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  • GREAT commentary….. Pastor Manning.
    Obama is more WHITE….than Black….for sure.
    He could care less….about Black people.
    And….let me point out….
    His properties on Martha’s Vineyard….and….in Hawaii….
    Were both PAID FOR…..by his *rich Democrat donors*.
    Obama doesn’t have that kind on MONEY…..
    We’re talking $10-15M for each property.
    And….another $4-5M for his home in Washington DC.
    Which was also paid for by his Democrat “donors”.
    George Soros…. Bill Gates…..and Mark Zuckerberg all made sure….
    that Obama was comfortably “set up”….when he left the White House.
    Obama’s Presidential salary was $250K when he was in office.
    Not bad….but….not enough to support his lifestyle.
    So ALL his homes…..were PAID FOR….by his RICH friends.
    His properties didn’t cost him *one penny*.
    The *UPKEEP* on these properties is expensive…..
    especially when you include the PROPERTY TAXES.
    So I assume that these same donors….are paying for that, also.
    Barack Obama….is nothing but a BIG **MOOCHER**.
    Living off other people’s MONEY.