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  • Pastor Manning:

    Stop it; stop it now. I faithfully listened to you during years of that traitor Obama. You made sense then. You got it and tried to tell people that he is a fake. We stuck with you and supported you with our time and money. You helped people understand and learn the black history and that success and prosperity is for both black and white and that how it could be achieved.

    Tragically, it appears that your PRIDE and sense of being holier than thou has grown to such heights that you are spiritually blind. And NOT supporting our beloved President. I am so upset with you, sir. He needs your prayers to stop the globalists; you may be one. I do not know. You look too rich to me. NO wonder Alex J. is not bringing you on. Pray for Alex. I have lost respect for you and your wife; tell her to sit in a chair with members of congregation and not on the platform like a queen. It creates a sense of inferiority in some members, if not all. Thanks be to God that He opened my understanding when you began your verbal attack on the President. STOP IT ONCE AND FOR ALL.