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  • Pastor Manning, The polls are FAKE! The only way to know for sure how every voter feels is to ask every voter specifically. It is important to point out that large, national polling organizations have small national samples of under 2,000 that predict for the entire electorate. That is crazy. Let’s say that there are 150,000,000 voters in America. 2000 is what percent of 150000000? 2000 is 0.0013333333333333% of 150,000,000. It is down right foolish to assume a polling sample of 2000 voters would be an accurate representative of how hundreds of millions of voters feel. The FAKE POLLS can only speak for the voters interviewed for that poll during a specific time. The FAKE NEWS misrepresents and misinterprets what the FAKE POLLS actually mean. For example, the FAKE NEWS loves to say stuff like 46% of voters approve of Tribulation Trump’s job performance. There is no way to know if 46% of voters approve of Trump’s job performance or not because 46% of voters were never asked if they approved of Trump’s job performance. The FAKE POLLS are one of the biggest hustles EVER! It is easy to come to a conclusion and find a poll that can be used as support that conclusion. For all the FAKE POLLS that would support the prediction that Trump would lose the election, there are other FAKE POLLS that would support the opposite prediction.

    Besides all of that, ain’t nothing new under the sun. The FAKE POLLS have been FAKE for a very long time. The FAKE POLLS weren’t trusted even back in the 20th century. In the 1948 Presidential election, for example, the polls predicted certain victory for Republican Thomas E. Dewey. Without waiting for the official count of the votes, newspapers throughout the country proclaimed in their headlines, “Dewey Defeats Truman.” The rest is history … Harry S Truman was elected the 31st President of the United States.