Over the years, I have made many statements condemning Donald Trump, as God has named him, Tribulation Trump, which is a dastardly name given by God saying that Donald Trump is the trigger for the tribulation.

But I want you to understand that I am not for either one of these men, Biden or Trump.

I don’t support either one of them.

I am not a Democrat, or a Republican, or an Independent, I’m the Lord’s servant.

And I am going to be saying truth about them both until the cows come home.

Some of you think I am either a Trump or a Biden supporter, and I am neither.

Let’s be clear on that.

I’m not for either one of them, and I will speak truth about both.

Do not try and suggest that I am.  Just keep listening.

Be clear on that.

And I would never be for BLM.

Every day I am going to get up and I am going to talk about the tribulation, and Donald Trump is the trigger of the tribulation, and his division and destruction isn’t over with yet.

I will call the shots the way I see them. I am for neither one.

I am against Obamacare and I think it needs to be struck down.

Jesus said, America, heal the sick, freely have you received and freely you shall give.

In the post 2020 election, I sent out a tweet, 50 million Christians voted for Tribulation Trump who has told 25,000 lies in 5 years.

Lie #1. Obama was legally born in Hawaii.

Lie #2. He has done more for black people except Abraham Lincoln.

Lie #3. Corona Virus is a hoax.

These Christians said that he had to lie, that it was a sacred duty that he lies to save the U.S.A.

There are now 70 million disciples of a liar.

Look at all the people that laid hands on this liar and prayed for him.

These are people laying hands on this liar.

We have both Japheth’s (white people) and Hamites (black people) laying hands on this liar.

They laid hands on this liar. All of them.

They know he’s a liar, but they say that God caused him to lie so that he could save America, and they laid hands on him.

All of them.

Look at the crowd of Southern Baptists laying hands on him.

Trump says he has done more for black people than anyone else except for Abraham Lincoln.

Can I talk to you? And you’ll listen?

In January of 2016, I invited Trump to come to Harlem, and we were going to rent the Apollo Theater and have him speak there.

And we were going to have college students and Harlemites come to hear him speak in Harlem.

He turned me down. He would not come.

Trump said years earlier, “I will never set foot in that ghetto called Harlem.”

But I thought the way to erase that was to get him here, and let him repent for that, and speak to the people of Harlem.

He turned me down.

I invited him to come and talk to the people he says that he has done so much for.

During his campaign years, and during his four years as president, Trump has never been to Africa.

Not one country in Africa.

In fact, he called Africa and particularly Haiti, “S***holes”.

Yes, he did.

You may recall that.

But for the president, who could have gone to Egypt or South Africa or Morocco, but he never talked about Africa, he never went to Africa, and he never set up any kind of relationship with Africa.

Yes, he says that he has done more for black people than anyone else, yet he has never been to Africa.

He must be magician.

I invited him to Harlem, and he would not come, yet he says he has done more for black people than anyone else.

I mean, come on.

Also, Trump has never donated money to Africa or Haiti or to any other nation of black people.

Not one time.

The ATLAH church has served over one million meals to black people.

Trump may have gotten 1 million black people to vote for him in this past election, but I have served a million meals to the hungry bellies of people who couldn’t feed themselves in the poverty-stricken region of Harlem in New York City.

I and this church has done that.

Over 1 million and counting meals to black people in this community.

He’s never served that many meals to anyone, black or white, but this church has.

So, when it comes to who has served more meals, who has visited Africa, and who has donated to Africa and Haiti more, myself and the ATLAH church are miles ahead of Trump.

But that isn’t all.

We have also educated children here at the ATLAH church.

I know he has given some to the black colleges, but who has done the most.

Going back to the early years of my ministry, children that were raised up and educated in this church, went off to law school, became lawyers, then came back to the church, and helped start programs.

We had another student graduate law school, and then another student graduated law school, in both Duke and Columbia Universities.

When you can set the atmosphere from the pulpit and the children grow up and go off to law school, then I think you have done pretty good.

We’ve educated students that have graduated St. Johns at both the graduate level and the under graduate level, and Fordham University, and New York University, and many other universities.

Over the past 30 years, we’ve done more than the historically black colleges have done.

So, Trump has not done more than anyone except Abraham Lincoln.

The millions of meals that we have served. The lawyers that we have produced. The doctors that are in school. The students that have gone to the best universities in the country.

I’ll stand toe to toe with Trump any day of the week.

Stop lying and stop saying that you have done more for black people than anyone else except Abraham Lincoln.

And you Southern Baptist disciples of this liar, stop lying!

I’ve done more through this church for black people than Trump has ever dreamed of.

And when he had the opportunity and the invite to come to Harlem to speak to the people that he allegedly has helped so much, he turned it down because of his racist, hate-filled ideology against black people, so stop the lie.

We want to put that lie to rest.

But not just that lie.

I also want to speak to the LGBTQ community.

I have baptized hundreds of both men and women suffering with AIDS, and many of them died.

And I have preached more funerals for people who died of AIDS in prison than most of you know.

I baptized them and brought them before the Lord to meet Jesus before they died of AIDS, and I took care of the children that they left behind.

My baptismal pool has been drenched with people that I baptized with AIDS.

I don’t accept homosexuality, but I still showed compassion toward those that were dying with AIDS, and they repented and accepted Jesus, and I baptized them.

Trump hasn’t ever baptized anyone with AIDS, and probably has never even been in the same room with anyone with AIDS, and yet you want to point your finger against me and call me a hater.

The reason why Trump said he wouldn’t go to Haiti is because he said they all have AIDS.

And yet I’ve gotten down in the water with them and baptized them without any protective gear.

Over the past 35 years, I have visited every hospital in New York City from Staten Island to Queens to Brooklyn to Bronx to Manhattan.

I have visited more than 15 prisons in the state of New York alone and have prayed with those people.

So, no, Trump has not done more for the black people than anyone else.

You need to shut your lying mouth,

Trump cannot even hold a candle to the black people I have helped, and yet you’ve got all these disciples who voted for you.

Trump has never prayed for the sick or visited or baptized or showed one ounce of compassion to the families that have lost loved ones because of AIDS.

At Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, I and this church held two racial reconciliation meetings to bring blacks, whites, and Jews together.

We did it twice, and we brought people from all over the nation to hear me preach a message of racial reconciliation.

People came by the bus loads and by the hundreds.

Yes, Trump had his rallies and his marches, but never did he have one at Gettysburg, at the great killing fields, to bring people together.

I’m insulted that you would say that you have done more than anyone for black people than James David Manning has, and I will not allow you to trample of the great work that my church, the ATLAH World Missionary church, has done.

And to all his supporters that go around talking about that he has done more for the black people than anyone else, shut your lying mouths.

The great work that Pastor Manning and ATLAH have done will not be trampled on by the likes of Donald Trump or his followers that parrot this lie.

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