and probably from every nation in Africa.

These people thought Obama brought something great to them.

Millions of people hated me because of the truth that I told.

So, I think it is important that we make a call to the lost sheep.

To those who left because of a political influence, or because of an outside influence, this call is also for you.

There could have been envious reasons that people left as well.

But my appeal is to the lost sheep of this house.

I would like to ask a question to all of the lost sheep of this house.

Are you better off now? Is your life better now that you are no longer here?

You found the ministry, you enjoyed the ministry, and you left the ministry. Which period is the best period for you?

Are you happy now? Fulfilled? Growing? Increasing?

Do you regret leaving?

Have you thought that your leaving may have been a mistake?

Do you often think about the joy that you felt when you were here?

You used to anxiously await the time to come to church.

Are you now at a church where you do not look forward to attending?

Do you often think about the joy of when you could call me your pastor?

Was it a joy at one time to call me your pastor? or to come into my presence?

Maybe you had a parent that died, but when that happened, you were able to call upon me & it was just to have someone to talk to, or maybe you had a son that went to jail, but it was good to be able to pick up the telephone, and call me, for some wisdom that helped you get through the day.

Was it significant to be able to call me and tell me what was going on? Do those times bring fond memories for you?

Are you still using the truth that you learned?

What was that truth that you learned when you were here?

Remember we are talking to the lost sheep of the House of ATLAH.

Have you found another church or ministry? Are you watching the televison for your spiritual food?

If you made some bad decisions, you might want to consider stopping the bad decisions.

You might want to try to live your life without making bad decisions.

I thought I would make this appeal today.

This message is from the Lord that I should reach out to you as lost sheep.

This mentality that is in the hearts of many people has kept people away.

People know that tithing is Biblical, but they would rather give a little something to a beggar instead of me.

They know that they should do the right thing.

Once you get into the trench of rebellion, you just continue in rebellion.

Jesus makes it the responsibility of the pastor to go look for the ones that have left the fold.

The lost ones are more important than the ones who are doing the right things in the fold.

In Luke 15:8-10, the woman loses a piece of silver, and lights a candle and searches until she finds it.

It’s another way of looking for something or someone that is lost.

Some people don’t place a worth on “people”, so Jesus made the example monetary. Surely most people will go looking for their money, but they may not feel that way about another human being.

The grand daddy of Luke 15 is the parable of the prodical son, verses 12-32.

Many who have left here may not be eating in the pig stall physically, but possibly you are spiritually.

Some people just left because they thought they knew more.

I’m talking about forty-year-old and above people.

There is a verse that got Ham in trouble, and it says that you should not uncover your father’s nakedness.

You cannot judge your father because you do not know what he has to deal with to put bread on the table for his family.

You have never walked in your father’s shoes.

This prodigal son judged his father and thought he could have a better life outside this church.

You should never judge your father, and you should never judge your pastor.

So, this young man goes back to his father.

Satan realizes that you are young and inexperienced, and he is going to play on all of your emotions and leave you full of regret.

The answer is full repentance.

The door is now open to the lost sheep of the House of ATLAH.

You will have to admit that you were wrong to leave.

Not coming back is repeating the same mistake.

Was leaving me as your pastor the best Holy Ghost decision?

Was it led by the truth that you learned here?

Are you willing to continue to live by that decision?

Jesus said to go look for the one lost sheep.

If you are a woman here, you learn about housekeeping, and men learn various leadership things.

Looking back, are you joyful now?

Are you melancholy of the days you were here?

Those are some questions I would like to ask.

You are safe here. This is a safe place. There is no violence here.

Do you miss that?

Do you feel confident that this is a place where the Lord dwells?

I am a lovable guy, and I speak the truth.

The person that is lost needs to realize that you are lost.

And when you come home, don’t come back to the House with an attitude.

You must recognize that you did wrong, and that you are unworthy to come back. You should want to be a servant to the House.

I will not demand that you do anything, just come back.

Jesus lays it all out for us.

There is no way that you were here for a while, and left, and never think about us.

We’ve had some good times in this church. Some people that have left will come and just sit out front and just listen and read the announcement board.

COVID has caused us to do things different now.

I’m sure that there are people that have a longing to come home.

Then there are others that owe the ministry. This House did something for them, that they owe the ministry.

There are people that we have fed and helped them get on their feet. They came with nothing and were able to learn how to apply for a job, then they left.

Many people were baptized here in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, then the devil told them to leave, and raise their hand against me.

Many children will never forget graduating our school, our trips, meals, plays, and musicals, and for whatever reason, someone convinced you to leave.

I want to turn a corner here. I am not wanting you to come back for your contributions, but we want to build the Middle Passage. We had 600 people leave this church that were givers to this House. We need you to come back to help me build the Middle Passage Arch. We are going to need at least half a million dollars just to launch the project. A lot of people are not going to want this, and it will be a battle.

We are going to be swimming up a political stream. And the house negros will take the Japheth people’s side because it would undercut their negro status.

If the Japheth people tell them something, then they go along with the Japheth.

There has not been one new church built here in 30 years, but we have had numerous restaurants built here.

We are going to need money to get this done. We are going to go to Africa, and we will have to take gifts to them. We are going to have to recruit people to help us. We are going to have to go to the United Nations as a human rights issue.

We are going to say that we want to honor our dead here in America.

We will have to travel to various Indian nations and speak to their leaders.

It will take at least half a million dollars, and that is just the start.

We want to do this in 2021. We need to pray that if God brings you back into this House, your tithes and offerings will be needed.

I believe that it will be a great success.

Now, back to my message.

You don’t have to answer this question right now, but is America, and are you, a better nation now that Hilary Clinton did not become the president in November 2016?

Would she have been as bad as Donald Trump? I call her Jezebel, but would she have been better than what we got with Trump?

The man that bombed in Tennessee on Christmas day bombed because someone told him that there was a reptilian society living there. These are lizards that look human that are going to take over the world. He believed it.

Is the world better now with Trump than it would have been with Hilary?

The 71 million people that voted for Trump are living in a conspiracy.

As a result, they accept Trump because Trump recognized their humanity, and I understand that. Trump gives them plenty of respect, but he just uses them.

Trump has been a nightmare.

One other question.

To all of the brothers of the African nations, and to the leaders, and to others, did Obama live up to what you thought he was going to do?

Did he bring about the sweeping change he promised?

Was Obama worthy? Did he lift Africa? Did he help the people? Did he lift the poverty level? Did he do as much for Africa that Pat Robertson has done with their blessing blankets and their water program?

Did Obama lift Africa?

The truth is that he did nothing, and he paid no attention to you. There is no better health care for you.

Obama had the power to help Africa, and he did nothing.

He was in power for 8 years, and he did nothing.

He went to Switzerland, but not to Africa.

He didn’t care. It’s not in his heart.

Our first black president. What a joke.

Bill Clinton was good for black folks.

If I can get back to the people who have left this ministry, about a thousand people, we would like to bring you back into the fold.

Having this message today, you should not want to make the same mistake again.

I want to say to the Hamites, you were unhappy with the teachings of the church, and now you have gone to BLM…

BLM is more powerful than the church. I didn’t have any problem with Aunt Jemima or Uncle Ben. My God from Zion, what is this that they have such control over the media, and over people’s lives?

The LGBTQ crowd, I would want to ask you, are you happy? I didn’t ask if you are having sex. Are you happy? What are you going to do after the sex? You don’t need an opposite?

If you are gay/lesbian, and you are out, and you see a young family, and they are going into McDonald’s. That’s a family. But here you and your woman or man, you don’t have the ability to have a child on your own. Do you put sex above everything else that matters in humanity? Yes, I know you can adopt. Adoption is good but not because of sexual preferences.

I must wonder if after a while, if you ever think about being with the opposite sex every now and then.

The world keeps telling you that you are happy, but are you?

And did you go down that road because you felt rejected?

You need to think about those things.

Maybe you have been talked into doing something that you should not have done. Maybe you will have to force yourself out of that lifestyle.

I’ve been hit on by homosexual men. Let me tell you something about these old gay people. They don’t play. You haven’t seen nothing. They know they have power. If you don’t go down that road with them, they will let you know about it.

They can be some mean people. Mean as snakes.

A lot of people want out of same sex relationships, but they fear for their lives.

Are you happy?

I also want to make an appeal to pastors. Everywhere you look there are new buildings being put up. Now the mayor is going to round up the homeless, and they are going to get rid of them. They will either kill them or put them in jail.

Pastors are not building new churches in Harlem. Yes, we need food eateries, but we have no new schools or churches. Just restaurants, and tearing down old buildings, and building new ones.

I’d like to name 125th street the Middle Passage Blvd.

How could you be in a community when there is nothing for Jesus being built. There are no new crosses.

These Japheth people tried to get us to remove the cross from our church.

Why would you take down a cross in Harlem?

The cross needs to be out there.

Pastors, what’s wrong with people?

All these mayors are black, and yet the poverty is getting deeper for the Hamites. The schools are armed camps.

Why do our children have to be strip-searched like they are going into a prison?

I don’t want my child to go to a school where they have to go through a metal detector. We ought to be able to do something about that.

Life has not gotten better because of BLM or black mayors, but life has gotten worse.

We have to stop strip-searching our children. Schools should not be armed camps.

I am asking you to come back home.

I need to say to those who were led astray by the Obama and Trump euphoria, or by other matters or reasons, there are some people who have done some things that they need to take those things before Jesus, and not this House.

In my next business meeting, isn’t it funny how you can work with people year after year after year, and then all the sudden that person can do something ugly.

The truth is that the ugliness was always there. You need to take that up with Jesus, not with me.

That spirit is in every church. That devil will get on one person, then another, then another.

When you have an 85-year-old mother of the church who defends the man whom I am punishing, you know that is a spirit on them, and they need to take it up with Jesus.

Beyond that, the door is open.

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