Watch Out Kim Jong Un: Remember Saddam And Gaddafi


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  • Rev. Manning, do you realize that Pres. Trump is calling all our troops back from the mid east and around the world, so that this can’t happen again. Yes, Saddam did kill terrorists so we don’t have to worry much about terrorists when Saddam was around. Are you aware that Old man Bush along with McCain were put to death under the Pres. Trump’s military tribunals, and many more are waiting at GITMO to be tried and most likely terminated. the ClA that was behind most of these murders is being dismantled by Pres. Trump.
    God Almighty the Eternal Lord has called you to pray for Pres. Trump [like I am doing for you], 1 Tim 2:1-3
    exhort therefore, first of all, that supplications, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings, be made for all men;
    2 for kings and all that are in high place; that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and gravity.
    3 This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; ASV

    You need to evaluate your harsh judgment of Pres. Trump a man of God Almighty who speaks with the authority of an apostle, and has been passing laws to counter the attacks on the Christian Church.

    • I second Ed’s comments. President Trump is a vessel through whom God is provisioning to the saints Justices who will push back against the satanic powers and influences on our laws and culture, as mighty as those powers and influences are. Most of the saints who voted for Trump did so because the alternative was an entity predictable to continue doing Satan’s bidding, including more abortions of unborn people (black people mostly by proportion) and the continuation of civil rights hijacking by the homosexual population. You need to re-evaluate your stance against Trump, as imperfect he may be.
      God bless you.
      Mike – Florida White Boy (as in almost no melanin at all)