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  • In all due respect…it’s not about Trump, it’s about you and me and all of the people in this country being bamboozled by a fraudulent election. If you score a basket and the score is put up on the opponent’s ticker, that ain’t right and you know it.

  • Tribulation Trump has no power. Mitch McConnell is the most powerful man in Washington D.C. and will continue to be until he retires or passes away. McConnell is the master manipulator. Trump was the shiny object and cheap tool that fell into McConnell’s lap. Behind the scenes, McConnell took enormous pride in ensuring that Tribulation Trump was a one-term president. Always playing the angles, McConnell has positioned himself as the only place the members of his conference can go. He’s almost singularly done away with the structure that made committee chairs centers of power in their own right. McConnell has created a conference full of members afraid of their own shadows. McConnell keeps his troops together by intimidation, near-bribery and threats that anyone who strayed would find themselves cut off from the National Republican Senate Committee’s ocean of cash. Not one Republican had came out against McConnell before Election Day. McConnell made sure that some Republicans in safe Red States came out against Trump before Election Day. For example, Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., launched a blistering attacks on Trump and his leadership right before the election.

    As many as 21 GOP Senators have “expressed their disdain for Trump,” reports journalist, CNN contributor, and author Carl Bernstein. “I’m not violating any pledge of journalistic confidentially [sic] in reporting this: 21 Republican Sens — in convos w/ colleagues, staff members, lobbyist, W. House aids — have repeatedly expressed extreme contempt for Trump & his fitness to be POTUS,” Bernstein tweeted Sunday evening. He then went on to name the Senators: Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH), Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE). Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO), Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) Sen. John Thune (R-SD), Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT), Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN), Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL), Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC), Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA), Sen. Martha McSally (R-AZ), Sen. Jerry Moran (R-KS), Sen. Pat Roberts (R-KS), Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL).

    Tribulation Trump doesn’t understand the ways of Washington D.C. and Washington D.C. chewed him up and spit him out. McConnell played Trump and lured him into a false sense of security. The Swamp always wins and Trump didn’t have a chance against these snakes in suits. Trump is a fast talking New York degenerate con artist he couldn’t hang with the battle tested master political operators in the Establishment. The truth is, Republicans have enabled Trump to make sure the moron would remain useful to check the most important boxes on their political agenda within 4 years. They’ve encouraged him to get things they wanted done. Did you really think they would keep a cheap New York social climbing con artist who can’t spell and looks directly at solar eclipses and goes on deranged Twitter rants as the standard bearer of their party? Trump thought he was smart enough to know that the party he represents would not cross him and he thought wrong. It was all an act. For a time the Establishment let him think he could get away with anything — from letting over 250,000 Americans die to attempting a coup. Guess who was behind that very strange early call in Arizona for Biden on Fox News? Did you notice how wedge issues like guns, MeToo, abortion, immigration, corruption and foreign policy were really discussed at the debates or by the lamestreet media? Majority of the country didn’t have a clue what Trump was talking about when he went off like a looney tune about Hunter Biden or whatever Russian misinformation he was spewing this time around. Liberal media did a great job of blocking and tackling. The liberal media didn’t obsess over political investigations this time around. A lot of things worked in Biden’s favor and the media helped make his “luck.” Biden had those pick-up trucks and Made in America populist themes and Lunch Bucket Average Joe Six Pack anti-intellectual rap that was appealing. Trump made a huge mistake by going super elitist and running around during the Coronavirus Plague like he and his family didn’t have to follow the CDC rules and guidelines that the regular Americans had to suffer through. Trump was complete out-of-touch with the majority of Americans.

    The Republican Party has some great options for standard bearer that they can be proud of, for example, young principled conservative war heroes: Tom Cotton and Adam Kinzinger. McConnell will be the one to approve and pick the future leader of the party. The future will not be Trump or a Trump because they are toxic and insane. Trump has been a national embarrassment. Republicans are embarrassing America and the GOP Establishment ended Trump’s political career. The Swamp in Washington always wins!

  • Pastor Manning. Wow. Your point of view is so sad. Trump is just a man like you and me. You may say you are hearing from God, but with all due respect to you as a person, I strongly doubt you are hearing from The Almighty. Trump is the man God has selected for such a time as this to help this nation from being taken over by the globalists and their agenda of world domination. Since you are against what Trump stands for, the only other choice you have sir is to support the globalist one world government agenda by default. Supporting the satanic one world agenda is exactly what you are doing by attacking President Trump. Those of us who support him do so because we understand what is at stake at this time. Trump is the only US President who has ever had the courage to speak directly to the United Nations and declare that the USA will not submit to globalism. It is apparent to me that you are not well versed with the Book of Revelation even at a very basic level if you can’t see that globalism is what is also known as a one world government. The Antichrist will be its leader (Rev 13). If Trump was in favor of a globalist agenda, what you are saying could possibly have some truth to it. The truth is that his opponents, aka, Biden/Harris and the demon-crat party are the ones in favor of the globalist agenda and are sponsored by very elite and wealthy global powers. Trump is a David against a Goliath and you have chosen to side with Goliath. I will pray for your soul.