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  • Here is a donation of 3.5 million dollars. Here is some silver for you Manning. What I had was greater then silver in gold. But I shall give you a pearl worth about 3.5 million dollars. In this. It shall be your end. You have taken the little knowledge I have provided you about the elect in the spirit and tried to run with it for your own. It is fun watching you fall from grace but even then you still can’t help in you spirit of Judas to fulfill the will. You can be compared to Judas. As he betrayed Jesus and lead to the end of the Jewish age and entered into age. In your quest for worldy rewards you have attempted to usher in the end of the church age like Judas did for some pieces of silver. You sir are not holding the
    Mantel for John the babtist or Elisha. You sir the way you have taken just a little of my knowledge of the elect and attempted to harness it for yourself and your own worldy reward are like Judas. But yet you still can’t help to do will if God even though you wish to not to. So here is your pieces of silver. Are you ready for your worldy demise. Run with this oh money grabber. And we shall watch you sell your sole. It will be if great fun. Sell memberships to the elect on a certificate. One of 144,000 for twenty dollars. 2 of a 144,000. Twenty dollars. And so forth. And sign each one. I will send you Manning 20 dollars on my pay day tomorrow. You shall list me as one of the two first witnesses. As the first shall be last and the last shall be first. Which means I shall also be one of the last two witnesses. You had best sell yourself one of the first two. Then we will meet on the streets of jerusleum when this project is finished. Maybe by then you will have got your heart right. As I hand off to you a cool 3.4 million large. You will know when you see the elect system up and running God is alive and works through man for his glory. Be you Judas or the least in the Kingdom. You failed to offer to help when Jesus stood at your door and knocked about the elect. You opted to take little knowledge given unto you for your control and power. Now here is a simple idea for you to grub with. Your idiot brian could not think of. It is your Judas moment. I am going to give you 20 dollars or a bit of silver. You give me a certificate that I am number 1 or 2 out of 144,000 thousand members of the elect. Then I am going to flip it on you and show you the first is the last and the last is the first in this new economy. Grubber. Go do your dirty deed. Sell away the church age. Sell away the live and grace. Soon you will discover a works based system of which men like you would have absolutely no reputation in as you are a grubber and a slim slam man. Exposed. In the age to
    Come. Judas.