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  • Pastor Manning….
    YOU know…and I know…. that….
    Donald Trump does NOT believe….
    That Obama was born in the USA.
    Trump was advised to say that by his ” handlers “.
    Trump needed ALL the Black votes he could get…..
    To WIN in 2016.
    Trump HATES Obama.
    You don’t think Trump keeps up with the INTERNET ?
    You don’t think Trump knows about Obama’s REAL **birth certificate**?
    Discovered in Kenya, AFRICA ??
    You bet your ASS he does….BUT….
    It’s 2020….and AGAIN…..Pastor Manning….
    Trump needs ALL the Black VOTES he can get.
    Manning…..politicians have to tell the people ….
    —> what they want to hear.
    SAD…..BUT, TRUE.
    Otherwise….NOBODY will vote for them.
    If YOU decided to run for City Alderman…or….City Council
    You would be in the same position.
    That FACT is sad….but….TRUE.
    Maybe when you speak to your congregation about Obama…..
    You should remind them….Obama’s mama was a 15 year old…..
    **WHITE FLOOSIE** little TRAMP.
    Remind them that Barack Obama is…. Half-White…..
    Remind them that his mama was NOT…. Barbara Jordan….or….
    Harriet Tubman…. or….. Coretta Scott King.
    Maybe THEN…..it will make some sense to them.
    You need to be more of a POLITICIAN….Pastor Manning.
    Right now…..Donald Trump is the BEST FRIEND you’ve got.
    Your enemy is Joe Biden…..Pastor….NOT Trump.

  • 9/09/2020 – It was reported that Trump had released a new list of Supreme Court nominees.
    9/18/2020 – RBG is reported to have died.
    I think it likely that RBG was dead by 9/09/2020, or before, and Trump released his new list to indicate that the White House was aware she was dead and to pressure the family and the left into making it public.
    They tried to hide it as long as possible to eat up time so they could pressure Trump into waiting till after the election to make a nomination.
    That’s my conspiracy theory and I’m sticking to it.

  • Trump Biden and Obama all go too hell thank God for the tribulation. Sorry pastor manning I’ve been muted Don Springfield god bless ill find a way to get to ATLAH