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  • For Christ’s sake Pastor, why the hell do you really think the Republican turncoats are voting for the communist party? BECAUSE THEY ARE AND ALWAYS HAVE BEEN THE SWAMP! Geez dude pick a side and stick with it. The communist party and the so called conservatives are BOTH chocked FULL of crooks, liars and thieves. Of course they’re gonna vote against Trump because he’s tearing up their little playground.

    • I understand your frustration, but after all the chanting “lock her up” and trump telling hillary at the 2016 debate ” He believed Hillary belonged in jail cause of her email scandal” this told me its all dirty politics. This would have been the start of cleaning the swamp. What did trump do after he was elected? He came out and said look everyone hillary has gone through a lot and we are going to let bygones be bygones. After my vote for him the first time I said not the next sir, cause he was not serious of cleaning the swamp. The clintons are very deep in corruption so are bidens. My vote went to donald blankenship, Hes not perfect none of us are but I believe he would do right cause of his moral stance.

  • Fake news ! Bet they also support BLM too …. It’s will take ww3 to stop this madness going on in the world today. These young people are going to be drafted into the military in the near future. The world pot is boiling over again.

  • If Tribulation Trump loses it is because Trump’s Coronavirus Response is a total failure. 229,000+precious souls lost, 8+million sickened, 1,100+ souls lost a day and 90,000+ testing positive for the Coronavirus because Trump’s incompetence, recklessness and selfishness. The Establishment Donors know that eventually this will hit their bottom line if more people keep dropping like flies due to the Coronavirus Plague Outbreaks being out of control and they can’t stand for it. Americans want a leader that can control and stop fellow Americans from dropping dead of the Coronavirus Plague. If Tribulation Trump had acted like his germaphobe self then he wouldn’t be in the political fight for his life. Trump refused to wear masks/PPE, socially distance and flat our refused to stop hosting/attending his Super-Spreader QAnon Death Cult rallies. Trump refused to encourage and use the bully pulpit to peer pressure his QAnon Death Cult Supporters to wear masks/PPE, socially distance and stop hosting/attending super-spreader events. Cocaine Moscow Mitch+GOP Establishment got the 300 federal judges and super-majority on the SCOTUS out of Tribulation Trump so they are okay with cutting him loose if he loses. Tom Cotton, Nikki Haley, Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger are the future of the GOP and they are coming for that number one spot once Trump is gotten rid of whether that is now or four years from now.