The Lord told me to ask you this question, and His name is Jesus.

This is not my question, but this question is from the Lord, and the Lord already knows the answer. Have you been chosen by Him?

When He laid out the foundation of the world, He had already chosen you to be a prophet, or a disciple, or someone with extraordinary success, or to make a biblical contribution to humanity, or to be the elect, or to be a judge, or to be a very special person, and also to suffer for His word and His law.

Have you been chosen by Almighty God to represent Him?

He knows the answers, but we want to see if you do.

I don’t know you and I don’t know who you are, but the Lord knows you and He knows that you have logged on today to listen. After you have listened to this teaching, God wants you to find a quiet place with a cup of coffee or a cup of tea and focus on your life.

Here is key #1 that the Lord wants you to know:

1. Don’t make the mistake of this world but thinking that only good things that happen to you represent God and don’t think that when bad things happen to you that it can’t be God. You are on a trek to accomplish an impossible dream that God has given to you and yet your dream is still unperfected. In other words, don’t let bad things that happen to you make you think that God has not chosen you.

Here is key #2 that the Lord wants you to know:

2. Don’t let your age make you think that God has not chosen you. God and His prophecy and His power and anointing and calling are ageless. They don’t operate in calendar years. Yes, there are certain structures that God has set up on an annual basis, but not His anointing or blessings. They are ageless.

So, find yourself a place and you sit down and you get an answer to these questions because if you will take the time to sit down or get on your knees, you’re going to hear God tell you.

When God formed you and performed you, God Almighty spiritually put down in the right-side corner of your heart the answer. He put it down in the right side of your heart, I’m talking about your soul, not your physical heart, and if you will look down into your soul, you’ll find the answer.

The answer is there and it’s in your life and it has created havoc in your life. By havoc I mean that it’s just won’t allow you to be ordinary, and often the devil knows it is there as well and he gives you trouble.

Here is key #3 that the Lord wants you to know:

The other question is, Did Almighty God establish James David Manning as His servant to help you discover God’s calling on your life?

In other words, did God put James David Manning into your life as a strong school master, or drill sergeant, or general or commander to lead you through the recesses of the valley of the shadow of death to find that calling that God placed on your life that has been there since the foundation of this world that He has placed on the right corner of your soul?

Did God establish James David Manning to be your teacher, your instructor, your rebuker?

So, here are the 3 keys that God wants you to know:

1. Don’t let bad things that happen to you make you think that God has not chosen you.

2. Don’t let your age make you think that God has not chosen you.

3. Did Almighty God establish James David Manning as His servant to help you discover God’s calling on your life?

So, let’s look at #1, bad things happening in your life.

Well, bad things are happening in my life, I didn’t get married or I did get married or I’ve done a lot of things that were awful, therefore, it can’t be me.

I know there’s a relationship here that God put into place before Peter walked into his mother-in-law’s house. Nobody goes to your mother-in-law’s house. Peter and Jesus and the disciples were having a meeting at Peter’s mother-in-law’s house and someone knocked on the door and someone told Jesus that his mother and his sisters and brothers are here to see you, and Jesus said my mother and my brethren are those that do the will of my father.

So the point is that Peter wasn’t in the best condition with his wife. His marriage was on the rocks, yet Jesus gave the keys to the kingdom, and told him whatever you bind on earth, you bind in heaven.

You can’t just say because a person does bad things that they are disqualified for life.

I’ll give you another example. There was a fellow in Matthew chapter 19 that said he had never done anything wrong. I don’t believe that he had never lied or committed adultery, but that’s what he told Jesus, but he didn’t qualify. He wasn’t chosen.

The next time you and I are together I’m going to talk about those that have been chosen by the devil and why did God let that happen.

So, have you been chosen on a spiritual level to make great contributions to humanity.

1. Don’t let bad things that happen to you make you think that God has not chosen you.

2. Don’t let your age make you think that God has not chosen you.

3. Did Almighty God establish James David Manning as His servant to help you discover God’s calling on your life?

I want to say that the reason that the Lord has me talking to you today is because he has put something in your soul that is deep down in the right side of your soul and you have not found it yet because for you to find it, you need a hard task-master. You need somebody to rebuke you. You need somebody to discipline you. You need somebody to tell you the truth and get you in line, and don’t let you wiggle your way out.

That’s why you haven’t found it. If you want to hide something from a black man, put it in a book.

But God has put something inside of you before you were you, and yet you have not found it. Why? Because you are undisciplined.

That’s why they called the twelve that were with Jesus “disciples”.

Now you have a whole lot of Christians that go to Brooklyn Tabernacle, or Joel Osteen, or T.D. Jakes or Billy Graham, or Joyce Meyers. You’ve got a lot of Christians, but you don’t have a lot of disciples.

What do I mean by that?

They are not disciplined. They live by the seat of their pants and they hate the Law. They want to do whatever they choose to do but they want the name of the Lord attached to them.

They are not disciples. They are not disciplined. And if you try to discipline them, they will leave your church. I’ve seen it happen repeatedly in the ATLAH church.

You try to discipline these people, and to make disciples out of these men up here in Harlem…are you kidding? If you try to make disciples out of these black men in Harlem, they are going to leave your church. Black women too, by the way.

They’re Christians but that doesn’t mean that they’re saved, and they are not disciples.

But God wants to make you a disciplined disciple straight up and down.

So, number 1 was don’t let bad things that happen to you make you think that God has not chosen you.

Now let’s look at number 2, your age.

What is it about you and your age that makes you think that you have not done what you need to do?

Before you were formed in your mother’s belly, God put you inside of you into your spirit, but you haven’t found it yet.

And you’ve been running around here for the last 50 or 60 years and you still haven’t found it yet, or you are too undisciplined search for it.

So you reach a certain age and you think it’s too late for God to use you.

Let me explain this to you. The you that is you is ageless and eternal.

What happened way back in the Garden was that God put eternity in us, not time. He put eternity inside of each of us, and He doesn’t go by time.

Eternity means that it doesn’t age. How could it?

What God put in you as your ability to be a super successful person or a person that makes a special contribution to humanity or a prophet or the elect or the chosen few or the key servant or the first resurrected, what God put in you is ageless, so it cannot get old.

We all have eternity. Your flesh is the one that has only a limited number of years. The problem is where are you going to spend eternity? In the Lake of Fire or with Almighty God?

You are not based on time. The essence of you is eternal. That is what God put inside of you.

1. Don’t let bad things that happen to you make you think that God has not chosen you.

2. Don’t let your age make you think that God has not chosen you.

3. Did Almighty God establish James David Manning as His servant to help you discover God’s calling on your life?

I do have to tell you that not everybody has been chosen by God to do extraordinary things, but some have been chosen to be subject to the wiles of the world, but I will get to that later, because we are focusing now on a few special people.

So, are you willing to allow James David Manning to make a disciple out of you? You might say, “I go to my own church and our choir can sing and our pastor has a private jet…”

But you are not a disciple. Those people are not disciples, and the ones standing in the pulpits of those churches are not disciple makers.

You can sit there for a thousand years but unless you sit under a disciple-maker, you will never become a disciple.

I told you about Jesus and the twelve. Once James and John left their father Zebedee’s boat, they didn’t go back home for three years. Why? Because if they had gone back home their momma would have said, “How you’ll doing? It doesn’t look like you’ve been eating very well. What has Jesus been feeding you? I just think you need to come back home. And you daddy’s getting old.”

But James and John were true disciples.

You must know for yourself that God has called you to make an extraordinary contribution to humanity and your age has nothing to do with it, the same as your youth has nothing to do with it.

When God chooses you, it is eternal.

In one of the parables in Matthew 25, Jesus gives out talents, and the one that He gave the one talent to didn’t do anything with it. He hid it. And then when the owner came back, it was taken from him and given to somebody else.

So, we do have to be concerned with the fact that if we don’t deploy what God has given us, it can be taken away.

Only a few people have been chosen, but everybody has been given a talent and the ability to withstand the wiles of the devil.

But I am talking about people who are going to make an extraordinary contribution to humanity on the level of John the Baptizer or on the level of Mary the Immaculate.

Elijah the prophet called fire down from heaven, but then he got depressed, and when I met him, he was still depressed. He said he was ready to go home and go to his rest, but it’s not over with yet.

I am telling you the truth. You don’t have to believe me.

Have you been called to be a prophet or a prophetess or prince or princess, king or queen, extraordinary successful?

There was a time that I was down sent by the seminary to study abroad, and I went down to the Dominican Republic and I went into this town that was run by Catholic Franciscan Monks, and they took a vow of poverty to not own any possessions and most of them spoke at least 3 languages. They would take the dirt poor Dominican Republic children and trained them to speak various languages and they taught them science and mathematics and they slept on dirt mats and did not receive any pay and that impressed me.

When I came back here, I opened a school.

Taking a vow of poverty is a high calling. Yes, it is.

The greatest of all Catholic’s is Mother Teresa. She took a vow of poverty in Calcutta and Bombay in the wretchedness of India among all those diseases.

So, it isn’t that you might be called to fly a private jet, but you might be like Mother Teresa, who made a great contribution to mankind, and owned nothing, not even the mattress that she slept on.

People listen to me because there is something on the inside of you that is greater than you, greater than your family, greater than your race. That is why you don’t turn me off and walk away. If you do, you have not been called. But you don’t turn me off because God has called me to stir the pot that is on the inside of you until it leaps like the babe did in the womb when Elizabeth met Mary.

1. Don’t let bad things that happen to you make you think that God has not chosen you.

2. Don’t let your age make you think that God has not chosen you.

3. Did Almighty God establish James David Manning as His servant to help you discover God’s calling on your life?

You’ve been called to boot camp, to discipleship, to develop a strong Christian character.

You’ve been called to call down fire from heaven like Elijah, and to become a disciple, and I’ve been put here to make that happen.

Has the door of salvation been closed? I really don’t have a lot of time to deal with it today. I read from Genesis 7:16 yesterday and when God caused the flood to happen, and Noah and the others and the animals got on the boat, then Genesis 7:16 says that God closed the door.

So, is the door of salvation closed? Before I answer that, let me give you some examples of Jesus closing doors.

Matthew 25:1-12

So, has the door of salvation been closed on humanity? This parable talks about Jesus closing the door, and He wouldn’t open it back up for them.

That’s Jesus telling this parable. Read it yourself and weep.

Because of the fact that we are in the tribulation, has the door of salvation been closed?

A lot of people go to church, but it’s not out of a passion to serve God, they go because they want something from God or they want to look good to others. They are not looking to be righteous or leaders, but they are shopping or a lawyer, doctor, or husband.

And you dare not try to tell them what to do. People will get up and walk out in the middle of the service.

Or you say something about Obama, and they are gone. They are not there for Jesus.

So, I haven’t given you the conclusion yet as to whether the door to salvation has been closed.

God shut the door to the Ark and God shut the door on the ten virgins.

If you want to be a disciple, come on and join the ATLAH church and do what you are told and go through boot camp to become a true disciple.

On the right side of your spiritual heart, God put something inside of you and it will not return to Him void, and that’s why you listen. And what He has put inside of you is ageless. You just need someone to put you in a structure and to get your act together.

Have you been chosen to be a servant or a disciple or a prophet or prophetess?

1. Don’t let bad things that happen to you make you think that God has not chosen you.

2. Don’t let your age make you think that God has not chosen you.

3. Did Almighty God establish James David Manning as His servant to help you discover God’s calling on your life?

Reach down into your heart and pick up that gem that God has put deep inside of you.

Unless you have been disciplined by the Law and a strong leader, you will never find what God has put inside of you.

Do you want to be a disciple?

God has put something inside of everybody, but the problem is, who is willing to be a disciple?

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