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  • HEY…..Manning…..
    If you want to improve your website viewership …..( and church donations )
    —> start coming up with (( BETTER STUFF )) to talk about.
    ( ie. Politics…and Current Events )
    And….save all the preaching for CHURCH on Sunday.
    You’re putting everybody to SLEEP …..man.
    Here is another BRIGHT IDEA.
    Why not start your own ** Call-In Talk Show ** .
    TWO HOURS…..every weekday afternoon ( 1-3 pm )
    Kind of like a religious ** Rush Limbaugh Show ** from the ATLAH Ministry.
    With an (800) number for listeners to call-in.
    That will BUILD donations….. BIG TIME.
    Manning….it’s time to take it to the ** next level ** .
    If have your own TALK SHOW….word will spread FAST.
    Best Wishes